شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [Seizing the opportunity and paving the ground for self-sufficiency]

Husayniyyah Jamaran, Tehran
Martyrdom of Imam Muhammad-Taqi (`a)
Seizing the opportunity and paving the ground for self-sufficiency
Murtada Nabawi (Minister of post, telegraph and telephone), board of directors and managers of the Telecommunications Company
جلد ۱۶ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۲۲ تا صفحه ۴۲۳
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Encouraging innovators and paving the ground for self-sufficiency
Reciprocally, I condole you on the martyrdom of Hadrat Imam Muhammad-Taqi (`a).
In your remarks you «1» noted that the activities formerly done by foreigners are now done by the gentlemen engaged in the telecommunications company. We should truly regret how much we suffered during the reign of these two criminals. «2» If they had permitted the people and scientists to handle the affairs and encourage the people, the country would not have been in such a state. We should now take this opportune time and work for Islam and the Islamic country and improve our living standards.
Today, people are aware of the situation of the government and you need people to support you. The government cannot do anything without the people's support. Each and every ministry should bear in mind that it should keep people content for God's gratification. If you review the 50- year-long history of the monarchical regime, «3» then you will know what your duty is towards the people and what it means to be without the nation. All of us should work to serve the masses of people who have been deprived in the course of history. The government should give priority to people and encourage the brains who are engaged in academic work. The government should take the opportunity and encourage people to carry out the works. We will then gradually reach a station that we no longer need foreigners. These individuals certainly need your encouragement. You should think of working for God so that the outcome of your work will be immortal. Know that whatever work you do and the people make Islamic and cultural use of it, you will reap its benefits even if you are no longer around. You should examine those whom you select for work in telecommunications; they should be committed to Islam, not in word, but in action. Today everyone claims to be pious and committed to Islam. Beware that although all are struggling to pinpoint thee munafiqin and leftist terrorists, there might be infiltrators who want to disturb the situation and create unrest for the nation and the government or sell the country's secrets to foreigners and eavesdrop in the telecommunications company.
I hope God will sanction you to serve this deprived people and preserve this government, this Majlis and people for you and us.
May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
«۱»- Mr. Murtada Nabawi, Minister of post, telegraph and telephone. «۲»- Rida Khan and his son Muhammad-Rida Pahlavi. «۳»- Iran's Pahlavi monarchical dynasty. Rida Khan Pahlavi established the dynasty according to the plan of the British government in ۱۳۰۴ AHS. After the deposal of Rida Shah by the allied forces, his son, Muhammad Rida Pahlavi, ascended the throne as the second and last king of the Pahlavi dynasty. Following an all-out and nationwide uprising of the people of Iran under the leadership of Ayatullah Khomeini», the Pahlavi dynasty was toppled in ۱۳۵۷ AHS.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 27 شهریور 1361

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