مطلب مرتبط

پیام به مسلمانان ایران و جهان در روز جهانی قدس (بیدارباش به مسلمین)Waiting for the dawnWaiting for the dawnThe decline of the star of the arrogantThe decline of the star of the arrogantSupporting the Holy QudsSupporting the Holy QudsFalling downFalling down
شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Warning the world Muslims to stand up against imperialism and Zionism]

Jamaran, Tehran
International Quds Day
Warning the world Muslims to stand up against imperialism and Zionism
Muslims and oppressed people of Iran and the world «1»
Imam khomeini's Sahife, Volume 15 from page 53 to 56
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The last Friday of the blessed month of Ramadan has been designated as the Quds Day and in the last 10 days of Ramadan might be the night of Gadr, a night whose revival is a divine tradition and whose value is greater than one thousand months of the hypocrites. It is a night at which the fate of the people is laid down. Quds Day that coincides with the night of Gadr, must be revived among Muslims and must act to awaken and aware the people and help bring them out of their country-long slumber so that this day of awakening and awareness would be higher than the tens of years of the superpowers and hypocrites of the world, and the Muslims of the world would take their own destiny in their own hands. At the night of Gadr Muslims can set themselves free from the bondage of other than God: that is the devils from among the djinns and human beings, and yield in to God's servitude by keeping vigil and saying prayers. On Quds Day, which is one of the last days of the great month of God, it is fitting for all Muslims of the world to come out of the bondage and slavery of the Great Satan and superpowers and join the eternal power of God, curtailing the grip of the criminals of history from the oppressed peoples countries and cutting their thread of greed.
Oh, Muslims and the oppressed people of the world, stand up and take hold of your destiny. How long are you going to sit and let you destiny be determined by Washington and Moscow? How long must your Quds remain crushed by the yoke of the scums of America, the occupying Israel? How long will the lands of Quds, Palestine, Lebanon and the oppressed Muslims remain under the domination of the criminals while you stand aside and watch and some of your traitorous rulers add fuel to the fire? Hoe long should about one billion Muslims and almost one hundred million `Arabs with vast countries and endless resources witness plunder, oppression and genocide by the West and the East and their scums? How long will they bear the heinous crimes against Afghan and Lebanese brothers without responding to their call? How long are we going to avoid confronting the enemies of Islam, neglect firearms, military and divine power to save Jerusalem, resort to politicking and other conciliatory methods, give respite to Israel to commit crimes and be witness to genocide? Do not these heads know and have not they seen that political negotiations with the powerful politicians and the habitual criminals will not save Jerusalem, Palestine and Lebanon and everyday crimes and oppression are on the increase?
In order to save Jerusalem doctrines based on faith and the power of Islam must be used and the political games which smack of compromising with and pleasing the superpowers discarded. Muslim nations and especially Palestinian and Lebanese nations must warn those who spend time on political maneuvers and not yield political games which result in nothing except causing harm to the oppressed nations. How long should the powerful Muslims be mesmerized by he false myths of Eastern and Western liars and be intimidated by their empty propaganda trumpets? How long Muslims should remain negligent of the power of Islam? Muslims brought about the great conquests and developments in half a century with hands empty of war weapons and with heart imbued with faith and tongue chanting God the Greatest and laid the foundation of Islam and monotheism in the then powerful world. If these victories and developments, which are recorded in history, are not in the sight of Muslims, the victory of the fighting nation of Iran with the motivation of the soldiers of early years of Islam whose weapon was faith, is shinning in the eyes of everyone. The people and Muslims of the world saw how the brave Iranian nation launched a revolution in the face of the superpowers of the time and their foreign and domestic associates without war weapons and brought to fruition the glorious Islamic revolution despite all problems and drove out the historical criminals from their beloved country and foiled the plots brewed by the U. S., rightists and leftists one after the other with heart filled with faith and belief. Women, men, the young and old intrepidly entered the scene to determine the destiny of their country. Today, with the grace of God, the organs of the Islamic Republic have been set up by individuals committed to the ideology and believing in the Islamic Republic, who have driven out the mischief-makers and the plotters. Despite propaganda operations handled by the U. S., the Zionists and those who received a slap on the cheek from the revolution, Iran is today moving