شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [Economic problems of the people; the holding of festivities to mark the 2,500 years of monarchy; the incumbency of the `ulama's uprising]

Shaykh Ansari Mosque, Najaf, Iraq
Holding of festivities to mark the 2,500 years of monarchy
Economic problems of the people; the holding of festivities to mark the 2,500 years of monarchy; the incumbency of the `ulama's uprising
Clergy and seminary students of Najaf
جلد ۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۶۹ تا صفحه ۳۸۹
I seek refuge in God from the accursed Satan
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
I feel it is my duty on certain occasions to draw the gentlemen's «1» attention to some aspects of the problems facing the people of Islam and it may be that you will consider it your duty also to attempt to aid your Muslim brothers, even if only by way of propagation, telegrams and letters.

Usurpation of rule from Hadrat Amir (`a) as the greatest disaster that befell Islam

From the beginning, the Muslims and Islam were plagued by the carnal desires of some people which, after the death of the Prophet (s), prevented the true Islamic government from being set up and which are the cause of our problems today. If they had allowed the government that Islam calls for to be set up, the ruler that God, the Blessed and Exalted, had designated, that the Most Noble Messenger had appointed «2» to rule, if they had allowed that system to come into being, the government to be an Islamic government, the governor to be he who was designated by God, then the people would understand what Islam really is and know the true meaning of an Islamic government. Unfortunately, after the death of the Prophet the people were led away from that which he had ordered, and this deviation was not only confined to that time, rather it prepared the grounds for a permanent deviation such that throughout subsequent Muslim history, apart from the short time that Imam `Ali (`a) ruled, «3» a true Islamic government could not be established.
What Mu`awiyah «4» did, with the help of those personalities and elders from before the time of Islam, brought about these troubles for the Muslims and Islam. This internal conflict, which was worse than any other conflict, embroiled Imam `Ali, and after his rule, the system of government lost its Islamic character entirely and was replaced by a monarchical regime. However, the short time that Imam `Ali ruled and determined his own governmental policies- even with all the problems he faced: the Battle of the Camel; «5» the Battle of Siffin; «6» the battle with the Kharijites «7»- served as a lesson for the Muslims and they came to understand what Islam really is, to a certain extent at least.

A manifestation of `Ali's (`a) Islamic government

If they had allowed the government to retain its Islamic form and the people to live in the shelter of an Islamic government, perhaps all these misfortunes which afflict us in the present day would not have come about. The governor who was chosen by God, the Blessed and Exalted, to exercise rule over that ummah was a person who, when he became ruler, when everyone gathered around him and swore allegiance to him, lived more frugally than the most impoverished of our religious students or grocers. His food was stale oaten bread, and it is said that at the end of his life the bread that he ate was so hard and dry that he had to break it with his knee and eat it with water. «8» It is related that Imam `Ali used to say:" I am afraid that in some corner of my realm there is a hungry person and how can I sleep with a full stomach when one of my subjects goes hungry." This was what an Islamic system of government meant.
The greatest disaster that befell Islam was the usurpation of rule by Mu`awiyah from Imam `Ali. This disaster was even worse than the tragedy of Karbala, and the misfortunes that descended upon Imam `Ali and Islam at that time were worse than those which befell the Doyen of the Martyrs [Imam Husayn (`a)]. The greatest disaster of all at that time was that they did not allow the people to perceive the true meaning of Islam. Even today the people are unsure of what Islam really is, what an Islamic government is, what Islam requires and what programs Islam has for governance. Even today, Islam remains obscure. The people of Islam should mourn the usurpation of rule from Imam `Ali and commemorate those five or six years when he governed, when even with all the problems he faced and all the troubles that were created for him he maintained a true Islamic system. They should commemorate his justice, the fact that he was at one with his people, that his standard of living was lower than that of others while his spirit rose ever higher above the horizons. They should commemorate God. They should commemorate a ruler who, when he hears that an anklet has been stolen from a non-Muslim woman living under the protection of Islam, «9» wishes to die of shame. «10»

Relationship between the faithful and the law

"As for those who disbelieve, they engage in pleasure and in eating as the beasts eat, and the fire shall be their abode." «11» This is the distinguishing feature. One who eats and takes his pleasure with no concern for what is permitted or forbidden [haram], who pays no attention to the condition of the people or to the ordinances of the Islamic laws, such a person is like an animal, he eats as the beasts eat and the" fire shall be his abode." According to a tradition, the unbeliever eats with seven stomachs, whereas the believer eats with only one. «12» The believer has just one stomach which accepts only that which is lawful. He adapts his appetite, his other desires to the laws of Islam so that he does not violate those laws. But the unbeliever eats with seven stomachs. Satiating one's lusts without concern for the laws of Islam, this constitutes one stomach. Satiating one's anger without concern for the law, this is another stomach. Satisfying one's carnal desires, this is another. Another three are created from a mixture of any two of the above three, and another one comes from all these three together. That makes seven. The unbelievers have seven stomachs but the believer has no more than one, and his stomach is satisfied in the way of the law. Islam has commanded just one way. It's not the case that the believer follows his anger or his lusts, these are controlled by him. All these forces within him are subordinate to the power of wisdom, and this itself is subject to the law of Islam. The Muslims should mourn the passing of that government of wisdom, that government of justice, belief and God: they should commemorate those few years of Imam `Ali's rule.
Gentlemen, these matters of which I am to speak are not imaginary. Unfortunately, I have received letters and complaints from Iran about the situation there which do not cease to trouble me. One of the respected `ulama' of Shiraz has written saying that famine has afflicted some families in the south of the country to the extent that hunger has forced them to sell their children. «13» One of the `ulama' from Fasa has also written to me about the situation in the country saying that he wanted to arrange some food and clothes for the impoverished people, and I agreed that he could use money from the charitable contributions «14» for this purpose. Letters have also arrived from Tehran telling me that there is famine in Balouchistan and Sistan and in the outlying regions of Khorasan such that the people have swarmed into the major cities and because of hunger they can no longer keep their livestock. While these tragic circumstances and conditions prevail around the country, millions of tumans are to be spent celebrating in honor of the monarchy. «15» According to reports, 80 million tumans are to be spent on Tehran alone preparing the city for the festivities. Experts have been invited from Israel to take care of the arrangements for the celebrations; from Israel, that country which is the enemy of Islam, which is at present at war with Islam, which destroyed the al-Aqsa Mosque- a crime which some people sought to cover up. «16» In addition, according to the world's major radio stations, Iranian oil tankers are on their way to Israel filled with Iranian oil for a country which is at war with the Muslims! «17» These are the actions of the kings that we have to hold festivals for!

Disgraced monarchy

Since its inception to the present time, the Iranian monarchy has befouled history. The crimes of the kings of Iran have blackened the pages of history. It is the kings of Iran who massacred their own people, who beheaded them and built towers with their skulls. «18» Should the Islamic nation now honor the rule of such monarchs with a celebration?! Should the merchants of the bazaar in Tehran now be forced to contribute to such festivities?! One should commemorate the ruler in whose shelter the Muslims lived comfortably. One should commemorate a ruler who, when he hears that an anklet has been stolen from a non-Muslim woman living under the protection of Islam, wishes to die of shame, not he who, because a slogan is uttered in the university which runs counter to his carnal desires, sends his men to the university to beat the students. Gentlemen, according to reports that have reached here, some female students needed surgery as a result of the blows and wounds they received. This crime happened just recently but here in Najaf no one is aware of it (the audience weeps). I am not able to mention the other shameful deeds that they perpetrated. Why did this happen? Their only crime was opposing the twenty-five hundredth anniversary celebrations and saying:" We have no need of this festival; we are hungry; put an end to the hunger of the Muslim people; do not celebrate over the corpses of the people." Gentlemen, let the world know about these things. Why is Najaf so sound asleep? Do we not have a responsibility? Is our only duty to study? Should we pay no attention to the problems of the Muslims? Are we not to protest that the oil belonging to Iran and Islam is sent to a country which is at war with Muslims? Is there no cause for protest here? Should we not speak about this? «19» Which kings are we to commemorate? What happiness have kings ever brought the people? Should we commemorate Aqa Muhammad Khan Qajar?! «20» Even in my time the Qajars were still committing atrocities. Should we commemorate the monarch who massacred the Muslims in the mosque of Gauhar Shad in such numbers that the walls were stained with blood and the gates of the mosque had to be closed so that none see the spectacle? «21» Should we celebrate the rule of that monarch who was responsible for the events of Khordad 15, who killed, according to one of the `ulama', four hundred people in Qum alone, who had fifteen thousand people massacred throughout Iran? Should we commemorate the rule of these people?! Even those that were reputed to be `good' were vile and cruel. It is related that one such `good' monarch, for whose soul prayers are said, once on the way to `Abd al-`Azim ordered a group of poor hungry soldiers, who had dared to assemble about his coach to ask for bread and because a stone thrown by one of them had struck his carriage, to be strangled with a rope. «22» The order was carried out in part before one of the great ministers, one of the noblemen of Iran, «23» objected saying that they were only poor servants of God and shouldn't be treated so. His intervention caused the rest to be spared.
This was one of the `good' monarchs; the deeds of the evil monarchs are much worse, as we are witnessing now.

We should mourn for these governments

They eat with seven stomachs! They pay no attention to the nation, to the elementary needs of the nation. People address themselves to us constantly from all over Iran asking permission to use the charitable taxes for the building of bathhouses. So what is all this talk about the Iranian people being prosperous and content? Are they prosperous when they sell their children because of hunger?! Is Iran now prospering? They are now extorting money by pressure and force from the merchants of the bazaars of the country so they can spend some of it on these shameful festivities and use the rest for themselves or their agents. They spend the wealth of the poor people and Muslims for these celebrations, and from the country's budget they spend millions, tens of millions on such an amusement, such an idiotic spectacle. For what? To satisfy their carnal desires. So that it can be said that we are the people who have celebrated; we are proud that we had Aqa Muhammad Qajar, we are proud that we had Nadir Qouli. God knows what a ruthless butcher he was. «24» Should we commemorate these people? The Muslims must mourn the existence of such rulers. They should commemorate a ruler who, when he thinks that someone may be going hungry in a far corner of his realm, suffers hunger voluntarily himself. His seat of government was the mosque in Koufah, his bench of judgment was situated in one corner of the mosque and he" ate food as a slave eats and sat as a slave sits." «25» According to tradition, he once bought two tunics, and finding one of them better than the other, he gave the better one to his servant Qanbar. «26» The other he kept for himself, and since its sleeves were too long for him, he tore off the extra portion and in this torn garment the ruler of a country ten times the size of Iran went out to deliver his sermon. This gives cause for celebration.

Awaken Najaf

Gentlemen, come to your senses; awaken Najaf. Protest against these crimes. If one hundred telegrams were sent from Najaf in a polite form and showing full respect, even using the title `His Most Exalted Highness', «27» requesting that these hungry people be fed, that all this expense that the government wants to pay out on these affairs be spent on this misfortunate hungry nation, on this poor, bankrupt people some of whom have run away from Iran and some of whom are here; if one hundred telegrams were sent to Iran by the religious scholars and students here, it may have some effect. But unfortunately, such an idea occurs to no one and I should be only too grateful that no one complains to me about my criticisms of the Iranian government! Really, don't we have a duty to perform here? Should we just sit back and pay no attention to the circumstances of the people or to what tragedies befall them? Is it enough for us to simply go to Imam `Ali's shrine, pray for them and come back? We who depend on Islam for our living- even though our budget may only be little, still we are living off that- are we not to lift a finger for the sake of Islam? Is tarattub «28» Islam? Well fair enough, in its place it is; but is that enough? Is it enough that we gather in such and such a mosque and study Islamic jurisprudence[ fiqh ]and dogmatic theology[ usoul ]but remain unaware of the concerns of Muslims? Are we to ignore this Jew who wants to seize all the lands of Islam up to Iraq and destroy these shrines? Is then that person «29» who gives him oil a Muslim? Do we not have cause to object, to ask why sir are you giving the oil of Muslims to the unbelievers? Why are you giving the oil of Muslims to a people who are at war with the Muslims? Of course he will answer:" I'm a servant, I've been given orders and I have to carry them out." Naturally, a servant has no other choice but to obey his masters. He said himself in one of his speeches «30» that the Allies had installed him on the throne:" The Allies, after occupying Iran, thought it fitting that I should be in control of affairs, and they agreed to my accession to the throne." May God curse them for thinking it fitting. Someone who is a puppet has to serve his masters; he cannot do otherwise. All this stems from following carnal desires. Attacking the universities comes from nothing other than carnal desires. Attacking the Faydiyyah Madrasah and the perpetration of such unthinkable, opprobrious deeds there stem from carnal desires. They insulted the Qur'an and Imam Ja`far «31» in this attack, they set fire to the students' turbans and threw some of them off the roof of the building. One young sayyid was brought to our house with a broken back after they had thrown him off the roof. Should we now celebrate the rule of such a person? There is nothing for us to celebrate. What is there for the Iranian nation to celebrate? It's the duty of the Iranian nation to engage in passive struggle against this festival, acts of violence are not necessary. They should refrain from participation in these festivities and remain indoors during the days of the festival. They should avoid participating as far as possible.
If all the `ulama' of Iran were to protest collectively against these celebrations would the authorities arrest them all, banish them or execute them all?! If all the `ulama' of Iran, who number at least 150,000, all the mullahs, maraji`, Hujjat al-Islams and Ayatullahs were to protest and break this seal of silence, this silence which in fact endorses these atrocities, would the authorities destroy them all? If they were able to do this, they would first destroy me, but their interests do not permit them to do so. If it would be only in their interest to destroy me!
What life is this that I lead? Death to this life of mine. They imagine that I am very happy and content with my life and so they think that they can threaten me. Let them come, the sooner the better. «32» Death as soon as possible would be better than this life; then I might join the presence of the Most Noble One in the Hereafter, where nobleness and kindness reign supreme, and be delivered from this life of misfortune. What life is this that I lead, constantly hearing the cries and moans of our oppressed and tyrannized people? Every day news arrives of the atrocities they have committed against the young women. How they have killed some of them, how bandits and ruffians attacked the university at lunch time and poured boiling liquid from the pans over the students' heads. For what? Because they said down with so-and-so and long live so-and-so. Should they kill people because of this? They said why do we need a 2,500 years of monarchy celebration? Those people should celebrate who have some kind of life, who have a government under whose protection they are happy and comfortable. One should celebrate the rule of Imam `Ali whose people were protected within the shadow of his sword, whose people were secure; no one was afraid of his rule. No one was afraid of the government because it was a government of justice and a government of justice excites no fear. But is this the case with the Iranian government? In our country circumstances are such that everyone lives in fear waiting for the government agents to burst into their homes. They may be innocent, but the authorities attack, arrest and torture now on the strength of mere suspicion. It is just like the time of Ibn Ziyad and Hajjaj when if it was even suspected that someone might be a follower of Imam `Ali he was seized and destroyed. «33» If someone offers them a word of advice or publishes a few copies of an admonitive pamphlet, they arrest him and take him off to some unknown destination. If someone utters a word from the pulpit, if he says something which does not even have much impact on the people, still he is arrested and carried off to prison. Don't we have a duty to at least expose these crimes?

The necessity of the clergy's collective protest against the holding of celebration marking the 2,500- years of monarchy

What do I consider as my duty? I consider it my duty to remind you that such things are taking place, to cry out with all the strength at my command and to write and publish with whatever power my pen may have. If my colleagues too consider it proper, if they regard the nation of Islam as their own nation, if they consider that nation to comprise of their followers then let them do the same. And if they do not consider it proper, they must decide for themselves, and may God watch over them. What are we to do in the face of all these problems? Even though we have still not purified ourselves, for if we had we would be thinking about these problems, should I now sit and speak to you about ethics and self-purification while the Muslims and the foundations of Islam are being destroyed!?
You have a path of action open to you. Each of you writes a letter of protest to the government of Iran. A stamp doesn't cost much, even though your income is very little; write a letter for God's sake. Tell them to abandon this festival, to feed the hungry. Ask the learned scholars and authorities of Najaf to give some advice to the Iranian government. I do not even say they must protest, rather, by way of exhortation and counsel let them ask very politely that they cease behaving towards our people in this way. «34» They are making the people suffer, and if they are allowed to continue unrestrained still worse misfortunes will descend upon us. Every day new events are created. They even have special experts for dreaming up these events. Every day they create a new festival, a new idiotic spectacle. If matters continue on their present course, we will be faced with events in the near future that none of us can even imagine.
It may be effective if we make our protests known to the Islamic countries which plan to take part in these vile festivals, if we ask them not to partake in these sordid celebrations, not to participate in the murder of the Iranian nation. Tell the Islamic countries to shun all participation in this festival that is being arranged by Israeli experts and engineers on the outskirts of Shiraz. «35»

Israel's conspiracy against Islam

Experts from Israel are taking care of the arrangements- from Israel, that enemy of Islam and the Qur'an which a few years ago attempted to corrupt the text of the Qur'an «36» and now imputes to the Qur'an unworthy statements. Just recently the Israelis claimed that Sourah Five Verse Six of the Qur'an says that after easing nature, the Muslim does not have the right to wash his hands with soap only with water, and that this has been the cause of some of the diseases in Germany. This matter created such a hullabaloo in that country. What is Verse Six of Sourah Five? It is a verse which talks about ritual cleanliness. «37» This is what the Israelis are like. They bear so much animosity towards Islam. Our students abroad vigorously protested against this and refuted these statements, may God strengthen and assist them. They wrote to the newspapers, but some of the government-controlle press did not accept their arguments and those which did did not really give enough publicity to their counter-arguments. They met with the authorities and told them that this was a lie; they proved its falsehood in articles in their newspapers and magazines. They performed such a great service for Islam. Can the same be said about us? They are the students of the modern sciences, but they are Muslim, they are awake while you and I as students of the traditional sciences are asleep or involved with other things. One should not speak out about the situation here! Speaking out is incompatible with the position of a marja` or an akhound! Shouldn't the akhounds speak out?! «38»

Interference in politics as duty of the clergy

Were not the Prophet and Imam `Ali religious scholars and did they not preach long sermons? How is it that now, when it is the turn of the present generation of religious scholars to speak out, we make excuses so we can shirk our responsibility. Gentlemen, do not let allow yourselves to be taught to think like this. It is your duty to serve Islam, and service to Islam does not just mean studying, this is only one aspect of it. You have a duty to concern yourselves with the problems of the Muslims. You have a duty to interfere. How often we have been told we must not interfere in affairs of state. It seems that we have in fact come to believe that we should not interfere in the affairs of government, we should not object. Yet since the very beginning of history the prophets and scholars of religion have stood up to tyrannical governments. Did they not realize that they were not supposed to do this? When God the Blessed and Exalted sent Moses to destroy Pharaoh, didn't He know that one must not struggle against kings? It is related in a tradition and quoted in either the work of Tabari «39» or Ibn Athir, «40» that the Prophet said that the title of `King of kings' is the most repugnant of all titles in his eyes. «41» It is one of the most hated titles given to a human being. This title is for God.
From the very beginning, the prophets and after them the Imams (`a) all rose up against kings and tyrannical governments, not relinquishing the struggle even under conditions of extreme difficulty or imprisonment. Mousa ibn Ja`far continued his struggle even in prison. «42» Abou `Abdillah «43» practiced dissimulation [taqiyyah] and related the maqboulah tradition «44» and at the same time he confronted them; he confronted them with words and propaganda and by this means he urged the people on in their struggles against the king. Imam Hasan rose up against the king of his day, Mu`awiyah, as far as he was able, «45» even though at that time most people had sworn allegiance to Mu`awiyah and recognized him as their king. And when he was betrayed by a group of self-seeking, opportunistic followers and left without support, the very conditions of the peace treaty that he signed with Mu`awiyah disgraced that monarch, «46» just as later, the bloody revolt of the Doyen of the Martyrs [Imam Husayn] disgraced Yazid. The confrontation has always continued. Later on the great scholars of Islam fought against the tyrants who spent the wealth of their country on debauchery and trivial enjoyment abroad. One person in particular borrowed great sums of money and went to Europe twice, three times- but are human desires ever satisfied? The `ulama' opposed his actions. «47» At that time they were strong.
The nation was vital and alert, the people supported them and they were successful in their struggle. If we too are vital and alert, we will be successful. But unfortunately each one of us persists in his own individual opinion, and naturally, if one hundred million people have one hundred million different opinions, they will be unable to accomplish anything, for" the hand of God is with the group." «48» Solidarity and unity are essential, and isolated individuals can achieve nothing. If the `ulama' of Qum, Mashhad, Tabriz, Isfahan and the other cities in Iran were to protest collectively today against this scandalous festival and this debauchery that they are about to bring about, if they were to condemn these crimes and extravagances which are destroying the people and the nation, all for the sake of satisfying their own carnal desires, be assured that results would be forthcoming. But as long as each one of us persists in his own individual opinion, persists in thinking that his religious duty is one thing while another believes it to be something else, this is disastrous for Islam. It is disastrous for Islam to have such clergymen. Such clergymen like me are disastrous for Islam. I say these things because an even darker future, God forbid, lies ahead of you.

