مطلب مرتبط

پیام به ملت ایران و بسیجیان سلحشور در هفته بسیج (نقش و منزلت بسیج)Basij is not only confined to IranBasij is not only confined to IranWhy-Don’t-We-Have-Relations-with-AmericaWhy-Don’t-We-Have-Relations-with-America
شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Role and station of the Basij]

Jamaran, Tehran
Basij's Week
Role and station of the Basij
Iranian nation and the combatant Basijis
Imam khomeini's Sahife, Volume 21 from page 189 to 191
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
Certainly, the formation of the Basij in the Islamic Republic of Iran was a blessing favored by God to the dear nation and the Islamic Revolution of Iran.
At the various events, especially the war after the victory of the revolution, there were many institutions and groups that ensured the country and the Islamic Revolution through their sacrifice, sincerity, devotion, and martyrdom. Yet, if we really want to present a perfect meaning of sacrifice, sincerity, devotion and love of God and Islam, was there anyone more deserving than the Basij?! Basij is a pure and fruitful tree whose blossoms give out the aroma of spring, the freshness of certainty and the story of love. Basij is the school of love and the academy of martyrdom. Its anonymous martyrs, whose followers have recited on top of its towering minaret the call to martyrdom and valor. Basij is the locus of the barefooted and ascension of the pure Islamic thought whose trained ones have gained name and fame in having no name and fame. Basij is the sincere army of God whose organizational account has been endorsed by the mujahidin (jurists and religious authorities) from the beginning up to the end.
I always envy the sincerity and purity of the basijis and pray to God to enlist me among the basijiis. In this world, my honor is to be a basij. I would like to recall to the honorable nation of Iran and the officials that, whether in war or in peace, the greatest simplemindedness is that we would imagine that the world-devourers, America and the Soviet Union in particular, have lifted their hands from us and the dear Islam. We should not be negligent of the trick of the enemies even for a moment. Trick and enmity toward the pure Muhammadan (s) Islam surge in the very nature and essence of America and the Soviet Union. We must be equipped with the powerful arm of patience and faith in order to break the waves of storms and seditions and to thwart the torrent of calamities. All the members of a nation, which is in the line with the pure Muhammadan (s) Islam and opposing the arrogance, money - worship, narrow-mindedness, and sanctimoniousness, must be basijis (mobilized). They should be acquainted with the necessary military and defensive techniques because at the time there is a threat to an honorable and enduring nation, majority of them should have the necessary combat preparedness.
In a nutshell, if the melodious tune of basiji thought was resonated on a country, the covetous eyes of the enemies and world-devourers would become far from it; otherwise, every moment any eventuality must be expected. As in the past, Basij must continue with force and certainty of mind. Today, one of the most indispensable organizations is the student and seminary Basij. The students of theology and students of universities should exert their utmost efforts in defending the revolution and Islam in their respective centers. My Basiji children in these two centers should be the guards of the unalterable principle of" neither East nor West". Today, the university and the seminary are more in need of unity and solidarity than any other time and place. The children of the revolution should never allow the agents of America and the Soviet Union to penetrate these two places. It is only through the Basij that this important task can be accomplished. Ideological issues of the basijis are on the shoulder of these two academic bastions. The seminary and the university should place the frameworks of the pure Muhammadan (s) Islam at the disposal of all members of the Basij. The basijis of the Muslim world should think of the establishment of grand Islamic government. This is possible because Basij is not only confined to Iran; the nuclei of resistance should brought into being in the entire world, and the East and the West must be confronted. You showed in the imposed war that through proper and good management, Islam could dominate the world. You should know that your task has not yet ended; the Islamic Revolution in the world is in need of your self-sacrifices. Only through your support can the officials prove to those thirsty of truth and truthfulness that without America and the Soviet Union harmonious life mixed with peace and freedom can be attained. Your presence in the scene will cause the severance from the very bottom of the anti-revolutionary root in all dimensions.
I kiss the hand of each of you, the forerunners in deliverance. I know that if the officials of the Islamic system would neglect you, they would be burnt in hell. Let me emphasize again that negligence in forming the 20- million-strong army will lead to falling in the snare of the two global superpowers. I extend my gratitude to all the Basijis, particularly their beloved commanders. I will not be complacent in benevolently praying for these children loyal to Islam. May God make the dear martyrs and anonymous Basij enjoy the favor of association with the Ahl al-Bayt (the household of the holy prophet) (`a). May God bless with health to the dear disabled veterans; may He help the dear prisoners and those missing in action return safely to their homeland and may He increase the grandeur and glory of this sacred and popular institution, which is following the dear Islam and the promised Mahdi( may our souls be ransomed for him. May God's peace and mercy be upon you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
2,1367 AHS

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 02 آذر 1367

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