شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Interview [Military coup; Toudeh Party; oil]

Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Military coup; Toudeh Party; oil
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۳۷ تا صفحه ۳۳۸
Interviewer: A reporter of the Channel 2 of the German Radio-Television
Q: [Your Eminence, would you accept any solution or government within the framework of monarchy?]
A: No solution will be acceptable with the existence of the monarchical regime.
Q: [Your Eminence, you have been invited to return to Iran. Would you go to Iran in the current situation?]
A: Whether I am invited or not, I will go to Iran whenever I deem it appropriate.
Q: [If the Shah refuses to leave Iran and you refrain from returning to Iran, it seems that just one solution will remain, that is, military coup, whose results will be more destruction, suppression and bloodshed. What is your opinion?]
A: Military coup is the very martial government. Whether the coup takes place or not, we intend to continue our struggle and we will bear the difficulties to attain freedom and independence.
Q: [Aren't you afraid of an international confrontation if the violence in Iran goes on? And don't you think that this confrontation will be between the United States and the Soviet Union?]
A: If a conflict occurs, it will engulf the entire world, but these two superpowers will not wage a world war for such a reason.
Q: [You have announced that in the future you will not sell any oil to the countries that have supported the Shah and that the sale of oil to Israel and South Africa and all the industrialized countries that have had trade relations with the Shah should be stopped. Have these countries been so far the enemies of Iran?]
A: We are not against the countries. We are the enemies of those countries that have either oppressed our Muslim brothers or have suppressed us.
Q: [You are planning to set up a socialist Islamic government; what kind of socialism do you envisage? Would you allow the Toudeh Party to be a partner in your government? Will the Holy Qur'an be the Constitution of Iran?]
A: We will form an Islamic government whose establishment and the government itself rely on the votes of the nation. The laws of such a republic are obviously the Islamic rules. We will not allow a party, which has been rejected by the Islamic society, to join our Islamic government.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 15 دی 1357

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