شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Statements [The unstable political conditions in the world and the region]

Release of the clergy in detention in Tehran
The unstable political conditions in the world and the region
Sayyid `Abdul-Karim Hashimi-Nezhad «1»
جلد ۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۲۹۰

 For the time being, my intention is to unite all classes of the clergy so that we can make a more serious decision The worldwide conditions are unstable in general and Iran's conditions are uncertain, too. Pakistan left the CENTO «2» treaty; Pakistan and Turkey have disclaimed their recognition of Israel; Hijaz (Saudi Arabia) has not permitted the landing of the Israeli airplanes carrying Iranian pilgrims to Mecca. «3» Khrushchev «4» is going to resign and the heads of the Communist Party are having disagreements. The dispute between the Soviets and the Chinese is deepening. America is busy with the elections and its national affairs. The Arab League is being formed and developed. The circumstances are unclear in general. That is why the gentlemen «5» were released and we have to take advantage of these conditions. 

«۱»- Martyr Hashimi-Nezhad has quoted Imam Khomeini's words, in Mr. Qummi's house in Mashhad, after his trip to Qum, and a SAVAK spy has reported it. (SAVAK document no. H ۹/ ۲۵۵۳, dated ۱/ ۲۹/ ۱۳۴۳ AHS). «۲»- CENTO stands for Central Treaty Organization, which replaced Baghdad treaty on August ۲۱,۱۹۵۹. The member countries of the previous treaty except Iraq (Iran, Britain, Pakistan, and Turkey) participated in it and it was supervised and granted military support by the United States, although it was not one of the members. In fact, CENTO was the link between NATO and SEATO formed by the West against the Soviets and the Eastern front. «۳»- The Iranian government had chartered a few airplanes from IL AL Aviation Company, belonging to the Quds-occupier regime to carry the pilgrims. «۴»- Nikita Khrushchev, the Prime Minister and chairperson of the Presidium of the Union of Soviet Socialist Soviet Republics. «۵»- It refers to the released clergymen.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 25 فروردین 1343

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