مطلب مرتبط

پیام به مهاجرین جنگ تحمیلی (لزوم صبر و استقامت)Silence of the worldSilence of the worldSacred freedomSacred freedom
شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Need for resistance against the military, political and cultural onslaught of world-devourers]

Jamaran, Tehran
Mid Sha'ban month Birth anniversary of the Imam of the Time (May God hastens his reappearance)
Need for resistance against the military, political and cultural onslaught of world-devourers
Refugees of the imposed war
Imam khomeini's Sahife, Volume 21 from page -1 to 329
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To the dear refugees comprising sisters, brothers and children of the imposed war- may God, the Exalted, assist them,
With greetings and salutations to holy Imam of the Time who was born in the middle of Sha`ban and the last in the chain of Imamate, the promised Mahdi (may our souls be his ransom), the sole ultimate administer of justice and the great standard-bearer of deliverance of mankind from the bonds of oppression and tyranny! Greetings to him and to those who are truly waiting for him to reappear, who truly apprehended his reappearance and who saturate with the cup of his guidance and knowledge.
Greetings to the great Iranian nation who pave the way for his reappearance by their self-sacrifice, devotion and martyrdom. Greetings to you sister and brother refuges who have suffered from numerous emotional, material and financial losses during the imposed war! You, beloveds, have been forced to leave your residence and abandon your comfort in days of the barbaric raids of Saddam after the days of heroic defense you have indeed led a life full of adversity at a place away from your home. You, dear refugees of the imposed war, have understood every moment of the war and its hardships. God willing, Islamic Republic will place your towns and villages at your disposal in a better state than in the past in the not-so-distant future, but you have to prepare yourselves in helping the officials. You should render assistance to them in rebuilding and reconstructing your towns and villages. Thank God, your small children during those days have become adolescents today who, defend their Islamic homeland like their other brothers and sisters.
Everybody knows that enduring the eight years of pressure and hardships has been only for the sake of the dear Islam. Thus, being more formidable than before in defending Islam, the officials must strive to the utmost to stand firmly against the military, political and cultural onslaught of the world-devourers because today the world arrogance, the West in particular, has realized the threat posed by the growth of the pure Muhammadan (s) Islam to its illegitimate interests.
Today, the East and the West know well that the only force that could drive them away from the scene is Islam. During these ten years of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, they have suffered serious blows from Islam and have decided to annihilate it by any means possible in Iran, as the center of the pure Muhammadan Islam. If they can, they would do it through military force; if not, then through spreading their pervert culture and alienating the nation from Islam and its own national culture. If none of these work, they would do it through their sold out agents from among the hypocrites, liberals and irreligious mercenaries for whom killing the clerics and innocent people is a piece of cake. They infiltrate into government establishments to obtain their sinister aims. The interlopers have announced time and again that they made their own voice heard out of the tongue of plausible simple-minded people.
I have stated again and again that I have not concluded a pact of brotherhood with anyone in whatever position he might be. The framework of my friendship lies in the correctness of the way of the person. Defending Islam and the Party of God is an inalterable principle of the policy of Islamic Republic. We must be defendants of those whose were beheaded by the hypocrites in front of their wife and children at the fasting table. We should be the staunch enemy of those whose records of cooperation with America were discovered at the den of espionage (American embassy). All our love should be devoted to God and not to history. Those who defend the hypocrites and liberals have no place before our dear martyr-offering nation. If the foreign agents and deceived ignoramuses, who have carelessly become the mouthpiece of others, would not relent these movements, our people would discard them without any chance of forgiving them.
Our officials should be aware that our revolution is not confined to Iran. The revolution of the people of Iran is the starting point of the grand revolution of the Muslim world under the stewardship of promised Mahdi (may our souls be his ransom). May God would grant to all Muslims and people of the world and let his reappearance take place at the present age. If economic and mundane issues would make the officials deviate from their mandated duty, serious danger and dreadful treachery would ensue. The government of the Islamic Republic should try its best to administer the people in the best possible manner. This does not mean deviating from the sublime objectives of the revolution; that is, establishment of the global Islamic government.
