مطلب مرتبط

سخنرانی در جمع مردم و دانشجویان ایرانی مقیم هندوستان (تلاش برای اقامه حق)Implementation of Islamic rules in societyImplementation of Islamic rules in society Truth cannot come through slogans; it is realized by acting Truth cannot come through slogans; it is realized by acting
شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [The duty of the nations: to strive to uphold truth]

Jamaran Husayniyyah, Tehran
The duty of the nations: to strive to uphold truth
Different groups of people, including some Iranian students studying in India
Imam khomeini's Sahife, Volume 13 from page 139 to 141
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

The necessity to struggle for upholding truth

Even though my doctors had advised me not to speak, as you have come from India and have given your attention to the situation abroad, I decided to have a few words with you.
Do not expect the big powers that have forfeited their interests in Iran, and are apprehensive about losing them in the other countries, to be idle spectators [of the situation]. They are lurking by and are trying with all their might to misrepresent Iran's Islamic movement abroad. This matter is vitally important to them; to the ones that want to devour the whole world and extend their power to all the countries of the world. Now that they find their interests imperiled, we should not expect that they will remain idle. They have forfeited their interests in Iran. Moreover, the people in the other countries as well are gradually awakening; they want to gradually link up with this Islamic movement in Iran. But, of course, they should make efforts, just as you have read in the noble verse:" Truth hath come and falsehood hath vanished away. Lo! Falsehood is ever bound to vanish." «1» The ones in the wrong now find themselves helpless vis-a-vis those in the right. Gaining victory over the latter is worth a lot to them. It is the wrong they have done that has kept all the Muslim countries of the world backward. It was their wrongs which enabled them to penetrate the whole country, including the universities. They used to succeed in their false causes, but now they see their interests on the verge of being destroyed. We should not think that they have given up, that they are going to leave Iran to its own devices or all the other countries where they feel their interests are probably about to vanish. We should not think that they will not oppose the truth.
We should all strive to make this noble verse take effect. All the Muslims countries must endeavor to implement what is right in their societies so that the meanings of" Truth hath come" becomes a reality. Falsehood will automatically vanish if truth appears. All of us- we ourselves, our brothers- in-faith, our brothers-in-Islam- in all the Muslim countries must attempt to keep truth in mind and implement it. Mere words are not enough in that we just raise slogans that truth has come and falsehood has disappeared. Truth cannot come through slogans; it is realized by acting according to it. The advent of truth means the demonstration of beliefs, ethics and[ pious ]deeds, as well as the implementation of God's commands. Acting in accordance with them rids a nation of falsehood. And if all the Islamic nations act in line with divine commandments, divinely-ordained human morals and religious convictions, falsehood will vanish automatically. You brothers studying in India who have come here, as well as the rest of the brothers- whether Iranians or non-Iranians, but brothers nonetheless- should concentrate on actualizing this noble verse," Truth hath come", so that falsehood disappears by itself.

Unity and constancy by clinging to truth

However, as you pointed out, a group of people who are their agents in the Islamic and non-Islamic countries, intend to show this Islamic movement in Iran in a bad light. If seen as it[ really ]is, the world's believers will become firm in their resolve and actions. Moreover, the false powers, together with those [other] false powers that have trampled upon all that is true, will forfeit their interests. We ought to wake up and prevent those people abroad from carrying out the plans that have been dictated and given to them. And if some deviated individuals, for instance, in India, Pakistan and the other Islamic lands want to do something to show an ugly image of Iran's Islamic movement to the inhabitants of those countries, you brothers-in-Islam who reside there must stand up to them. Truth will prevail. They are false and will be destroyed. Mention the truthfulness of your stand and disseminate it. Resist those people who are presenting a wrong picture of Iran's Islamic movement. Propagate truth as it is so that it takes effect, God willing, in all the Islamic lands and falsehood disappears automatically from all the Muslim countries; rather from all the countries of the world, God willing.
The essential condition, however, is to remain constant about truth. We must persevere in our faith. It should not happen that the false people become consolidated in their falsehood and we move away from one another in so far as the righteousness of our cause is concerned. We claim to be the followers of the true path. The Qur'an is the Book and the Ka`bah, the" Qiblah"[ the place in Mecca which the Muslims face while praying ]of the Muslims who follow the path of truth. Those who believe in Islam and the path of truth should muster for the cause of their truth. They must not allow the false people who want to come together in their falsehood, to gain victory. Our duty is to have rapport with one another- whether the people of one country or those of all the Muslim countries- in the righteousness of stand. I hope that all the nations will rapidly proceed towards truth, unity and togetherness so that they rapidly drive falsehood backwards. May God give you and us determination in following the path of the truth and may all the Muslims and the deprived people of the world emerge triumphant.
May God's peace and mercy be upon you.
«۱»- A part of sourah Bani Isra'il ۱۷:۸۱.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 06 شهریور 1359

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