[To the honorable Grand Ayatullah Hadrat Imam Khomeini- may his blessings last:
After extending my greetings to you, I respectfully wish to inform you that the factories producing Pepsi Cola, Schweppes, Babol Ab and Oso (?) are twelve in number, situated in various cities. These factories previously belonged to the Sabet (Thabit) «1» Group, but now all of their shares are in the possessions of the Bunyad-e Mustad`afin [Foundation for the Downtrodden]. I would like to have your opinion on this matter.
The Producers
3/30/1358 AHS]
In His Most Exalted Name
At this time when the consumption of such products of the above-mentioned factories is for the benefit of the oppressed, using them is permissible.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Rajab 25,1399 AH