The dear Iranian people, who are truly radiant face of the great history of Islam in the contemporary time, should try to endure the hardships and pressures for the sake of God so that the high-ranking officials of the country could perform their fundamental duty which is the propagation of Islam in the world, calling on them to take into account only brotherhood and cordiality within the framework of the interest of Islam and Muslims. Who is there not being aware that our dear people are in hardship and that inflation and inadequacy are exerting pressure on the downtrodden class. Nobody is unaware, too, that rejecting the culture of governments of the world today and establishing a new culture on the basis of Islam in the world, and decisively dealing with America and the Soviet Union in Islamic terms would entail pressure, hardship, martyrdom and hunger. Nevertheless, our people have chosen this path and will pay the price for it, feeling proud of this. It is more that clear that defeating the culture of the East and the West is not possible without martyrdom.
I again call on the high-ranking officials of the Islamic Republic to fear nobody and nothing except God Almighty, to give up the lions without give up struggle against corruption of Western capitalism frivolity and aggression of communism, for we are still on the initial stages of the global struggle against the East and the West.
Is it more than the assumption that we will apparently suffer defeat from the hands of the world-devourers and be destroyed? Is it more than portraying us in the world as supporter of violence and dogmatism? Is it more than trampling the dignity of Islam and Muslims through the penetration of their murderous and devious agents in our circles? Is it more than sending the children of the pure Muhammadan Islam throughout the world to the gallows? Is it more than taking the women and small children of the Party of God in the world captives? Let the cheap world of materiality do so to us, but we would perform our Islamic duty.
Today, the spite and animosity of imperialism against the pure Muhammadan Islam have been revealed more than ever. Their mobilization of the public in defending a sold-out writer bespeaks this reality. Perhaps they had not predicted all this disgrace and ignominy for achieving their sinister goals, as today they are shamefully and contemptuously retreat while feeling sorry for their deed.
Probably, the question of struggling against hijab (Islamic veil) of the Muslim women in academic milieu is a deflectory move to dilute the magnificent image of the Muslim world's act of defending the Noble Messenger (s). Notwithstanding the fact that this reality is itself one of the hardships with which the Muslim nations are suffering, Muslims, would ask how comes that in the so-called free world banning the hijab (Islamic veil) for the Muslim women and girls is the very democracy and that we, who have said that whoever insults the Prophet of Islam (s) is to be sentenced to death as per consensus of the Muslim jurists, are accused of acting against freedom! By the way, why the world has remained silent against anyone who would not permit Muslim girls wear Islamic dress as their choice to study or teach in the universities? Is it other than the fact that the interpretation and understanding of freedom and its use are at the disposal of those who are against the foundation of freedom? Today, God has made us responsible; we should not be complacent. Today, one should silently and calmly, and yet firmly, struggle and maintain the fervor and enthusiasm of the revolutionary movement. I will tell again that all the officials of the system and the people of Iran should be aware that the East and the West will not sit silently unless they succeeded in dragging you from your Islamic identity toward their empty illusion. Neither should you be satisfied in forging relations with the aggressors nor suffer for the severance of relations with them. You should vigilently and consciously watch the enemies and do not let them stay in tranquility, for if you do so, they will not let you stay in tranquility even for a moment.
Of course, we acknowledge the efforts of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; they should seriously continue with their works. God willing, they will succeed in performing their gargantuan divine and political responsibility.
I pray to God for our dear refugees to return to their residence as soon as possible and replace the bitterness of strangeness and hardship with the sweetness of returning home.
In conclusion, we ought to thank and acknowledge all those who have and are entertaining the dear migrants as well as the esteemed officials of the Foundation for Refugees who have undertaken great efforts. May God's peace and mercy be upon you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 02 فروردین 1368

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