شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Letter [to Faridah Mustafawi]

Najaf, Iraq
Faridah Mustafawi
جلد ۳ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۱۶۴

 In His Most Exalted Name
Sha`ban 20,1396 AH
My dear daughter,
I have received your affectionate letter of condolence on the demise of my dear brother. «1» It is difficult for me to bear this loss, more so by being far away from home. I pray for God's protection of my dear children and for the welfare of all.
I have had no letter from Khanum «2» apart from those first two ones. However, I am kept abreast of her well-being from you. May God keep her for you, and all of you for her. I am passing the days in great sorrow. Give my regards to Mr. A`rabi if he has already come; also to Khanum, sister «3» and the others. Keep me informed of your welfare. Peace be with you.
Your father
Please send the enclosed letter to Uncle; «4» place it inside an envelope.

«۱»- Mr. Hindi, Imam Khomeini's brother. «۲»- Imam Khomeini's spouse. «۳»- Khanum Sadiqah Mustafawi, Imam Khomeini's eldest daughter. «۴»- Mr. Sayyid Murtada Pasandideh.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 26 مرداد 1355

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