شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Permission [Setting aside one-third of the Imam's (`a) Share for helping the poor and needy]

Najaf, Iraq
Setting aside one-third of the Imam's (`a) Share for helping the poor and needy
جلد ۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۵۳ تا صفحه ۵۴
[In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
His Esteemed Eminence Grand Ayatullah Mr. Khomeini, may his life be prolonged:
After expressing greetings and dedication, since it is winter and every year you were benevolent in providing charcoal to the poor, I humbly ask you to order that attention is paid to this matter and that you allow the believers to use the Imam's (`a) Share for this benevolent endeavor.
Sayyid Muhammad Tabataba'i (on behalf of some Qum's residents)
Sha`ban al-Mu`azzam 11,1385 AH]
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
At the present condition I cannot be at the service of the dignified poor of Qum and other cities as I would like to. With the information that I have regarding the conditions of the poor people without refuge I am very worried and saddened for them during the winter season. I ask the dignified, wealthy and altruistic people among the Iranian nation, may Almighty God assist them, to be mindful of the poor in their own respective areas in any state or city which they are in, and to not be content about the fact that the poor and destitute respected people suffer from cold and hardship in their sustenance. In particular I ask the altruistic people of Tehran and Qum to provide effective assistance for attaining charcoal for the respected poor of these two important centers. I hope that they can shoulder this great responsibility well and see themselves in the presence and under the observance of Almighty God who has given this wealth. If charity and donations are not enough for this endeavor, then the believers and the respected population in all areas, may Almighty God assist them, are permitted to use one-third of the Imam's (`a) Share. This should be done under the supervision of the respected `ulama' in their area, may Almighty God make what they preach paramount, or of the trusted members of the community, may Almighty God assist them. I ask Almighty God for the success and approval of everyone and for the glory of Islam and the Muslims. May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon them and upon the righteous servants of God.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 14 آذر 1344

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