شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Interview [The Shah's repentance; the rights of the minorities; the relations between the Islamic republic and the West]

Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
The Shah's repentance; the rights of the minorities; the relations between the Islamic republic and the West
جلد ۴ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۴۶ تا صفحه ۳۵۰
Interviewer: A reporter of the Dutch Volt Krant (?) magazine
Question: [Regarding the Shah's speech and his confession to his `past mistakes', and his acknowledgement of hearing the" revolutionary message," «1» it appears that you have called people to an uprising. So, don't you see another possible way of establishing a democratic regime?]
Answer: Firstly, the Shah's confession to his past mistakes is nothing but a trick and a deception, and he thinks that the nation would forgive him merely for his confessions, and would leave him alone. Besides, if a criminal confesses to his deeds, he must be put on trial and punished according to what he has confessed. And if he is pretentiously saying that I have understood your revolutionary message, that if he has heard- which he certainly has- the nation's message to him would be that, the Shah and his dynasty must step aside. Therefore, if he has heard this message and wants to act upon it, then why doesn't he withdraw and let the people decide about their own destiny? And why does he constantly impose himself on the people by the force of bayonets? And considering all of that, should we still believe that the Shah is willing to establish democracy?
Q: [Do you suppose that the army may disobey the Shah as you have asked them to do? If yes, would you give justified reasons? Otherwise, do you think that there is a real opportunity for an armed confrontation?]
A: It is obvious that among the army high-ranking officers, there are some who have taken part in the looting of the country by their supporting of the Shah and the Shah's supporting of them, and have also accompanied each other in murders and tortures, But, there are soldiers and a lot of officers who are with people, and are suffering because of the Shah, particularly because of the supremacy of the American advisors over them. And sooner or later, they will embrace the people for the bond there is between them and the people, and the indications are already surfacing.
Q: [Assuming the Shah agrees or becomes forced to step aside, what should be done to have an Islamic republic? Do you think you would have any obstacles in your way?]
A: The same people, who joined hands and courageously cornered the Shah, would choose their own desired government by the guidance of those who have always commiserated with them, and since they are Muslims, obviously in every stage, Islam would be the only basis and standard for the social system and the type of government. Therefore, I have suggested an Islamic republic, and I shall put that to popular vote. And of course, the more important the job, the greater its difficulties is.
Q: [If the elections become democratic, will you invite the people to take a middle course?]
A: In the Shah's presence, I would not accept any proposals, for they won't be anything but conspiracies, and if the Shah falls, I would encourage people not to vote to any government but the one they themselves will bring to power.
Q: [How would an Islamic government be formed?]
A: With the plan we have prepared, we would try to have all sectors of people select their members of the cabinet consciously and freely, and then choose the government representatives and those who would be in charge of the offices.
Q: [What would be the first step that an Islamic government would take?]
A: The first step would be to seriously eradicate every factor of corruption, and more importantly, every motive for corruption in the social, economic and other areas.
Q: [What would you do to those whom you believe are traitors and those who are seeking their own interests?]
A: The answer is what I've said before. People will choose whoever they find trustworthy for the positions, and they will put on trial and punish the traitors.
Q: [The National Front has taken an important step toward you, «2» by denouncing the monarchy. Are you too, in turn, willing to take one step toward the non-clerical opponents of the government?]
A: People all across the country have been strongly condemning the monarchial regime for over a year now. Therefore, anyone or any group denouncing the monarchy has cooperated with the nation, and if they persist in their struggle, people will not forget them, and I am with the people.
Q: [In the 1906 Constitution a board of religious authorities in charge of conforming the parliamentary laws to the Qur'an has been foreseen. Will such a board be foreseen in the Islamic republic too?]
A: The supervision of Islam's authorities over the parliament will be approved just as before.
Q: [Contrary to the Shah's desire, you are seeking a true modernization for Iran. Could you specify the difference between these two types of modernization?]