from towards ultimate construction. This is a lesson for the Islamic countries and the oppressed people of the world to discover their Islamic power and not to fear the drunken brawls of the East and West, their associates and their scums. By trusting in God and relying on the power of Islam and faith, they should rise up and drive out the criminals, place the liberation of Jerusalem on top of their agenda, cast off the ignominy of being under the domination of the Zionists who are the U. S. dregs, and keep the Quds day alive. It is hoped that by keeping this day alive, the apathy and inattentiveness would fade away and that by uprising of honorable nations, some treacherous heads of states who have joined hands with Israel and succumbed to the dictates of America and still carry on with their disgraceful political and criminal life and against the interests of Muslims, would be driven out of scene, to be buried in the dustbin of history. The usurping rulers who took side with the infidels in the war between the infidels like Israel and Saddam and Muslims, and deal blows to Islam and Muslims must be stripped of ruling the Muslims. The honorable nations of Iraq, Egypt and other countries under the domination of hypocrites, must rise up, disregard the corrupt propaganda machinery presenting these criminals as Muslims, and not shallow powers of these traitors.
Muslims and people of the world saw how Saddam, theU. S. mercenary, attacked Iran which thinks of nothing except Islam and the interests of Muslims, but got knocked on his head so strongly that he is now begging the heads of `Arab states and is looking for refuge in Israel as a way to escape so as to be saved from the inevitable downfall. The Iranian nation along with the brave armed forces have dealt such a blow to him and to his criminal followers that there is no escape short of surrender or downfall and his idiotic ruses and the Zionist propaganda trumpets will not save him.
The Iranian nation and government, the parliament and the armed forces who are today standing in a single line with Islam and divine unity, are determined to stand up against any satanic power transgressing upon human rights, defend the oppressed people, support Lebanon and the dear Quds (Jerusulem) until restoration of the Quds and Palestine to the fold of Muslims. Muslims of the world should look upon Quds Day as the day of Muslims if not all the oppressed people of the world and from this critical point stand up against the arrogant powers and world-devourers and never sit by until liberation of the oppressed people from the tyranny of the powerful ones. The oppressed people, who constitute the overwhelming majority of the world, should rest assured that God's promise is near fulfillment and the jinxed star of the superpowers is on the wane. The nation of Iran, dear sisters and brothers know that the great revolution of Iran is unique and characterized by great values, chief among them being its commitment to ideology and the Islamic values for which the grand prophets rose up. It is hoped that this revolution will serve as a divine spark to cause explosion among tyrannized masses, culminating in the dawning revolution of the savior (may our souls be sacrificed for him). The honorable Iranian people who have accomplished such a great revolution should ever more struggle to keep it up and establish their presence ever more diligently in materializing the divine justice. My dear ones you should note that the more valuable a revolution is, it will become more necessary to make sacrifices in order to actualize it. A revolution in the cause of God and for establishing divine government is the same for which grand prophets made sacrifices and the Holy prophet of Islam made great sacrifices, devoting all his energy to its promotion up to the last moments of his blessed life. The great Imams of Islam sacrificed everything they had for the same purpose. We who consider our sieves to be the followers of Muhammad (s) and the immaculate Imams (`a) and as their people should follow in their footsteps and endure the problems with revolutionary patience for the sake of the right path and not fear the sabotages worked by fraudulent people in whom we can see the traces of defeat and weakness. We should sacrifice for right path and the great Islam just as the grand prophets and Imams did. God is on the side of Mujahideen and oppressed people. Salutation to the beloved Islam, to those struggling in cause of the truth, to the martyrs in the cause of God throughout history, to the martyrs of Iran, Palestine, Lebanon and Afghanistan and to the Muslim combatants fighting in the fronts of right against wrong. God's peace is upon the righteous servants of God.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
«۱»- The text of Imam Khomeini's message on the occasion of International Qods Day (the last Friday of the blessed month of Ramadan) was read by his son, Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini, to hundreds of thousands of fasting people who had marched in the street and gathered at Tehran University campus, the venue for performing the Friday Prayers.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 10 مرداد 1360

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