شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Appreciating Muslim workers and their diligence]

Shemiran, Darband, Tehran
Labor Day
Appreciating Muslim workers and their diligence
The nation of Iran
جلد ۱۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۳۱ تا صفحه ۲۳۲
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
I congratulate the Labor Day to the laborious nation, particularly the laborers. Laborers form the most worthiest and useful class of the society. The great wheal of human societies is rotated by the powerful hand of laborers. The subsistence of a nation is indebted to the work and labor of a worker. Work cannot be briefed in a particular movement.
Likewise, a worker cannot be confined to a particular group. As such, the Worker's Day is a day for the entire nation- not to a particular part of it.
The terrorists acts and the terrorist workers are an exception. They create hurdles and impediments for them under the pretext of support to the workers. Behind the curtain of support to villagers, they set fire to the heap of corn which is the result of one year's toil of them. In the plants, they perform the acts of terrorists under the mask of service to workers. They attack by weapons the people under a pretext of service. They unmanly perform explosions in the public gatherings where mostly laborers and workers assemble. The noble nation saw in these explosions that took place in Tehran mostly the workers they were that got martyred. The wounded ones too were from the same class.
In this armed appraisal around the country and in colleges, in Ahwaz, the hand of treacherous America was behind. These groups who are antagonists to the oppressed people, their identity will soon appear to the sight.
The Worker's Day is the day of burial of the domination of big powers. By the means of work and labor, the oppressed class will regain its independence in its all dimensions. The big powers- man hungry and world hungry- will be denuded of their arms and weapons. It seems that these explosions one after the other cannot be without a link to this day of workers. If our noble nation wants our revolution to prosper, it should raise the sleeves to stick to work. All should do the same- the colleges, bazaar, plants, farms and gardens till self-sufficiency is attained. It should stand on its own feet. Our Muslim nation should trust in Divine power.
They should not get terrified of these explosions done by the treacherous groups affiliated to foreigners. They are digging their own and their master's graves by their mischievous, malevolent and malefic acts.
The writers and the orators of our nation should make the people aware of the facts by their tongue and pen. They should make things clear for our youths so that they may not have any more fear of such misdeeds. Our youths are the men of martyrdom and courage and bravery. The hired pens cannot injure them. Mr. Carter has experienced from fighting with highway robbery and from military intervention to secrecy and explosion. These things have paralyzed him and weakened him. His shrewd and astute associates have deserted him. They doubt in his military power. He, being such a creature himself, wants to terrify a brave nation.
O, nation! Be mindful and vigilant! You should recognize and spot out the addle roots of the past regime and introduce them to the police and guards of Sepah and Committees. Have trust in God. Refrain from differences and divisions. God is with you. God's hand is above all hands.
I request all the classes of the nation that are committed should give up traducing and taunting, scalping and scathing the Islamic organization particularly the security forces.
On the other hand, try to be strong than them morally. I wish the unity of word among the Muslim nations and among the classes of the warrior nation of Iran from God.
Peace be on the righteous servants of God.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Ordibehesht 10,1359 AHS

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 10 اردیبهشت 1359

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