A: Restructuring and renovating the country are definitely among our concerns and plans. What the Shah has been doing as modernization has caused nothing but destruction and demolition. Would putting the oil- the black gold- on sale and filling the country with scrap iron instead, be called modernization? Would promoting dependant assembly industries with the help of hundreds of factories, be called modernization? Would the supremacy of tens of thousands of military advisors over the army and the country's destiny, and paying their astronomical costs be called modernization?! And ...
Q: [What would be the rights of the religious, ethnic, and political minorities in the Islamic republic? Would the communist party still be legal?]
A: Islam has given more freedom to religious minorities than any other religion and faith. They too, must enjoy their natural rights that God has granted to mankind. We would treat them in the best way we can. In the Islamic republic, even the communists are free to express their opinions.
Q: [Specifically, how would women's rights in the Islamic republic be? What about the coed schools? What would be the case with the issue of birth control and abortion?]
A: According to human rights, there is no difference between a man and a woman. Because they are both human, and like men, women have the right to take part in making their own destiny too. Yes, of course there are some differences between men and women that have nothing to do with their humanistic dignity. Anything not against women's dignity and nobility is free. Abortion is prohibited in Islam.
Q: [You have said that you will continue to export gas and oil to Western countries and import their technology; under what conditions?]
A: We would not shut down our oil wells, nor would we close the doors to our country, or turn our country into a consumer market for the West, so they could impose anything they want on us. We would put the oil into service, but we won't necessarily have to always be an exporter of it. We'd buy what we don't have and what we need from other countries, but why should we not be the producer of our own needs? Our policy would always be based on maintaining freedom and independence and protecting people's interests, and we won't sacrifice this principle for anything.
Q: [You have identified Iran's major dependency on western countries, particularly America. How do you think you would put an end to that?]
A: A nation that gives lives to earn freedom and independence, will tolerate patience, resistance and pain in order to keep and protect them.
Q: [Are you planning to nationalize particularly the oil companies?]
A: We would cancel any agreement that is damaging to Iran's interests.
Q: [Would you deport foreigners, especially Americans, from Iran? If yes, wouldn't that bring about the risk of shortages in technicians and experts, particularly in the oil industry?]
A: We are not the enemy of non-Iranians, but we won't give permission to stay to those whose presence is harmful to the nation. We do have sufficient skilled manpower.
Q: [Aren't you afraid of America overthrowing the Islamic republic? And Russia too? What measures would you take to prevent such possibilities?]
A: Iran's Islamic movement against the Shah is no less than confrontation with America and Russia, who are directly or indirectly supporting him.
Q: [What do you think of the change in the tone of the Soviet press that there's an obvious turmoil in Iran?]
A: The Soviets have lost their reputations many times because of their opportunistic diplomacies. And they think that they can always fish in troubled waters. We will cut off the hands of the Soviet mercenaries from Iran.
Q: [What do you think is America's reason for saying that if Iran faces turmoil, the Soviets will take advantage of that to get to the Persian Gulf?]
A: America has made many contradictory statements. It wasn't long ago that Carter said: They say the Soviets have a hand in Iran's turmoil. Carter's statement is not true, and if Iran becomes independent, she will take control over the Persian Gulf.
Q: [Suppose Iranian's uprising does not spread, and the Shah really granted people freedom, and in a referendum, people voted for a monarchial or constitutional government, what would you do?]
A: Iran's revolution is an Islamic movement which will continue, with or without the presence of the Shah. If the Shah shows stubbornness and doesn't withdraw, the movement will go on. As a matter of fact, the constitutional monarchy is strongly hated by the people. Besides, it's impossible for the Shah to give freedom to Iran's oppressed people. Aren't the demonstrations and strikes throughout the country to be considered as a referendum against the Shah?
«۱»- The Shah, on the verge of appointing the military cabinet, in a radio-television speech, while confessing to his past errors and apologizing to the people, promised to compensate for his mistakes in the future. «۲»- Karim Sanjabi's meeting with Imam in Neauphle-le-Chateau, which resulted in the denouncement of the monarchy by the National Front.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 16 آبان 1357

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