شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Interview [The need for overthrowing the Pahlavi dynasty; describing the Islamic republic's foreign policy]

Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
The need for overthrowing the Pahlavi dynasty; describing the Islamic republic's foreign policy
جلد ۴ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۳۲۶
Interviewer: German Channel 2 television reporter
Question: [The Shah of Iran has formed a military government. «1» What is your opinion or reaction to that?]
Answer: People will treat this military government just as they did all the others. And these struggles won't work in Iran and won't help the Shah. The Shah must go and he has no other choice.
Q: [Will Your Eminence accept constitutional monarchy as legal, and will you agree if the Shah resigns and his son takes his place?]
A: Constitutional monarchy will never be accepted by us and the people, and it must be eradicated; and this dynasty, in particular, is hated by the people and must be thrown out, and the people themselves should select a regime.
Q: [After an Islamic government has come to power, how will be its position and relations be with major countries, the superpowers and the Western, Eastern and other countries?]
A: All countries, if they have respect for us, we will maintain mutual respect toward them, and if any country or government tries to impose anything on us, we will not accept such a thing. We won't oppress others and won't allow ourselves to be oppressed.
Q: [Concerning the Muslims in Russia, would you approve them and could any contribution be extended to them for their freedom?]
A: They are our brothers. We are brothers to all Muslims and this is an Islamic concept that any Muslim must help other Muslims.
«۱»- Ghulam-Rida Azhari's military cabinet.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 15 آبان 1357

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