شناسه مطلب صحیفه
Jamaran, Tehran
Reply to message of condolence on martyrdom of tens of Iranians as the result of downing of Iran's passenger plane by America
Husayn-`Ali Muntaziri
شناسه ارجاع:   
جلد ۲۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۶۶ تا صفحه ۶۷
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Honorable Ayatullah Muntaziri- may his graces last:
Your message was a soothing one for the pains of those who have received a blow from the Great Satan, the deceptive America. The liberal people of the world have always been hurt by the superpowers, especially the criminal America, and so long as they do not take their definite decision to confront the global kufr [disbelief] and shirk [polytheism] and the domineering America, every day they will witness new crimes (committed against them).
The noble nation of Iran must pay attention to the fact that today is the day of war and struggle against all the devils who are trampling on the lawful rights of all the barefooted of the world for their wining and dining as well as development of weapons so that they always rule over the world of the starving ones.
Our war today is not war against Iraq and Israel. Our war is not a war against Saudi Arabia and the sheikhs of the Persian Gulf. Our war is not war against Egypt, Jordan and Morocco. Our war is not a war with the superpowers of the East and the West. Our war is the war of our school of thought against all forms of oppression and tyranny. Our war is the war of Islam against all the inequalities of the capitalist and communist world. Our war is the war of barefootedness against the luxuries of the indolent wealthy and rulers of the Muslim countries. This war knows no weapon. This war is not confined by frontier and territory. This war knows no home base, sanctuary, defeat, and the bitterness of shortage, poverty and hunger. This war is the war of ideology and the war of revolutionary ideological values against the filthy world of force, money and hedonism. Our war is the war of sanctity, dignity, nobility and fortitude against all forms of dastardliness and foul play.
Our combatants are breathing in the world of conviction and faith and the world Muslims is aware that it is the war between arrogance and Islam will not allow the world-devourers to rest and will strike to all the palace-dwellers.
You, who are one of the assets of this revolution, has to spend your time in constructing a world of generosity and magnanimity with the support of Mr. Rafsanjani. «1» The noble people of Iran should beware that these days the unclean hands of the East and the West have joined to destroy Islam and Muslims. We should not allow the efforts of our revolutionary children go in vain at the warfronts. We should extend the hand of unity to one another for the implementation of the laws of dear Islam and move firmly and resolutely until the victory of Islam.
All the officials of the system should devote all their efforts to serving the war. These days we should endeavor to bring about far-reaching development in all issues related to the war. All should look toward the warfront for an all-out war against America and its followers. Today, skepticism in any form is a betrayal to Islam and negligence on the issues of war is a treachery to the Messenger of Allah (s). This humble servant is offering his unworthy life to the combatants in the scenes of warfare.
The explosion of the passengers' airbus «2» is an alarm for all air travels. We should try our best so that such painful scenarios would not happen again.
I extend my condolences to all members of the bereaved families in this tragedy and share with them in their sorrow and agony for the lost of their beloved ones. I pray for you and all those who are understanding effort for the attainment of the sacred objective of Islam. May God's peace and mercy be upon you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Tir 13,1367 AHS
سایت جامع امام خمینی رحمة الله علیه