In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
I hope Your Eminence is in a healthy disposition. I sent a telegram to Qezel Qal`eh. «1» After it was transmitted, I received the good news of your release." The suffering left, the remuneration remains." The decision we have made about Nourouz this year is quite effective and proper in my opinion, but there have been disputes over it. We deserve to be thrashed, indeed! Anyway I assume that it would be very useful if Your Eminence and Their Eminences Ayatullah Walid, Ayatullah Amoli and Ayatullah Ashtiyani publish a statement together, or each on his own, supporting the contents of our statement or whatever you think best. Of course, the death anniversary of Hadrat Sadiq (`a) should not be mentioned and it has to be stipulated that the occasion is the catastrophes that Islam has endured this year. If Mr. Ashtiyani does not agree, the rest of you will suffice, so the government's attempt at damaging the religion under the name of Hadrat Sadiq (`a) is made ineffective, for I hear that the government intends to pretend the same. May peace be upon you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini