شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Goodness in this world and the hereafter; attainment of proximity to God
Sayyid `Ali Khamane'i (Friday prayer leader of Tehran); `Ali Mishkini (Friday prayer leader of Qum); and members of the Central Secretariat and Friday prayer leaders throughout the country (both Sunni and Shi`ite)
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۲۰ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۷۲ تا صفحه ۳۷۳
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Interpreting the noble term, hasanah or goodness

At the beginning, I should complain about Mr. Mishkini's complains. I am too entangled with my own self, do not create other problems that can be piled up and cause us to retrogress. You pray so that we become real human beings. You pray so that we could perform at least the outward aspects of Islam. As our hands fall short of reaching those inner aspects, at least we could perform these outward aspects.
I regard it unnecessary to discuss something in the presence of the gentlemen. I pray and we are also supposed to be content with prayer. I pray for God Almighty to save us from the fetters of the carnal self. I say," O God! We are entangled; we have been entangled at our own hands; we are entangled with our souls and entangled with the wicked souls that go against Islam and the Muslims. Save us and everybody from all these entanglements. O God! You said that if we call You, You will answer our call:" O Lord! Give us the goodness in this world and the goodness in the hereafter". I should say that the goodness of this world is not that we amass wealth and riches; we should procure a station. There are so many points in this noble verse but I do not have the opportunity to mention them now. Yet, I briefly note, that" goodness" in this world every step he will take, every position he will acquire, in every grace that Almighty God will grant him, man should return them to their Owner. It is not goodness to make avail of every position and worldly gain that may come your way. There are many narrations in which many instances have been cited. There is no contradiction in these narrations. Only different aspects of the question have been elaborated on by the interpreters. But what I regard as plausible" goodness" is for us to gain proximity to God. We should understand what to do! If a position draws our attention to the world, this is not goodness. If we say prayers in order gain something- even in the hereafter- it cannot be called" goodness".
"Goodness" is that which would make us reach where our intellect fails to get.

Invitation to unity and shunning differences

You gentlemen are aware and I am not supposed to highlight the troubles we have these days. All propaganda operations are against us; the entire world has risen up against Islam. For the sake of God, and in order to attain our own goodness we should be united. All strata of the nation must be together; all the distinguished `ulama' and the Friday prayer leaders must be in unison; they should support one another, the government, the Majlis, the judiciary and the executive. They must serve the people. We are also serving. They are servants of God. Service to the servants of God is service to Him. And service to the servants of God today is that all must support Islam and Muslims, especially the oppressed people of the world and the noble nation of Iran wholeheartedly. The words of you gentlemen can influence people; your words are listened by the people. You should invite the people to forge unity; you should invite them to support one another, the government and the Majlis. People should not be drawn into dispute with each other and hopefully they will not do so. But you and all of us are duty-bound to invite the people to all these issues.
This world will slip out of our hands sooner or later, sooner for me while gradual for you. What will remain is goodness. This world is not the goodness that the prophets are looking for. And the absolute goodness is attainment of a station which we cannot comprehend. God will remain and what will remain from us is our goodness, which is everlasting. Of course, we should not despair of the mercy of God. We have shortcomings but God Almighty will compensate for them. God has promised mercy to us. His mercy encompasses the entire creation. All entanglements in the world emanate from this point- from man himself. It is man who is entangled and creates entanglement. It is this carnality of man that corrupts the world and that draws the world to perdition. I hope that God would shower His mercy upon us, include us among those who has been endowed with mercy, guide us to the straight path as He has stated and exclude us from those who earned His wrath and those who went astray, God willing.
May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه