مطلب مرتبط

پیام به رزمندگان و ملت ایران (مقامات معنوی رزمندگان- تجلیل از ایثارگران)I feel envious...I feel envious...
شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [In praise of the spiritual status of the combatants and the position of the martyrs and self-sacrificing individuals]

Jamaran, Tehran
Anniversary of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution (Ten-Day Dawn)
In praise of the spiritual status of the combatants and the position of the martyrs and self-sacrificing individuals
Combatants and exalted families of the martyrs and the people of Iran «۱»
Imam khomeini's Sahife, Volume 17 from page 282 to 285
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
With the arrival of the Day of God- of the twenty-second of Bahman- anniversary of the defeat of evil and the army of Satan at the hands of the righteous army of God, if we the writers, orators and narrators were to evaluate the worth of the accomplishments of these martyrs and the disabled in the way of God and their sacrifices, and the magnitude of the ramification of these martyrdoms and self-sacrifices, we might have to confess our incapacity. We are undoubtedly helpless and incapable of even evaluating their spiritual, humanitarian and divine aspects. Those who are unaware of such love for meeting with God and martyrdom and their spiritual and inner manifestations whose reward is this sort of love and who until the end of their lives are like my feeble self, prisoners to the trappings of nature and the satanic temptations are incapable of reaching the lofty summit of these divine and miraculous upheavals. Thus, we refer a priority to some of the evident and apparent aftermath although it is not possible to evaluate them from all angles. If you investigate the Revolution and the conditions that necessitate a revolution by a nation and look at it thoroughly, impartially and unbiased, you shall notice what anarchy and divisiveness occurs throughout a revolutionary country. It takes long years to establish the minimum of discipline and control and at least for a long period, shortages, chronic illnesses and clashes throughout the country and plundering, killings and lootings and robberies and moral corruptions and very many other problems confront it- and this is in case the revolution is reliant on one or a few powers. However, Iran, considering the composition of the Islamic Revolution where Islam was the unanimous agenda and the Revolution was popular and independent, prior to its final victory and while the government of the former regime was in power, it established the Revolution Council with a few devoted individuals and likewise, the interim government. In a brief period, it held several referendum and elections and the republican system was established and there was no news of any shortages. Centers of vice, liquor parlors, brothels, gambling and immoral houses were swiftly removed. What the minor groupings especially, the munafiqin who with an agreeable facade joined the Revolution and began to collect and steal weapons and ammunitions and the unaccounted properties of the people in a hypocritical manner and with those same weapons confronted the people, created was defeated in a relatively short time. What they left behind is the same thing, which the big and small countries of the world that are at peace are confronted with such types of clashes and explosions. There is not a day when in one of the countries of the so-called civilized countries of Europe and America and the rest of the continents, an explosion does not occur and Iran is no exception in this case except with a far lesser magnitude. This spiritual and material triumph is indebted to the Islamic character of the Revolution and it being a popular one and the devotion of the people to Islam and to the enormous spiritual transformation that God created miraculously among this nation. This includes very dear youth throughout the country who suddenly and with a lightning spiritual and moral transformation and with the merciful assistance of the Hand of the Divine Truth, delivered themselves from the swamp that was created for them by the global arrogance. It manifested itself through the sleeves of the likes of Rida Khan and Muhammad-Rida Khan and the rest of the stooges of the West or East; they traversed in a single night the distance of a hundred years. What the mystics and the mystical poets aspired in the course of long years, they attained suddenly and they gave true meaning to the slogan of love for meeting with God and they recorded in deed in the frontlines of defense of the beloved Islam, their aspiration for martyrdom. This massive spiritual transformation at such an unprecedented speed cannot be explained except that it was by the grace of the Compassionate and Loving God.
When I witness these beloved youth that tearfully plead with me who is left behind to pray for their martyrdom, I despair of myself and feel ashamed of myself in their presence. When I look at the numerous photographs of these iridescent and newly adolescent youth and see their human values and divine status, I feel envious of them for being so distant from their status. When I come across the parents of these martyred youth and young adults and witness that unimaginable courage and gallantry from them, I feel humiliation. I congratulate the blessed presence of the great Prophet of Islam- may God's peace be upon him- and the Twelfth Imam- may souls be sacrificed for him- for such a nation and such devoted and holy warriors and am thankful to the Exalted God for His trusteeship and protection of the nation. Today, the great Islam is witness to the sacrifices and martyrdom that the world with all its deviant propaganda and boundless interferences is compelled to bow down its head and this is a gentle breeze, which has begun to blow from the spirituality of Islam in this oppressed country in the course of the monarchial oppression. It is hoped that the benevolent God increases this divine breeze and bestows it on all the oppressed and troubled countries. May the slumbering governments of the Muslim countries awaken and become aware of their divine, moral and humanitarian obligations and refrain from further obstinacy and become repentant. Otherwise, it may be too late to go back from treason to Islam and Muslim countries and from warring with a country that has and shall sacrifice all it has in the path of Islamic and divine objectives. Today, they must compensate for their past mistakes for tomorrow may be late. They have clearly seen and heard right from the beginning of the aggression of the American Saddam on the Muslim country until now, his disgraceful defeats and are still in a state of blindness. We all know that the style of the mass media affiliated to the global plunderers is to portray the opposite of what is happening in Iran to the world; they attribute all that is undeserving to this revolutionary country that wants to be free and independent- which, too, they attribute in an exaggerated manner.
Today, the world is hostage to world-devourers and looters that are setting countries on fire and plundering them and is also hostage to their associates that sacrifice the interests of their own nations and countries to those of the superpowers. Likewise, it is captive to the organizations that are handpicked by the global powers especially America who with the meaningless names of `Security Council' and `Amnesty International' and human rights and such hollow words that serve the superpowers. They are in fact the administrators of their orders and objectives and are delegated to persecute the oppressed and downtrodden of the world in favor of the big global plunderers.
We all know and you know that Saddam since the past three years by launching his savage attack on Iran, has engaged in killing and pillaging. From the start until now, he has been holding parts of our country's territory and is engaged in committing treason against innocent people while not even once have these organizations condemned him. Saddam falsely proposed peace at a time when Iran was being oppressed under the aggression of the bloodthirsty men of Saddam. With this satanic objective, he intended to occupy Khouzestan province as soon as possible and by holding a large amount of oil resources and with the support of the global plunderers, and intended to wreak havoc on the region. This is because the arrogant devil in him recognizes no limits and boundaries and until the region is not cleansed of his existence, it will not witness any security. We all know that every day, the hands of Saddam is tainted with the blood of hundreds of our innocent people but the mass media and the organizations affiliated to the superpowers especially America, go out of their way to praise and support the peace-loving attitude of Saddam. This is while the desire for peace of Saddam and the attempts by America to create security in the world and also the attempts by the other plundering powers and the so-called supporters of human rights are done with the same objective. As long as the world is afflicted with these `peace-loving' and `security-loving' and `supporters of human rights', it shall never see the light of peace and security. The aspirations of humankind shall never be realized; rather humanity shall attain freedom and happiness only by the blessing of the monotheistic doctrines and their true believers and not with the Christian, Jewish and so-called Islamic governments. Those that are dependent and bonded with satanic powers are not less harmful but are more harmful than the superpowers for the nations involved. Lovers of reality and sympathizers of humankind must find a solution to this dangerous affliction. I pray to the Exalted God to deliver the people of the world from the evil of these oppressors and to bestow greater peace and security. I pray that He grants our country its aspiration, which is the appearance of His Holiness Mahdi- may our souls be sacrificed for him- the establisher of justice and equality and peace in the world. I pray that our martyrs be honored with the blessings that are reserved for the exclusive to His Court and to grant immediate cure to our beloved injured and disabled. I pray that He delivers our beloved prisoners of war and missing-in-action from the evil of the men of Saddam and returns them to their own country. I pray that He grants those left behind of the martyrs especially their fathers and mothers and spouses and all their near and dear ones patience and reward and to grant victory to our gallant combatants.
May God's peace be upon His righteous servants.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
(۱) - Text of the message of Imam Khomeini was read out by Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini at a large gathering of eminent families of martyrs, combatants and officials of the Islamic Republic who had converged on the" Tehran Mahdiyah" on Thursday, Bahman ۲۱, for commemorating the victory anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 21 بهمن 1361

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