In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
His Excellency Leonid Brezvev (Chairman of the Soviet Union),
Your Excellency's telegram on the 60 th anniversary of the establishment of the political relations between the two countries is received with thanks. While expressing the due regards in reciprocation of yours, I do hope that the non-interference into the affairs and the territorial integrity of the other nations shall remain alive ahead of your view and the other world leaders as it is mentioned in your message of congratulations.
The relations between the two countries will be friendly- true to the sense if conveys. I pray to God for the intimacy and peace between the nations. I pray to God to cut the hands of the imperialists, particularly the cruel big powers from the oppressed ones of the world.
Rouhullah Mousawi Khomeini
Khordad 4,1359 AHS