شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [The nation's power; devastation in Iran; on the road to reconstruction]

The nation's power; devastation in Iran; on the road to reconstruction
Telecommunications' employees
جلد ۶ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۵۶ تا صفحه ۴۵۸
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Role of telecommunications employees in the Islamic Revolution's victory

I know that Telecommunications Organization had helped us a lot. When I was abroad, they (telecommunications employees) helped us and correctly received our messages and disseminated them although everything would be censored (by the regime) I am grateful to all of you, gentlemen. You have a share in this movement and I hope that with your participation, gentlemen, and the rest of the nation, this movement will reach its ultimate destination.
This movement is halfway through its path, meaning that we have severed the hands of the foreign powers to a certain extent and foreign lackeys spearheaded by Muhammad Rida had fled abroad, and with the nation's determination and the will of the Exalted and Blessed God, we have reached this point. From this point onward, there are the issues of reconstruction and the uprooting of this clique, which is the remnant and the corrupt roots still remaining in our country, most of which are agents of America, but which have a different face.

Superiority of the nation's power

We should all be united, and we should not think that our task has already been completed and that we have reached the end of our struggle. We should consider ourselves to have reached just half of the way and that we must traverse the other half of the path with strength and power up to its end. We should all (advance) together and, as you have witnessed, in the same way that we have trodden the path up to this point, and that is, through the unity of expression and an eye to Islam and religion. When they (ex-regime) had the power in their hands and the nation had nothing but its fist and blood, reliance on God and unity of expression were engendered among all the various strata of the people in such a way that superpowers could not keep him (Shah) in power. Whereas in the past, they (superpowers) used to say that" he has to stay in power!" Britain used to say," This man is loyal to us"; America would say the same but in another way; the USSR would not say it so explicitly, but they were all supporting him. However, although they were all propping him up and he, himself, possessed satanic power, organizations and accoutrements, the nation's power, which was superior over everything, came to the fore.
How was the nation's power engendered? It was created because everyone had one united goal, which was Islam! If everyone had been together but with a goal other than Islam, this movement would not have endured. You saw our youth, who were martyred, welcomed martyrdom; this was the power of Islam. From now on, this power has to be preserved; this faith and unity of expression have to be maintained, so that we can achieve ultimate victory, God willing. I hope we will be able to traverse the path up to its end through unity of expression and the power of faith in the manner we want.

The ruination of the economy and educational system

Now, the whole system bears the mark of the taghout. For many long years, the ex-regime habituated offices and all strata of the people to a taghouti system and it will take an equally long period before these can be changed into an Islamic and humane system. On the other side of things, they wrought destruction in Iran and just about reduced it into ruins. From the economic aspect, Iran is so retarded that it will take ages to acquire a proper and decent economy. Similarly, the education, too, is backward. The ex-regime never allowed a single righteous human being to be produced in schools properly. Now, if we want to form a parliament, that is, a Constituents Assembly and a Consultative Assembly, we should grab a lamp and look here and there to find a man who is trustworthy, nationalistic, having no western or eastern inclination and who will serve Islam and the country. Why? It is because since many long years ago, and, recently, in the last fifty years, the ruling machinery made efforts not to have a single true educated human being. One after another, they killed people who were proficient and productive individuals. They did not allow one single individual who is trustworthy, pious, patriotic with no leftist or rightist proclivity, and hindered the growth of our youth. They impaired our educational system and ruined it to such an extent that it could not produce one single correct human being.

On the road to reconstruction

From now on, we should begin the building of true human beings. A rich country like ours has everything, but, regrettably, its people have to languish starving! All this was because they (foreign powers) never allowed this country be run according to human rules. Now, we should all sit and think together and with everybody's participation; one single group or the government alone cannot do the task; the nation must work together with the government and vice-versa. With concerted efforts, they must think of a way; thinkers must find a way, and design a plan, so that after a few years, we shall be able to produce upright human beings to manage this country.
I hope God will protect you, who are the workforce of this country. May God protect our youth, awaken everyone and fulfill the tasks that God has designated for us, so that the Islamic power we have all witnessed be maintained and, likewise, the unity of expression. God willing, country will be ours and we will run it in its both material and spiritual aspects.
May God grant you success and make you prosperous. May you be healthy and successful. May your reward rest with God. May you be successful and be supported.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 19 فروردین 1358

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