شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Debarring relatives and the personnel of the Imam's office from interfering into the Tabriz issue]

Debarring relatives and the personnel of the Imam's office from interfering into the Tabriz issue «1»
جلد ۱۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۲۷۸
In His Most Exalted Name
Officials and personnel in the exterior building and those who come in contact with me are not allowed to interfere in daily issues and the events taking place in Tabriz and discuss the matters by phone. They will be accountable if this decree is violated.
«۱»- Due to the turbulences which were created by the party of Muslim people in Tabriz, which had supported Mr. Shari`atmadari, Imam Khomeini forbade his relatives or personnel from interfering into the Tabriz issue. This was done to offset the agitator's conspiracies.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 01 فروردین 1358

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