The Doyen of the Martyr's uprising was also meant for setting up a government

You should give these matters some consideration. Do not spend your time creating religious duties for yourselves. It is the apathetic person who says it is not his religious duty to rise up against tyranny. You have more forces at your disposal than the Doyen of the Martyrs did, and he rose up and opposed the king of his time until he was killed. Had he been apathetic, God forbid, he could have said it was not his religious duty to rise up. His enemies would have been only too happy for him to remain silent so that they could attain their vile goals; they were afraid of his rebelling. But he dispatched Muslim «49» to procure the people's allegiance to him so that he might overthrow that corrupt government and set up an Islamic government. If he had stayed in some corner in Medina and had nothing to do with anyone, and when that wretch «50» told him to pledge allegiance he had done so, God forbid, they would have shown him a great deal of respect, they would have come to kiss his hand and carry him on their shoulders for he was the grandson of the Prophet. And if you sit silently by, you too will be respected, but it will be the kind of respect that is given to a dead saint. A dead saint is respected by everyone, but a living saint or Imam who speaks out has his head cut off. God knows were Imam `Ali to stand up to them today, they would do the same to him. This all stems from following their desires," they eat as the beasts eat": they care not where their nourishment comes from or how it is obtained. As long as their needs and requirements are met, the world may drown in blood and entire peoples may be destroyed. They are animals. Let them know that the fire shall be their abode, that they are despised by the Islamic community and by all alert peoples throughout the world, and that the Muslims are repelled by the very notion of monarchy.
May God strengthen and assist you all. May He awaken you all. May He strengthen and aid Islam, the theological schools and the great `ulama' and make them aware of these evils. It is your duty to pray for Islam and your fellow Muslims- those poor, hungry, wretched people in Iran- for those who suffer imprisonment, torture and banishment, for those who are in hospital and for those innocent girls who had such severe wounds inflicted on them. Pray for them, they are Muslims and they are oppressed.
May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
«۱»- It refers to the great `ulama' and maraji` of the theological centers in Najaf (Iraq) and Iran. «۲»- It refers to the events of Ghadir Khumm where the Prophet appointed Imam `Ali as his successor based on a divine instruction. For detailed information on sources and narrators, as well as maps of Ghadir Khumm, visit:" Ghadir Khumm in the Qur'an, Hadith and History," http://www.al-islam.org/ghadir . «۳»- On June ۲۴,۶۵۶ CE, Imam `Ali was proclaimed caliph at the Prophet's Mosque in Medina. Practically the whole Muslim world acknowledged his succession and he was the first and only caliph in whose selection a great majority of the community took an active part. He was martyred on January ۲۵,۶۶۱ CE after governing for only four years and seven months. «۴»- During the caliphate of Abou Bakr, the first of the four `rightly-guided' caliphs, Mu`awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan was the head of a battalion in the caliph's army, and Abou Bakr never gave him a position higher than that. However, under the rule of the second caliph, `Umar ibn al-Khattab, he was appointed governor of Jordan and Damascus. Mu`awiyah gradually strengthened his position until at the time of the third caliph, `Uthman ibn al-`Affan, he became governor of all of Syria. As governor of Syria, Mu`awiyah began to act more and more like a monarch, such that Imam `Ali upon assuming his position as fourth caliph, issued orders for his dismissal. «۵»- In the aftermath of the murder of the third caliph, `Uthman, Imam `Ali was acknowledged as caliph, but from the moment of his accession he had to face opposition within the Muslim community from many different areas and shades of opinion. The first challenge to his authority came from within the Quraysh itself. Imam `Ali's close identification with the Ansar[ the helpers: those who had given the Prophet and his followers shelter and home at the most critical moment of his mission ]and his reluctance to accept the nomination of Abou Bakr as first caliph, had alienated him from many of the Quraysh who now felt they had to challenge him to preserve the position their tribe had won. The rebellion centered on Zubayr ibn al-`Awwam, Talha ibn `Ubaydullah and the Prophet's wife, `A'ishah. Zubayr and Talha were both early converts to Islam and supporters of the caliph `Uthman during whose caliphate they had acquired position and great wealth. They were ambitious for the caliphate and did not wish to see power pass from the Quraysh tribe, to which they belonged. `A'ishah who was the daughter of Abou Bakr, refused to return to Medina from the `Umrah[ lesser pilgrimage ]when informed of the nomination of Imam `Ali. Some time later, Talha and Zubayr, with the excuse of going to perform the `Umrah, joined `A'ishah in the holy city of Mecca and planned for battle. Their aim was to capture Basra- which they achieved massacring many people and unceremoniously throwing out the governor in the process- divide Iraq and bring an end to Imam `Ali's rule. After much hesitation, Imam `Ali finally marched to Koufah, accompanied by his three sons Hasan, Husayn and Muhammad, `Abdullah ibn `Abbas, `Ammar ibn Yasir, and Muhammad ibn Abou Bakr (the brother of `A'ishah) and there he succeeded in gathering a strong force. On December ۹, ۶۵۶ CE outside of Basra at a place called Khariba, Imam `Ali met and defeated the coalition in a battle styled, `The Battle of the Camel, ' after the camel on which `A'ishah rode which was the rallying-point for the rebels. Both Talha and Zubayr fell, and Imam `Ali magnanimously mourned the fallen and had them honorably buried. `A'ishah was captured and sent back to Medina accompanied by her brother. This victory strengthened Imam `Ali's position in Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Mecca and Medina and consolidated his authority in Egypt and Africa. «۶»- Upon assuming his position as new caliph, Imam `Ali inaugurated his rule by dismissing most of the provincial governors appointed by his predecessor and exacting the oath of fealty from the others. However, Mu`awiyah, the governor of Syria, refused to be dismissed and, withholding his homage from Imam `Ali, he tried to implicate him in the murder of the third caliph, `Uthman, and on the pretext of avenging his death, he rallied his forces and set off toward Koufah to do battle with him. On the plain of Siffin south of ar-Raqqah, on the west bank of the Euphrates, the two armies stood face to face. Skirmishes, said to be about ninety in all, dragged on for weeks as neither side seemed anxious to fight. The final encounter took place on July ۲۸,۶۵۷ CE. Under the leadership of Malik al-Ashtar, Imam `Ali's forces were on the point of victory when the shrewd, wily `Amr ibn al-`As, Mu`awiyah's leader, resorted to a ruse. Copies of the Qur'an fastened to lances were suddenly seen thrust in the air- a gesture interpreted to mean an appeal from the decision of arms to the decision of the Qur'an. Urged by his followers, Imam `Ali accepted Mu`awiyah's proposal to arbitrate the case. Hostilities ceased after a confrontation which had lasted one hundred and ten days and left ۷۰,۰۰۰ dead, ۴۵,۰۰۰ being from Mu`awiyah's army. The acceptance of the principle of arbitration was to prove disastrous for Imam `Ali and it alienated the sympathy of a large body of his own followers. For more information refer to Philip K Hitti's History of the Arabs, pp. ۱۷۸-۱۸۶. «۷»- The Kharijites or al-Mariqoun (a name given them by Imam `Ali and meaning" those who missed the truth of religion") were a group of quasi-holy, narrow-minded Muslims who were originally followers of Imam `Ali and fought with him at the Battle of Siffin. Initially they supported arbitration, pushing Imam `Ali to accept it; however, later they revolted against it arguing that because God was the only true arbitrator, Imam `Ali and those who agreed with him in the arbitration were not just wrong they were unbelievers, hence they could have no dealings with them. On Imam `Ali's return to Iraq from Siffin, this group split off from his army and set up camp on the banks of the Nahrawan canal. The Kharijites (or seceders) became a fierce group who believed that they were the only true Muslims, and as such they began terrorizing the people whom they regarded as unbelievers. Imam `Ali was at first able to talk to them and persuade some of them to cease in their hostilities, but eventually he was forced to take up arms against them. In ۶۵۹ CE he attacked their army under the leadership of `Abdullah ibn Wahab al-Rasibi at Nahrawan almost annihilating them. Nahrawan was the third and last battle Imam `Ali had to partake in with his internal enemies. «۸»- `Utba ibn `Alqama said:" I entered Imam `Ali's house and saw that he was eating dry bread with stale milk. I asked: `Oh Commander of the Faithful, how do you live off such food? ' He answered: `The Prophet of God ate bread which was drier than this and wore clothes which were coarser than these that I wear. I am afraid if I do anything other than this I will not be reunited with the Messenger of God'." «۹»- The word used is dhimmi meaning a non-Muslim citizen of a Muslim state whose rights and obligations are contractually determined. They have to pay the jizyah tax in exchange for the protection they receive and in lieu of the taxes, such as zakat, that only Muslims pay. «۱۰»- It refers to the attack of Sufyan ibn `Awf on the city of Anbar that took place at the time of Imam `Ali's rule. One of the soldiers stopped two women, one a Muslim and the other a dhimmi and robbed them of their anklets, bracelets and earrings. «۱۱»- Sourah Muhammad ۴۷:۱۲. «۱۲»- The word used is mi`a meaning stomach. The Prophet said:" Soon after I leave you, there will be food that the believer will eat with one stomach and the unbeliever with seven." Wasa'il ash-Shi`ah, vol.۱۶, p.۴۰۶. «۱۳»- Some of the disasters that Imam refers to here were reported in the newspapers of the day. Kayhan newspaper dated May ۳۱,۱۹۷۱ [Khordad ۱۰,۱۳۵۱ AHS] reported:" Many deprived people are so poor that with heavy hearts and tearful eyes they are abandoning their beloved children on the wayside and street corners so that they do not have to witness their gradual death. Their pictures and particulars continually appear in the newspapers." «۱۴»- Share of the Imam: sahm-i Imam, moneys paid to the Imam, or, in the period of his occultation, to the `ulama', for charitable disbursement. «۱۵»- After the arrest and exile of Imam Khomeini in ۱۹۶۳ [۱۳۴۲ AHS], the opponents of the Shah's regime embarked on an underground struggle. From ۱۹۶۶ onwards, the Shah, in a bid to demonstrate his power and position, and also to distract the people and keep them amused and occupied, began to hold many festivals. The most important of these was the celebration marking ۲,۵۰۰ years of monarchy in Iran. For the holding of this festival, which is remembered as the greatest show on earth, a city comprising portable palaces and tents furnished with the most expensive decorations was erected beside the ancient site of Takht-e Jamshid (Persepolis). Nine kings, five queens, twenty-one princesses and numerous presidents, vice-presidents and prime ministers from different countries of the world attended the ceremonies. The food at Persepolis was prepared by the expensive, international restaurant" Maxim's" of France aided by other leading French and Swiss chefs and caterers. The only food on the menu that was Iranian was caviar (which the Shah would not touch); almost everything else came from France. The dishes, cutlery, wine glasses and tea cups used were the best of their kind and the most expensive in the world. All this was taking place at a time when the majority of Iranian people did not enjoy such basic amenities as water, electricity and medical care. Time magazine, in its August ۴,۱۹۸۰ edition wrote:" Even the story-teller Shahrzad, in her one-thousand-and-one tales, could not bring alive the magnificent scenes of the celebrations for ۲,۵۰۰ years of Iranian monarchy at the ruins of Takht-e Jamshid. When the Shah held this great show at Takht-e Jamshid, he saw himself as the inheritor of one of the oldest monarchical regimes in the world which would endure for centuries and even till the end of history. Which one of his distinguished guests could have imagined that the history of ۲,۵۰۰ years of monarchy in Iran would end with Muhammad Riza Shah himself?" «۱۶»- The al-Aqsa Mosque: the site in Jerusalem where the Prophet ascended to heaven in the eleventh year of his mission (Qur'an ۱۷:۱); also the complex of mosques and buildings erected on the site. The chief of these was set aflame by the occupiers of Palestine on August ۲۱,۱۹۶۹. The day after this disaster, the Iranian newspapers led their readers to believe that the fire had not been started intentionally and that the Zionist regime was also shocked and saddened by the event. It was also announced through an official declaration that:" The Shah and the people of Iran, like other Muslims, will be among the first to compensate for the damage done by this fire and will proudly pay their share for rebuilding the al-Aqsa Mosque- the qiblah of the Muslims" A bank account was subsequently opened and the people were asked to donate money to pay for the damage. At that time, Imam was opposed to the mosque's repair for he wanted this crime of the Quds usurpers to remain for all the Muslims of the world to see and for it to act as a further provocation for the Palestinian combatants. «۱۷»- After the defeat of the Arab governments in the Six Day War with Israel in ۱۹۶۷, the Arab world witnessed an increase in anti-Western, especially anti-American, sentiment among its people. America had always shown itself to be Israel's patron and main supplier of arms, thus, the Arab countries decided that in the event of another war with Israel, they would cut the production and export of oil to the West. Later, in October ۱۹۷۳, the Arab oil weapon was unsheathed on behalf of the Egyptians and Syrians who had once again embarked on a war with Israel in an attempt to free their territories from Israeli occupation. The Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, meeting in Kuwait on October ۱۷,۱۹۷۳ decided to cut production and bring about a total embargo on all oil for the US and the Netherlands until Israel withdrew from all occupied Arab territories. The rich industrialized countries were at first appalled by this action which threatened to place their economies in jeopardy. However, the US and its allies were only marginally affected by the embargo because the Shah announced his opposition to it and agreed to increase production of Iranian oil to meet the needs of the Western market. One of the fundamental aims behind this increase was to meet the requirements of Israel and South Africa. «۱۸»- The history of monarchy in Iran has been marked by atrocities. To cite just a few: In ۱۳۵۶, Teymour, among the most celebrated practitioners of the custom of building skull-pyramids, slaughtered ۷۰,۰۰۰ people in Isfahan and built a pyramid with their skulls. The eighteenth-century monarch Nadir Shah Afshar in ۱۷۴۴ set off to crush a rebellion against him led by the Governor-General of Fars Province, Qia Quli Aqa. As he approached the rebel's base in Shiraz, the people of that town, afraid for their lives, seized the Governor-General and handed him over to Nadir Shah's troops. The monarch then decided not to carry on to Shiraz, but went to Kerman instead to where he summoned all the aristocrats, officials and leaders of Fars province and, along with the leaders of Kerman, had most of them killed and built two towers from their heads. Shiraz was sacked by his soldiery anyway and they pillaged every house and slaughtered many citizens. In ۱۷۹۴, Aqa Muhammad Khan Qajar attacked the city of Kerman in a bid to capture his adversary, Lutf `Ali Khan Zand, who had sought refuge there. He proved successful in entering the city and Lutf `Ali Khan fled to Bam where he was later captured, blinded and put to death. Aqa Muhammad Khan then killed or gouged the eyes out of numerous people in vengeance for their giving shelter to Lutf `Ali Khan. He then transferred the bodies of the dead to the city of Bam where he had a number of skull-pyramids erected. Refer to Sharh-e Hal-e Rijal-e Siyasi-ye Iran, vol.