شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Letter [to Sayyid Hamid Rouhani (Ziyarati)]

Najaf, Iraq
Confirmation of the subjects mentioned in the letter sent to the clergymen in India
Sayyid Hamid Rouhani (Ziyarati)
جلد ۳ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۱۸۵
[In His Most Exalted Name
May peace be upon you. I beseech God, the Beneficent to hasten your recovery and grant you perfect health. «1»
I have written a letter to our brothers residing in India. As you have been quoted in the letter, it is necessary for you to peruse it so as to obviate any discrepancies. And if you think it advisable, please allow me to convey to them your regards, and also your regrets over their differences. «2» Concerning Lebanon, I have not yet received what you have written. «3» May your benign existence endure. Rouhani]
In His Most Exalted Name
May peace be upon you. I hope that you will be successful, God willing. There is no objection to conveying regards and expressing regrets. Mustafa «4» told me briefly about the printing of the aforesaid book that dismayed me. I cannot ignore your difficulties. «5» Write and let me know how much debt you have incurred in the matter.
«۱»- In the year ۱۳۵۵ AHS, Imam Khomeini, while in Najaf, had suffered a heart attack. «۲»- It refers to the differences that had cropped up between two of the clergymen resident in India. «۳»- It refers to the proclamation of Imam Khomeini, concerning the condition in Lebanon that he was supposed to send to Mr. Ruhani for printing in that country. «۴»- Mr. Sayyid Mustafa Khomeini. «۵»- The book" The Call of the Revolution" which had been published in Lebanon by Mr. Sayyid Hamid Ruhani, and the reason for his arrest by the agents of the Iraqi Ba`ath in Beirut, He was incarcerated for a week in the party's premises in Beirut.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 01 فروردین 1355

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