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Telegram [Acknowledging the sympathies on the disastrous assault made on Faydiyyah Madrasah by the agents of the Shah's regime]

Acknowledging the sympathies on the disastrous assault made on Faydiyyah Madrasah by the agents of the Shah's regime
Sayyid Muhammad Behbahani
جلد ۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۱۶۶
His Eminence Ayatullah Behbahani (may his blessings last) :
I would like to thank you for your kind sympathies on the grave disaster brought upon Islam, nothing like which had happened but during the barbarian and Medieval Ages. There have been heavy losses and injuries but the exact number is not clear yet. This is the way the government treats Islam and the clergymen." And Allah was predominant in his career." «1»
«۱»- Sourah Yousuf ۱۲: ۲۱.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 07 فروردین 1342

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