۳, pp.۲۴۶-۳۷۷ and Shaytan-e Sabz, p.۱۹۰. «۱۹»- Here Imam is alluding to the quietism of the maraji` and `ulama' of Najaf and their opposition to his policies and his involvement in such matters. «۲۰»- Muhammad Khan Qajar (۱۷۴۱-۱۷۹۷) was the founder of the Qajar dynasty. After the merciless killing of Lutf `Ali Khan Zand in ۱۷۹۴, he made Tehran his capital and crowned himself king. Aqa Muhammad Khan was a fearless, bloodthirsty and cruel man. When in his battle with Lutf `Ali Khan Zand he captured the city of Kerman and failed to find Lutf `Ali Khan, the latter having fled to the city of Bam, he ordered the massacre of the people of Kerman. Some inhabitants escaped with their lives only to be blinded under the personal supervision of the Shah. His soldiers gouged ۳۵,۰۰۰ eyes out of their sockets and took ۳۰,۰۰۰ women and children prisoner. Aqa Muhammad Khan went mad at the end of his life and met his death at the hands of three of his servants. Refer to Sharh-e Hal-e Rijal-e Siyasi-ye Iran, vol.۳, pp. ۲۴۶-۲۵۷. «۲۱»- In late ۱۹۳۵, Rida Khan gave orders for strict enforcement of his decree requiring men to wear Western headgear and the Islamic veils of women to be removed. This move angered the people and prompted opposition from the clergy. Ayatullah Haj Aqa Husayn Qummi, a religious leader of Mashhad, traveled to Tehran in protest. He set up residence in the vicinity of the shrine of `Abdul-`Azim (a descendant of Imam Hasan) and when the people heard of his arrival, they rushed from all areas of Tehran to the shrine to see him. The gathering of people there worried Rida Khan, and he gave orders that the residence of Ayatullah Qummi and the shrine be surrounded and no one be allowed to enter. When news of this occurrence reached Mashhad, the people held a large gathering in the new courtyard of the shrine of Imam Rida (`a) and immediately orders were given to shoot those gathered there. After this event, Bahloul, a famous preacher of Khorasan province, called the mourners of those murdered in the incident to come together at the mosque of Gauhar Shad, part of the shrine complex in that city. Upon hearing of this second large gathering, Rida Khan ordered that machine-gun fire be used to disperse the crowd and that mercy be shown to no one. Police in Mashhad, along with the infantry, entered the mosque and massacred several hundred people. The bodies of the martyrs and even the wounded were then mercilessly loaded onto trucks and taken out of the city where they were buried in a mass grave. The site of this grave is known as the `seat of carnage'. «۲۲»- It is written that Nasiruddin Shah had set off to make a pilgrimage to the shrine of `Abdul-`Azim. Along the way, his entourage was stopped by a group of soldiers who had gathered on the road to complain to the Shah about their commander `Ala ad-Dawlah, who had stolen from their rations and wages. Their commander, who was accompanying the Shah, came forward and began to shout at the soldiers, but they abused him and threw stones at him. One of the stones struck the royal carriage, angering the Shah. On his return to the city, he ordered that the soldiers be summoned into his presence. In a bid to prevent the killing of the poor soldiers, the courtiers brought a number of those who were young, tall and handsome before the Shah so that he might spare them because of their youth. But the Shah ordered that they all had to be strangled. News of this event was reported in the European newspapers of the time, and the Shah, in an attempt to cover up his crime, dismissed the commander of the soldiers. Refer to Ahzab-e Siyasi-ye Iran, p.۲۲۶. «۲۳»- The person referred to is Mirza Yousuf Ashtiyani (۱۸۱۲-۱۸۸۶) known by the title Mustawfi al-Mamalik and nicknamed `Aqa'. «۲۴»- Nadir Quli Afshar Qarakhlou (۱۶۸۷-۱۷۴۷), one of the kings of Iran and the founder of the Afsharid dynasty, was a prisoner of the Uzbeks in his youth and after escaping from them, he entered the service of the governor of Abivard. While in his service, Nadir Quli showed great expertise, and for this reason as well as his success in crushing the governor's enemies, he was promoted to a position close to the governor and married his daughter, Gauhar Shad. A short while after, Nadir led a successful uprising against his master and ordered that he be skinned alive in front of him. Following these events, Nadir Quli entered the service of the Safavid ruler Shah Tahmasp and, as head of his army, he won back all the Safavid territories which had fallen into the hands of the Russians, Ottomans and Afghans and crushed all his internal and external enemies. In ۱۷۳۲, Nadir Quli deposed Tahmasp in favor of his infant son `Abbas and in ۱۷۳۶ he formally assumed power himself and became known as Nadir Shah. His constant campaigns were paid for by enormous taxes and heavy contributions and were, on numerous occasions, the direct cause of famine in many areas of the country. Indeed, his bloody assault on India in ۱۷۳۸-۳۹ was prompted by the promise of an immense booty to replenish his depleted treasury. Nadir Shah's rule, like that of most of the Persian kings, was marked by atrocities, bloodshed and oppression. Eighteen years of war during his reign wreaked destruction and famine on the country and brought much suffering to the people. His lust for blood led him to murder on a mass scale; the slaughter of the people of Shiraz in ۱۷۴۴ and the erection of two grim towers made from their heads serves as just one example of the atrocities he committed against the people. Intrigues against him were rife, and when in ۱۷۴۱/۲ an attempt was made on his life, he had his own son, Rida Quli Mirza, blinded because he suspected him of complicity in the plot. At the end of his life he went insane and killed a great number of his tribal chiefs and courtiers. However, his intention to kill some of his army heads and relatives was not realized as in ۱۷۴۷ he met his death at the hands of a group of chiefs from his own tribe of the Afshar who conspired together with some of the Qajar chiefs. Refer to Sharh-e Hal-e Rijal-e Siyasi-ye Iran, vol.۴, p.۱۹۳. «۲۵»- A tradition related by Imam al-Baqir on the personality and behavior of the Messenger of God says:" The Messenger of God ate food as a slave eats and sat as a slave sits." Bihar al-Anwar, vol.۱۶, p.۲۲۵. «۲۶»- The true name of Qanbar was Abou ash-Sha`ta Mawli ibn Mu`ammar. He was an African slave who was freed by Imam `Ali. Qanbar was the name that Imam `Ali gave him. Qanbar was very devoted to Imam `Ali and was dedicated in his service to him. For his part, Imam `Ali trusted Qanbar greatly. After Imam `Ali's martyrdom, Qanbar entered the service of Imam Hasan and just before the uprising of Imam Husayn, he was imprisoned by the Umayyads and was eventually martyred during the reign of `Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan at the age of sixty-five by Hajjaj ibn Yousuf ath-Thaqafi. «۲۷»- It refers to the title the Shah used for himself. «۲۸»- Tarattub is one of the subjects discussed in the study of the principles and ordinances of Islamic law that the Usoulis have referred to in their investigations into commands (to prevent the contradiction of two commands). Refer to Akhoundi Khorasani, Kafi al-Usoul. «۲۹»- The Shah. «۳۰»- On January ۲۶, ۱۹۶۵ [Bahman ۶,۱۳۴۳ AHS], the Shah, in a message delivered to the people of Iran on the occasion of the anniversary of the announcement of the White Revolution (January ۲۶,۱۹۶۳), said:" He (Rida Khan) had to go. They felt that his son and successor was of the same sentiment as he, and of course this was so. So what was to be done? For two or three days the Allies of that time and the occupiers of Iran were hesitant about recognizing the new Iranian regime, that is my rule .... but then they said well, the king must remain but the role of the king must be that of a powerless overseer." This confession was later concealed from the public and all copies of it were collected. Refer to The Rise and Fall of the Pahlavi Dynasty, Memoirs of General Fardoust, vol.۱, p.۱۰۰. «۳۱»- The assault on the Faydiyyah Madrasah took place on March ۲۲,۱۹۶۳ [Farvardin ۲,۱۳۴۲ AHS] and coincided with the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Ja`far as-Sadiq (`a). The Shi`ah theological centers have been recognized for many years as being the centers for the teachings of Imam as-Sadiq, and because of this, Imam saw this shameful act on the part of the regime, in which copies of the Qur'an were also set alight, as an affront to Imam as-Sadiq. «۳۲»- Here Imam is giving his reply to the threats made against him by the regime and which Hujjat al-Islam wal-Muslimin Haj Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini has written about in his memoirs:" Following the killing of America's pawn, Teymour Bakhtiyar- who was made the Military Governor of Tehran after the coup d'etat of August ۱۹,۱۹۵۲ [Mordad ۲۸,۱۳۳۲ AHS] and later became the first head of SAVAK- by SAVAK agents in a completely secret operation (refer to the Memoirs of General Fardoust, vol.۱, p.۴۱۵) while he was out hunting in Iraq and as he was being closely guarded by the Iraqi Ba`ath party, the deputy head of SAVAK in Qum came to the house of Mr. Ishraqi, Imam's son-in-law, to deliver, as he put it, a very important message from SAVAK headquarters to myself and Mr. Ishraqi. He spoke for more than an hour, but the gist of his message can be summed up in a few sentences:" After killing Mr. Bakhtiyar, the Iraqi government now intends to assassinate Mr. Khomeini in Najaf and lay the blame for it on us- the Iranian government! Tell Mr. Khomeini about this." As he was leaving, he said:" If you wish, you can also divulge this matter to the public, it will be alright!" After his departure I told Mr. Ishraqi:" SAVAK has a particular aim and wants everyone to know about this." I told Imam about the matter, but I did not tell anyone else. Our silence compelled SAVAK to go to Mr. Falsafi, the famous preacher, and tell him what they had told me. Mr. Falsafi, who was not aware of the truth of the matter, made it public in one of his sermons. Imam Khomeini's understanding of this message was that the regime had threatened him and in effect what they were saying was:" We killed Bakhtiyar even though he was closely guarded by Iraq; you have no one to guard you!" «۳۳»- After the death of Imam `Ali, the Shi`ah suffered persecution at the hands of subsequent rulers on numerous occasions. `Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad (died ۶۸۶), one of Yazid's henchmen, from the beginning of his governorship over Koufah when he martyred Muslim ibn `Aqil to the end of his life, killed, tortured or imprisoned twelve thousand Shi`ah for the crime of devotion to Imam `Ali. It was on his orders that many followers of Imam `Ali had their hands and feet severed and their tongues cut out. Maytham at-Tammar was one who suffered this cruel fate at the hands of Ziyad because he refused to curse Imam `Ali and continued in his unswerving loyalty to him and his house even after Imam `Ali's death. Ziyad participated in the battle against Imam Husayn at Karbala. Another ruthless, bloodthirsty governor at the time of the Umayyad caliphate was Hajjaj ibn Yousuf ath-Thaqafi (۶۶۱-۷۱۴ CE) who considered the non-believers and fire-worshippers to be superior to the followers of Imam `Ali. He was infamous for the cruelty he displayed on behalf of his masters in both Iraq and the Hijaz, and killed thousands of people simply because they were Shi`ah. Refer to Tarikh ash-Shi`ah, p.۴۰. «۳۴»- Here Imam' words show quite clearly his isolation in the struggle and his alienation in Najaf. The prevailing atmosphere of quietism and indifference in the school is also made quite obviou. «۳۵»- It refers to the celebrations of ۲,۵۰۰ years of Iranian monarchy which were held at Takht-e Jamshid, fifty-six kilometers north-east of Shiraz on the Marv Dasht plateau. «۳۶»- Soon after the Six Day War, it was reported that copies of the Qur'an were circulating in the territories seized by the Zionists, as well as in African countries, from which all verses critical of the Jews had been excised. «۳۷»- Sourah al-Ma'idah ۴:۶:" Oh ye who believe! When ye prepare for prayer, wash your face and your hands (and arms) to the elbows. Rub your hands (with water) and your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands. God doth not wish to place you in a difficulty but to make you clean and to complete His favor to you, that ye may be grateful." In ۱۹۷۱, a West German newspaper claimed that the spread of a contagious disease among Muslims was due to their lack of personal hygiene and that this had been brought about because the Qur'an had prohibited Muslims from washing themselves with soap. The article cited Verse Six, Sourah Five in support of its claim and stated that because Muslims wash themselves without the use of soap or any other cleansing agent, bacteria was not killed and disease followed. This article was not left without answer and the Muslim students in Europe wrote articles refuting the claim and held a seminar on hygiene from an Islamic point of view. «۳۸»- It points to the quietism of the Najaf theological center. «۳۹»- Abu Ja`far Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari (۸۳۸-۹۲۳ CE) who was born in Tabaristan in Iran is one of the great Muslim historians and the writer of Tarikh-e Tabari. «۴۰»- `Izzuddin ibn al-Athir (۱۱۶۰-۱۲۳۴) is one of the great Muslim historians and transmitters of Prophetic traditions. His history entitled Kamil at-Tawarikh and famous as Tarikh-e ibn Athir is one of the famous history books. «۴۱»- It is related in a tradition accounted to the Prophet of Islam, thus:" The most hated of all titles in the sight of God is `King of kings'. Refer to Sahih Muslim, vol.۳, p.۱۶۸۸. «۴۲»- Imam Abou'l-Hasan Mousa, son of Ja`far: seventh of the Twelve Imams, and generally known as Imam Mousa al-Kazim. He was born in Medina in ۷۴۴ CE and died in prison in Baghdad in ۷۹۹ CE. In the book Durr at-Tanzim, an example of Imam Mousa ibn Ja`far's opposition to Haroun ar-Rashid is cited. Haroun ar-Rashid sent Fadl ibn Rabi` to Imam Mousa (`a) in prison to give him a message. Fadl said:" I saw Imam at prayer. I stood waiting a while for him to finish. After finishing one prayer, he immediately began another, and repeated this act several times until I began to speak. I said:" The Commander of the Faithful sent me to you and ordered that I tell his brother to command anything he wants and bring it for him." Upon hearing this Imam said:" Neither have I money that will be of benefit, nor has God created me as one who pleads." Then he said:" Allahu akbar" ["God is Great"] and began to pray again." The fourth Imam, `Ali, known as Zayn al-`Abidin and as-Sajjad (۶۵۸-۷۱۲ CE) even from his prison cell kept in contact with the combatants of his time and led the struggle against the repressive regime. «۴۳»- In the language of the traditions and Islamic jurisprudence," Abou `Abdillah" is the title by which the sixth Imam, Ja`far ibn Muhammad as-Sadiq is known. «۴۴»- The maqboulah tradition is the tradition of `Umar ibn Hanzalah who asked Imam as-Sadiq, the sixth Imam, whether it was permissible in the event of a disagreement between two Shi`ah concerning a debt or a legacy to seek the verdict of the ruler or judge. He replied:" Anyone who has recourse to the ruler or judge, whether his case be just or unjust, has in reality had recourse to the taghout (i.e. the illegitimate ruling power). Whatever he obtains as a result of their verdict, he will have obtained by forbidden means, even if he has a proven right to it, for he will have obtained it through the verdict and judgment of the taghout, that power which God Almighty has commanded him to disbelieve in:" They wish to seek justice from illegitimate powers, even though they have been commanded to disbelieve therein"[Qur'an ۴:۶۰]. Imam as-Sadiq then advised the Shi`ah to refer to one of the fuqaha i.e. one learned in the principles and ordinances of Islamic law, or, more generally in all aspects of the faith. Those learned in the study of traditions have called this tradition the maqboulah tradition, and even though its chain of authorities [isnad] is weak, still it is accepted and referred to by the fuqaha. Refer to Wasa'il ash-Shi`ah, vol.۱۸, the section on the attributes of judges, pp. ۹۸-۹۹; Imam Khomeini, Kitab al-Bay`, vol.۲, p.۴۷۶. «۴۵»- During the last year of Imam `Ali's caliphate, Mu`awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan, the governor of Syria and the main challenger of Imam `Ali, managed to bring a large part of the Muslim lands under his control. Nevertheless, he could not claim for himself the title of" Commander of the Faithful" while Imam `Ali was still alive. Immediately after Imam `Ali's death, the office of caliph was passed on to his eldest son Imam Hasan (`a). His acclamation as caliph by the people was a great cause of alarm to Mu`awiyah who had been working for the office for many years and who with the death of Imam `Ali at last saw a clear path to undisputed authority. He lost no time in taking action, he denounced the appointment, sent many of his agents and spies to arouse the people against Imam Hasan, gathered an army of ۶۰,۰۰۰ men and marched against the new caliph. When Mu`awiyah's warlike intentions became clear, Imam Hasan had to prepare for battle. In a sermon delivered in the Friday Mosque, he invited the people to take part in a jihad against Mu`awiyah. Initially the people showed fickleness and lack of enthusiasm to do battle with Mu`awiyah. It was only when people such as `Adi ibn Hatam, an old and devoted follower of Imam `Ali and chief of the tribe of Tayyi, and Qays ibn Sa`d ibn `Ubada al-Ansari, a trusted commander of Imam `Ali's army, addressed the people urging them to respond to the call of Imam Hasan, did they come out to participate in the war. When the people announced their readiness to fight, Imam Hasan sent a vanguard of between ۱۲,۰۰۰ to ۱۴,۰۰۰ men under the command of `Ubaydullah ibn al-`Abbas. Soon after, Imam Hasan left Koufah with his main army. However, before he reached his vanguard, some of the troops accompanying him began to show signs that they lacked the necessary ardor and were not ready to make sacrifices in a jihad for their faith. Mu`awiyah's machinations brought about mutiny in Imam Hasan's army, his army heads received bribes and one after the other left the battlefield, leaving Imam Hasan to stand alone. Under such circumstances, Imam Hasan was forced to come to terms with Mu`awiyah. For a more detailed account of this event see The Origins and Early Development of Shi`a Islam. S.H.M. Jafri, pp. ۱۳۰-۱۴۸. «۴۶»- The terms of the peace agreement which was signed by Imam Hasan and Mu`awiyah are as follows:۱ )Governance lies with Mu`awiyah on condition that he rules according to the Book of God, the Sunnah (i.e. the practice) of the Prophet and the conduct of the righteous caliphs.۲ )The caliphate will be restored to Imam Hasan after the death of Mu`awiyah and if anything were to happen to him, it would pass to Imam Husayn. Mu`awiyah does not have the right to select a successor after him.۳ )Mu`awiyah will stop reviling and cursing Imam `Ali and he will not mention him in any other than good terms.۴ )The treasury of Koufah which contains five million dirhams will not be handed over to Mu`awiyah. Mu`awiyah will send two million dirhams annually for Imam Husayn. Preference will be given to the Bani Hashim over the Bani Umayyah in the granting of gifts and awards. One million dirhams will be divided among the relatives of those martyred while fighting for Imam `Ali in the battles of the Camel and Siffin. All this will be paid from the revenues of the district of Darabjird.۵ )The people from all over the land- Syria, Iraq, Yemen or the Hijaz- will be secure and this includes every race, black or red. Mu`awiyah will overlook any offences pending against them and no one will be called to account for past offences. The people of Iraq will not be punished in revenge for their past. The companions and followers of Imam `Ali, wherever they are, their lives, properties, women and children will be guaranteed and they will be kept safe and secure. They will not be persecuted, injured or deprived of their rights or privileges nor dispossessed of anything which they possess. No dangerous plot will be made for killing Imam Hasan ibn `Ali and his brother Imam Husayn, or anyone from the family of the Prophet and nowhere in the regions of the Islamic land will they be intimidated or threatened.In his first speech in the mosque at Koufah, Mu`awiyah dismissed the agreement. However, at the same gathering, Imam Hasan delivered a speech in which he spoke of Mu`awiyah's treason. His speech was so effective that some of the people gathered there stood up and began to curse Mu`awiyah. Refer to Sulh-e Imam Hasan [The Peace Treaty of Imam Hasan], pp. ۳۵۳-۳۵۸; ۳۸۵-۳۹۲; Shaykh Radi Al-Yasin, Sulh al-Hasan: The Peace Treaty of Al-Hasan, trans. Jasim al-Rasheed (Qum: Ansariyan Publications,۱۹۹۸), http://www.al-islam.org/sulh/ . «۴۷»- During the reign of Muzaffaruddin Shah (۱۸۹۶-۱۹۰۷), unrestrained spending, the plunderings of corrupt courtiers and the costs of the Shah's extravagant European tours, emptied the country's treasury. Circumstances were ripe for exploitation by the imperialist governments of Russia and Britain who, in attempts to increase their influence in the country, stepped in with offers of heavy loans to the bankrupt monarch. In return, they took control of the customs revenues, income from the northern fisheries and the telegraph office as well as some other privileges as insurances against the loans. Money received in loans amounted to more than two million English pounds and thirty-eight million Russian rubles. Active elements among the clergy of the time such as Ayatullah Tabataba'i and Ayatullah Behbahani, brave preachers and even the newspapers of the day, objected to these measures and called on the people to stand up for their rights. Refer to Ikhtinaq dar Iran, pp. ۱۳,۱۹. «۴۸»- " The hand of God is with the group": a statement attributed to the Prophet, Sahih Tirmidhi, vol.۹, p.۱۰. «۴۹»- Muslim: a cousin and votary of Imam Husayn and was martyred by the `Umayyad forces. «۵۰»- Walid ibn `Utba: the governor of Medina at the time who was told by Yazid, the new `Umayyad ruler, to exact homage from Imam Husayn (`a).

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 01 تیر 1350

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