شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Congratulations on the occasion of the Shah's escape and explanation of the duties of the citizens]

Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Congratulations on the occasion of the Shah's escape and explanation of the duties of the citizens
The Iranian nation
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۷۳ تا صفحه ۴۷۴
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
To the honorable and courageous Iranian nation, may Allah raise their fame and grant them success:
I congratulate the devout nation on the occasion of the escape of Muhammad Rida Pahlavi, which is the dawn of the victory of the nation and the threshold of salvation and attainment of freedom and independence. You, the courageous, steadfast nation proved to the oppressed nations that it is possible to overcome the difficulties, whatever they might be, through devotion and resistance and achieve the objective- whatever it might be. Although this tyrant has escaped from our hands with his hands are stained with the blood of our youth and his pockets are full of the nation's wealth, by the grace of God he will be tried soon and the revenge of the dispossessed will be taken on him, but the severance of the hands of the oppressors by the oppressed to prevent the continuation of oppression is imminent. He has left and joined Israel, the sworn enemy of Islam and the Muslims, but left such crimes and disorderliness whose compensation will not be possible except through the affirmation of the Almighty God and the efforts of all strata of the nation and the sacrifices of the efficient and intellectual classes. Now on the dawn of salvation and victory, I draw the attention of the people to certain issues:
1. In order to maintain law and order, it is the duty of the zealous youth across the country to cooperate with those sections of the security forces who have returned to the bosom of the nation and with their full force and strength they should not allow the mischievous elements and the pervert to create riot and insecurity.
2. The demonstrations and chanting slogans against the monarchical regime and the usurping government should continue, and if the misguided people and the opponents of Islam tried to create any problem or any disorderliness, they must seriously stop them. The nation should bear in mind that any diversion and any slogan against the path of the nation is created by the agents of the defunct Shah and the tools of the aliens. I request all of those who have had some inclination towards the pervert schools of thought to return to the bosom of Islam, for it would guarantee their salvation and we will admit them with brotherliness. At this sensitive juncture when our war-stricken country more than any other time needs unity and unanimity, attempts must be made to avoid any differences.
3. The provisional government will be introduced soon to take charge and prepare the grounds for the election of the constituent assembly. The ministries are duty-bound to accept them and sincerely cooperate with them. I deem it in the interest of the illegal ministers to step down and not put themselves in the way of the nation.
4. I recommend all the security forces and the personnel, top brass officers and commanders of the ground, air and naval forces as well as those of the gendarmerie and the rest to give up their support for Muhammad Rida Pahlavi- who is now dismissed, will not return to the country and has faced the hatred of the people abroad- and join the nation which is in their religious and worldly interests.
I thank all the strata, particularly the honorable `ulama', at this sensitive juncture and beseech the Almighty God to grant health and salvation to all and hope for the unity of word forever, particularly for overthrowing the monarchical regime and the establishment of the Islamic Republic. May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 27 دی 1357

جمله طلایی

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