شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [Unavoidable damage in revolutions]

Mr. Mufattih's martyrdom
Unavoidable damage in revolutions
The students of the college of Divine Sciences of Tehran University
جلد ۱۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۲۶۴
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Readiness for sacrifice in the path of the Revolution

We have these calamities in any revolution. No revolution is immune from these disasters. Our revolution is one which has disturbed the plunderings of both the East and the West and has cut their hands off our assets. Therefore, those whose interests have been endangered are restless to inflict damage of all sorts on us. We should be vigilant and ready for these upheavals. Compared with other revolutions, however, our revolution has been a peaceful one. In other revolutions, the number of casualties and prisoners has been tremendous: sometimes in the range of one, one and a half, and even two million. This revolution, due to its Islamic nature, has suffered fewer casualties. The dignitaries, who are being eliminated by our enemies one by one, are very distinguished personalities and we were hoping that they would serve Islam and a few have attained martyrdom «1» in our subsequent plans.

The continuity of the Islamic Revolution

I hope our students will not get discouraged by such calamities and disturbances. I want them to be strong and continue with their movement. The Iranian movement has not been an easy task. The Iranian people have performed a formidable task, a great feat. We did not suffer much because we were protected by Islam. Now we are losing people, but our nation will take their place. We have to continue treading the way of our martyrs with no hesitation. Our nation has found its way. The losses of dignitaries will not deter us from pursuing our goals. I ask God to bless our martyrs. I hope God will strengthen your moral and you must continue your studies. I hope you will keep our movement alive. May God help you succeed.
«۱»- Referring to Mr. Mufattih's martyrdom.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 29 آذر 1358

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