مطلب مرتبط

سخنرانی در جمع دبیران انجمن اسلامی آذربایجان شرقی (اصلاح فرهنگی)Why-Don’t-We-Have-Relations-with-AmericaWhy-Don’t-We-Have-Relations-with-America
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نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [Priority of Cultural Reforms - Concept of freedom and suffocation - colonialist link of superpowers]

Priority of Cultural Reforms - Concept of freedom and suffocation - colonialist link of superpowers
Islamic Association Member Teachers East Azarbayjan
Imam khomeini's Sahife, Volume 10 from page 250 to 254
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Cultural dependency release

What are up to you, teachers after revolution and all those in charge of education are to spare the brains westernized in the course of 50- or-so-year despotic regime and exotic hegemony. If a nation is to be salvaged, culture and universities must come in the category of salvage. As long as our brains remain reliant upon foreigners, none of the troubles mentioned can be elusive. Above all reforms, stands reform of" culture" and salvage of our youths from westernization. The West owns many helpful things exclusively, a small part of which along with a lot of felonies is exported to the East.

West exports cultural dependency, not knowledge and progress

What they export in the name of "knowledge," "culture" and "progress" differs from what they own. They think differently for the easterners. A few days or weeks ago one of the papers or magazines said the so and so drugs have been banned in America, but its third world exportation is no problem! The physicians going abroad for studies and license are given no right of occupation in the country of their education after they are graduated. They are said to practice medicine in their own lands! The education our youths receive, as they imagine it a progression, is not qualitatively proper. What is beneficial to all is never at our discretion. If there is education, it is trivial and, I need to say, a colonialist one. They make us dependent on everything and give us nothing. Now, we are generally assumed to be dependent in one way or another, above which is mental reliance. Much of the mentality of our youths, our aged men, our educated people and our intellectuals is west-oriented. In fact, it is U.S-oriented. Still, even those with no bad faith and an imagination of serving their country are dependent as they are not shown the right way and believe that we must obtain everything from the West. This dependency is sprung from all our dependencies. Our cultural dependency, if existing, is followed by economic, political and social dependency. All this exists.

Border of suffocation and freedom

You, teachers and all professors, consider the point that the West gives us no helpful things. It owns useful things but gives us naught and exports nothing. What it gives us or exports to us are means of leading our country to decadence. It exports freedom but the freedom of prostitution! Regrettably, Iranian people who are peace-monger stop things that ruin the country are subjected to objection of people who cry out that suffocating atmosphere governs the country! Suffocation means prevention of pens that week to secure the interests of your country, your nation and your Islam. If something detrimental to the society, to the revolution and to the country is stopped, this is not called suffocation. This implies prevention of corruption. These two borders should be separated. Impeding corruption and freeing the youths to enter brothel and turn to heroin, opium, gambles and the like is not called suffocation. It is named acting in favor of the youth. During the reign of the evil dynasty in Iran, certain things were free; whoever does whatever he wishes except intervening in national and personal affairs. They provide more of such freedoms! Brothels in large cities, particularly in Tehran, exceeded the healthy places. People said pubs were available more than bookshops! Gambling places and centers providing the ground for our children to commit fornication and to drive the boys and girls to fornication were free. These places were spread widely through advertisement. Television, radio, magazines and newspapers advertised these acts of corruption, which was reflected in their statements. This sort of propaganda was free to spoil our youths, but one pen was not free, the pens treating the nation's troubles. One tongue was not free, the one to talk about fate of the country. If one word were raised against them, one's fate would be decided by SAVAK.
They limited freedom to one front and cried," free women and free men"! They meant freedom of whatever kind, joining every center of prostitution.
Suffocation stood in another front for the pens that worked for interests of the country and Islam. They were not free but suffocated. Presently, you observe a few pens are pursuing similar policies. When a conspirator, whose conspiracy has been proven to nation, is obstructed, they raise canes that so and so happened! If prostitution is stopped, the gentlemen cry out that there is no liberty! They complain stormily of someone who does something beneficial to future of his country and ensures independence of the country, saying," Why is this so?" They want to exert censorship. There are people who are agents of censorship with their pens? These cannot force prevention of actions and they make censorship with their pens! They even censor the Assembly of Experts and lash out at it.

Roots of opponent's criticism

Upon examining the roots of criticism, one can see roots turn back to the fact that if this is settled, it is anti-imperialism and against their aims. This is the root but it is literally manifested another way. We are now entangled with such things and our youths are entangled in western dependency. We must join hands to let the trouble out. Forget the West. I thought if we could stretch out a wall, ground and aerial between the West and the East and among the Islamic nations just as China did, then, we would be rescued. If we excuse their progress, we obtain more benefits. We do not want even what is given to us in the name of "progress".

Relation with superpowers, relation of wolf and lamb!

You noticed how much of national reserves and budget is being expended for procuring warfare unusable by Iranians in time of Muhammad-Rida, the wretched traitor, who is said to be going to hell or, I do not know, if it is another plot. This is under consideration. Things of no use to us were purchased for making US bases. Our oil and riches were given and what was received in place? They made US bases in exchange for money of oil! Oil was taken; in return weapons or some things were given to us, things we were unable to use. In fact, they made us stand in need of experts and advisors. They made bases out of our money! They imported" progressive things" in this way. Let these things belong to them!
Do not think that they act in favor of us. Only simpleton people would think that they want to take us, easterners, one step forward toward progression! They do not want this to happen. The eastern nations must think of themselves and suffer no amnesia about the West. The easterners have to be engaged in improving their country. If we could stop our relation with them, it would be to our advantage. Do not imagine that our relations with America and, I do not know, with the Soviet Union are to our interest. This looks like wolf-lamb relation! That is disadvantageous to lamb. They want to seize from us instead of giving us. They voice this kind of pill is forbidden there! Take it to the east to be sold. What are they thinking of us? The pill forbidden there is perhaps harmful because otherwise it would not be banned and could be sold in there!

False upholders of human rights

What do they think of state of the East and third world? How do they imagine? These are the people that have assemblies for the "human rights" and, I do not know, even the rights of animals! Yet, all these assemblies are held for protecting their own rights in the name of human rights while trampling upon our rights. They say rights of animals should be kept; in fact, they support animals. One group says of support of animals but thousands of people and hundred millions of people in other cities are set ablaze, in Vietnam for instance! Another group talks about" human rights,"but they trample upon human rights. Unfortunately, we believe these things and our speakers advocate them and their human rights proclamation! Human rights can be founded by Islam whose heads are people like `Ali Ibn Abitalib rather than those who devour mankind and call it "human rights"!

Necessity for east to be awakened from slumber

The easterners must be awakened of their long slumber. We must wake up of the negligence; otherwise, we will fall bait to them. Colleges must be enlightened. From primary schools to universities, the western mentality must be cleansed, so the easterners could stand on their feet. If they do not do so and remain dependent, nothing is improved. The main threat is mental dependency with an imagination that everything they have comes from the West. Once someone is sick, one never calls on doctors here; one immediately travels to America or England! It is impossible here! A group of our physicians attended this place. I told them what our universities have been doing up to now that one sick person must go up to the West for treatment! They said they could treat sick people but the people have changed their attitudes. Thoughts of this kind lead our nation to decadence and that everything must be coming from there and dependent on there. Since our automobiles, electricity and, I do not know, what the hell, come from there, our culture must come from there as well! Sir, know that they want no interests for us. They try to make us meaner than animals! They attempt to bring us up in a western way and work for them. Otherwise, we remain underdeveloped and they can take away everything we have. The East must be awakened! It has to keep a different account for its own than that of the West's as much as it can. This could be done to the end of it; it is possible and if it is not, at least its culture must be released.

Saving the deluded youths

Save our youths! The states are obligated to spare our youths. The universities are dutiful to rescue the youths. Regretfully, there are people, ubiquitous all around universities, training centers, deserts, Kurdistan and Balouchestan being dependent on them, on America and the like. These are the people who are fed by them and serve them; besides, where can our youths bring money? They say two or three thousand employees are paid this much per head not to work! What money do they have? Where has the money come from? It comes from there for them, where have the weapons, now at work in Kurdistan come from? Are they actually, the people who serve their own land? They must be asked where they had brought the weapons. O' "People's Devotees"! Where did you bring the arms? When uproar is raised in Kurdistan, you go up there. Having failed to act, you move up, as reported, to Rasht, Anzali and around there. Where do you bring the money and arms? Is it not from foreigners? In case, our youths receive money and arms from the outsiders to plague the country, they are highly traitors. Nevertheless, they show themselves as intellectuals and kill people, declaring that the Islamic Republic is killing Kurds! The Islamic Republic is not after murdering them but helping them out of their hands.
These are part of the problems, but I give you good news of victory. I herald you that this is the state of our nation, the state of enlightenment as a result of which they lose and you win. Move forward with strength and power of thought and will, as you are victorious. They have been repelled with no return, God willing. I hope God will grant you success. May God give us luck to follow aims of Islam! All should know that if you take refuge in Islam, all things would go fine. In case you stepped forward with the help of" God is the Greatest," you are successful with the same august word, God willing.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 04 آبان 1358

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