شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Reply letter to an Iranian prisoner in Iraq
Muhammad Hamze'i
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۲۰ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۸۹ تا صفحه ۲۹۰
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
O God, You are Whom we worship and from Whom we seek help!
My dear mother,
This letter is intended for my honorable father. May peace be upon you, my dear father and guide, the source of my knowledge and possessor of the spirit of God! Although it is hard to comprehend your value, I will nevertheless present these words to your heart. I asked about your attribute from many things. The mountain said," He is more formidable than me." The sea said," He is more roaring than me." The sun said," He is loftier than me." Sometimes, when we expressed our humbleness and obeisance to you, you said to us, your sons:" If I were worthy, I would kiss your hands and arms. Do you know why I am talking poetically? You have seen a moth madly flying around the candle only to be connected with the light. I like that at the present and the reminiscence of the reunion is in my mind as I am far from him. But I can clearly see that if you master wills, perhaps I could see you soon and if not our rendezvous would be at the Pond with your mother, God willing. May God keep you. I entreat you to pray for me. Father, please forgive us. Tir 22,1366 AHS]
In the Name of God
My dear son,
Your letter which, thank God, indicated your wellbeing was received. It caused delight, on the one hand, and disappointment on the other. My dear, we are fine. I pray for you and your friends in captivity. We do not worry. This kind of affliction has been always there for the friends of God, and brings about loftiness of station and mercy. I hope that all could return to the country soon. Extend my greetings to your friends. May God grant you all fortitude and reward.
`Abd «1»
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه