شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Statements [Main goal-sovereignty of Islam]

Jamaran, Tehran
Main goal-sovereignty of Islam
Fuqaha and jurists of the Guardian Council
جلد ۱۸ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۰۰ تا صفحه ۲۰۲
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Meaning of recanting verdict among fuqaha

What is important is that we want to implement the issues in accordance with the Islamic rules. If we have made a mistake previously we should announce outright that we have made a mistake. Recanting one's fatwa among the fuqaha is the same. When a faqih reconts his fatwa, it shows he has made a mistake and admits to it. The fuqaha of the Guardian Council and members of the Supreme Judicial Council should also act like this. If they make a mistake, they should acknowledge it and take back their words. We are not infallible. Before the revolution, I thought that there would be competent pious people to run the affairs according to Islam after the victory of revolution. Therefore, I announced repeatedly that the clerics should go to perform their own works. However, I saw later that this is not the case. Most the individuals were incompetent and realized the words I made were not correct and immediately announced that I had made a mistake. It is because we want to implement Islam. In this connection, I may have said something yesterday and today something else and tomorrow another thing. It is meaningless that I argue that since I have said so yesterday, I should insist on what I have said. Today I say that as long as the rules of Islam have not been implemented and we have not competent individuals to act according to Islam, the `ulama' should be engaged in their works. It is not a dignity for `ulama' to become president or hold other posts. They accept these positions out of a sense of duty. Concisely, one thing should not be forgotten: we all want Islam to be implemented.

Concern over repetition of Constitutional Movement

Today I have no concern since I know most of the individuals and know that most of them are committed and religious. My concern is that we may show laxity and not give the necessary care in the process of implementing Islam. As aresult, me can be in trouble later. Do not let the constitutional movement be repeated. At that time, the gentlemen struggled and set up the constitutional movement, but a number of despotic politicians turned out to be advocates of the constitutional movement and took over the government. Each term of the Majlis was worse than the previous one. Today I have no fear. I am worried that maybe we cannot hand down these issues to the next group in a powerful manner. I am also worried that we maybe cowed by what foreigners say and show laxity in implementing the divine rules. We have to hand everything down to the next group in a powerful manner, and they have to try to deliver them to the next group with same vigor. We should reinforce the foundation and deliver it to the next group so that we are not to blame before God. We should not show a bit of laxity and not fear what certain radios and foreign government says. Radios should insult us. The day when the US admires us, we should mourn. The day when Carter and Reagan admire us, it becomes clear something wrong has been found among us. They should insult and we should firmly carry out our works. The Guardian Council should only consider God without regard for anyone. The primary laws should be implemented. The day when some emergency arises, the secondary laws that are also laws of God should be enforced. The foundation should be firm from today.

Preventing bullies from interfering in elections

The Guardian Council, the Supreme Judicial Council, Majlis and the government should act in a way to lay a solid foundation. If we want to be committed to Islam, we should consider the future and correct it. Try not to show laxity as they did in the case of constitutional movement. Thank God, today is not like the constitutional movement time when the good were in minority. You are in majority and a few are devious. Previously, I talked about the elections and said everything should be based on Islamic standards. The individuals to be appointed should be from among those who are useful Islam and Islamic Republic; they should believe in the fact that Islam is good. They may utter something without actually believing as in the case of the early days of the revolution when many professed Islam. Obviously, official non-Muslim minorities will be chosen according to the law. Therefore, people should try to identify the individuals whom they want to elect, consider their record beformmed after the revolution and then vote. Therefore, the point is that the person himself should be good. That he belongs to certain group or party; he comes from bazaar, or is a man of knowledge is not important qualifications. The major thing is the standards set by law and Islam. We should preserve the Majlis.
The first term of Majlis in the constitutional movement was not bad and perhaps it was good, but later it gradually reached where they themselves appointed the individuals. We should therefore way that the second term should be better than the first one. People should participate in greater numbers; they should be present in the political arena and not be impressed by anyone. People should consult with `ulama' and the people they trust. Then they should vote any one they like. People should not withdraw. If people withdraw us will all suffer defeat. People should not let bullies and incompetent individuals interfere. If a canon gets together and chooses incompetent individuals, people should not vote for them. If people do not realize, Majlis should not accept them. The entire people are obliged to participate in the elections and not be impressed by anyone. They should vote only after making sure who is useful for Islam. If one is in doubt or if deviants have applied to run for elections, people should not vote. We should preserve our Majlis so that it will serve as a basis for a good government. If people are dissatisfied with me, they should not be disillusioned with Islam. I have made a mistake; it has nothing to do with Islam. If people want Islam, independence, liberty and freedom from captivity to the east and west, they should participate in the elections and be present in the scene. If an oppressor carries out an offence, it should not be attributed to Islam. Therefore, we should act in a manner that both oppression and oppressors vanish. If we see some offences have been done in this period and some people have been wronged, we should redouble our efforts to eliminate oppression and wrongdoing, not retreat and leave the scene. If we leave the scene, oppression will increase. We should therefore strengthen our gathering and be present in the scene in greater numbers. May God grant you power and happiness!
May God's peace and mercy be upon you!

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 20 آذر 1362

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