In His Most Exalted Name
Dhou'l-Hijjah 29,1385 AH
His Eminence `Imad al-A`lam wa Thiqat al-Islam Mr. Husayn Aqa Khandaqabadi, may his blessings last:
I have learned that you have complained saying that I have failed to answer your so-and-so letter. The more I ponder the less I can remember your letter, but all I know I have always answered your letters, unless your signature has not been readable or you have failed to leave an address. I was much anxious to ask after your health as well as your uncle's and brother's from your son when he was staying in Najaf and he didn't speak of your sickness. Anyhow, I pray to God for your health, recovery and welfare, and I hope for the granting of success and assistance to you. I beg your pardon if I have lapses on these matters. I hope that this holy sanctuary, I can succeed to pray for the welfare of the Muslims particularly the elect ones among them.
I hope for your benevolent prayers for a good ending. May God's peace and mercy be upon you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini