شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [A call to the masses to participate in the referendum]

Faydiyyah Theological School, Qum
At the threshold of the Islamic Republic referendum
A call to the masses to participate in the referendum
The various strata of the people
جلد ۶ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۸۳ تا صفحه ۳۸۶
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Referendum: the determinant of nation's fate

At the threshold of the referendum, I deem it necessary to remind you that the referendum will determine the nation's destiny. This referendum will take you either toward freedom and independence or toward the previous situation with its suppression and bondage. This referendum is something that entire nation must participate in. I advise the whole nation to take part in this referendum, which will decide the fate of the nation, country and religion. Do not be negligent in this. Do not grow indolent. Do not occupy yourselves with other works to do. Tomorrow get out of your homes at the time designated for the referendum and rush to vote and determine your fate.

Vote for an Islamic republic

I shall vote for Islamic republic and I am asking you to help Islam, your country and nation and vote for Islamic republic. You are free, but you should decide regarding your fate with freedom. People from all strata must cast their vote for anything they want. All the sects will be granted with their rights. Our Sunni brothers are like us. There is no difference between you and us in terms of rights. Their rights will be granted. They should take part in this (referendum), which will determine their destiny. Do not heed the assertions made by those who want to sow seeds of discord and separate us brothers by bringing up the Sunni-Shi`ah issue among us and allow others to loot our interests straight into their pockets.

Rights of the religious minorities in Islam

Tomorrow, everybody, Shi`ah or Sunnis, should come and vote and deliver their country from this conundrum and unrest. All strata of the people enjoy equal rights and everybody will be granted their own rights. Religious minorities are held in respect in Islam and are entitled to certain rights, which will be granted to them. They are free to practice their religion, to choose their own representatives. All strata of the people are free. You must be aware that words disseminated among you that the clergy would forbid you your rights are tantamount to a treachery to the nation. The clergy is at the top of the clique, which respect your rights. The clergy obey the Qur'an and Islam. You are held in esteem by the Qur'an and Islam, and Qur'an accepts you as brothers. Join the nation and us. Desist from killing (each other) and sowing seeds of discord. Cooperate with the police forces, the nation's powers and the government offices. Be your government's supporters. The government is Islamic; the army is Islamic. Be the comrade of your own army. The army is at your service. The government is at your service and we are at your service.
I beseech the Exalted and Blessed God to grant prosperity to you, the noble nation, whatever class you belong to, and may you be freed from suppression and foreign domination. Together we should preserve this movement. If, God forbid, we show any indecision in voting, I fear for the return of the previous tribulations. If you heed the declarations of the sowers of seeds of discord, I am afraid we will be afflicted by the same old adversities of the previous regime from which we were escaping, but in another form.

American agents donning leftist masks

Our brethren! Our dear ones! Stop sowing seeds of discord. Do not listen to the utterances of the discord-mongers. They are agents of America donning the masks of left-leaning groups. They are the same individuals who want to give away our resources to America! These are the same people who want to implement the same previous policies in another form. If they care for the nation's interests and well-being, their heart goes out to the nation or they sympathize with the nation, why are they causing disparity, especially now that the nation has risen up and wants to vote for the Islamic republic, which aims at reforming every aspect of life? Previously, you would say that there was suppression and you were opposed to it, that you would serve the nation. In the past, there were foreign powers here, we struggle against them, and we vowed to work for the nation. Now, there is no more oppression, nor any foreign powers. Now, you are standing before a nation all of which is pursuing one goal. Be in conformity with it. If you really want the nation's welfare, then join it. If you do not converge with the nation, then it means you are not aspiring for its well-being. Therefore, it is clear that you are wishing to cause dispersion and make foreign powers dominate us again.

General participation in the referendum

May God bless you with health and graces. Tomorrow, get out of your homes and vote for an Islamic republic. I ask you all to vote for the Islamic Republic. Of course, you are free to vote for anything you wish. You can mark that ballots on which" yes" and" no" had been printed in any manner you want. If you choose" no," you may include anything. It needs not be a mere" no." You may add" democratic republic" or a" monarchial regime." You are free to write anything. But, of course, this referendum means choosing" yes' or" no." It is not an election; it is a referendum to choose between" yes" and" no." However, you are free to choose, or write down whatever you want.
May God protect the entire nation from the evil of the foreign powers and make the discord-mongers among Muslims to come to their senses. Whereas in reality, Muslims are friends to one another and are comrades and Islam has taken into consideration the rights of all strata of the people. To express your gratitude for being emancipated from suppression and being delivered from the taghout's domination, you must take to the streets, get out of your homes, and cast your vote. You are free to vote for anything you want. However, a referendum means choosing between" yes" and" no". However, you are free. Also, you should take note of this point that a" no" does not mean voting for a" monarchial regime". A" no" vote means you do not want an Islamic republic. You may say" no" and want a monarchial regime; or you may want an absolute republic or a democratic republic. A" no" does not mean a monarchial regime from which you want to run away. Nevertheless, you are free to vote" yes" or" no", or write on the ballot whatever your heart desires. Nobody is going to prevent you doing so.

The fulfillment of the nation's rights in an Islamic government

Words that have been spreading among people that Islam does not grant women any rights and what will happen after the referendum are also plots concocted by the cabals of foreign powers who are raising this issue. It is these foreign henchmen who are creating discord among the people in various ways and do not want to have this referendum to be held completely. Perhaps they are still hoping to keep the monarchy or set up another regime. In any case, Islam considers women's rights in the same way it considers men's rights. Islam looks upon women with a kinder attention than it does upon men. Islam regards women's more highly than men. And responding to that statement regarding what would happen after (the referendum),(I have to say that) in Islam women have a right of suffrage, which is superior over that prescribed in the West. We respect this right of women. They have the right to vote, elect and be elected. All these rights are upheld. All negotiations then enter into are at their discretion and they are free. They are free to choose their own profession. Of course, in the East, «1» there are certain limits to be observed by men for their own good and these limits have been anticipated by Islam to prevent corrupt practices, namely gambling, imbibing, alcohol and consumption of heroin, which are all corrupting. There are limits that apply to certain groups of people and they are religious law and divine. These restrictions are for the interest of the society. There has never been any occasion that something was in the interest of the society and Islam restricted it.
We promise to you that in Islamic government, everyone will enjoy his legitimate rights. All these issues that certain groups are bringing up before the referendum and the activities they have launched are all serving the interests of the foreign powers. Come and rescue your country. Tomorrow, we shall all go to the polling precincts. I, myself, shall cast my vote and drop it into the ballot box. All of you should advance forward together, God willing, in building a free and an independent country, a country that belongs to us and a country in which we will work hard and reap the benefits.
May God's peace and mercy be upon you.
«۱»- It refers to the Islamic East.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 09 فروردین 1358

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