مطلب مرتبط

بیانات در جمع ایتام کودک و نوجوان (جدیت در تحصیل)Soldiers who deserve the homelandSoldiers who deserve the homeland
شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Statements [Diligence in education and learning the divine sciences]

Diligence in education and learning the divine sciences
A group of orphaned children and youngsters
Imam khomeini's Sahife, Volume 6 page 341
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
I do not know how to express my grief at the sight of you. I usually do not easily get affected (by such sights), but now I have been moved by the sight of this group. I am your father. I «1» and I am your servant, my children. You are my own children. I am aggrieved by the oppression done to our nation, all the orphans and human beings. I do not know how I can convey the grief that I feel at the sight (of orphans).
May God be your support. God willing, may you be competent soldiers of Islam and your country in the future. May God render you prolific for the nation under the aegis of Islamic and Qur'anic upbringing and that of the Imam of the Time, may God's peace be upon him. I hold you all in high esteem. I am your servant and I hold you dear and in affection. You are of me and I am of you. God willing, you will be successful. Be diligent in studying and learning the divine sciences, as your diligence will edify yourselves. May God protect you. May you be in good health, God willing.
«۱»- In the ۲۲- volume Sahifeh-ye Imam, the sentence," I am the sign of God over this nation" which has been attributed to Imam Khomeini in this speech is erroneous and Imam Khomeini had denied having said it. The statement was made by one of those present after the Imam finished his words, and the following was made in response to the speaker.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 28 اسفند 1357

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