شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [Striving to achieve cultural independence]

Jamaran, Tehran
Striving to achieve cultural independence
`Ali-Akbar Parvaresh (Education Minister) and directors-general of the ministry from all over the country
جلد ۱۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۶۹ تا صفحه ۲۷۰
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Importance of culture and education

The question of culture and education and training is a top priority in the country. If the problems of culture and education are solved in a way compatible with the interests of the country, other problems will be resolved easily. The losses our country has suffered from the culture of the monarchical regime is not comparable to economic and other damages. Unfortunately during the time of this father and son foreigners found their way into the country again and educational centers turned into the enemies of the nation instead of being its mainstay. Of course, our cultural deviation has historical roots, and we still have teachers and professors who have been assimilated into western culture and training which are in no way in conformity with the interests of Islam and our country. All foreign affiliates are by-products of this Western university. Foreigners and their activities emptied our schools and universities of any content. A lot of campaigns were carried out against the clergy. They wanted the clergy to change their principles, and were able to persuade some, but others resisted and did not change.
We must try hard for many years to come so as to strip off our second nature, come onto ourselves and stand on our feet. Then, we will not need the East or West. We should start with children. Our only aim should be turning Western man into an Islamic one. If you manage to do this, you can be sure that no one and no power can deal us any blow. How can they deal us any blow when we are independent in our thinking? They can only hurt us from within; they work on an individual inside the country as they have, and later through him they can do whatever they want.

Self-assurance cultural independence

Try to make use of committed religious experts. We have said time and again that we want experts, albeit committed ones. But the enemies shouted that they are against specialization. Of course, there is no one more dangerous than a deviant expert. expertise crux of the matter is that we should understand that we are everything and are not inferior to others. We who lost ourselves, must try to find ourselves and get rid of the notion that" if foreign hands stop helping us, we would die". You saw how the nation rose up against the superpowers with empty hands and this movement generated a wave that would not stop so soon by the grace of God.
I hope that gentlemen will help to restore our culture and our Islamic culture, the culture which has made the like of Shaykh al-Reis «2» made. I repeat that we should believe that we are something. If we believe that we are capable of doing everything, we will be powerful. You should also believe that you can. Minds should be cleansed and be replaced with self-reliant ones. May God protect you all.
May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
«۱»- It was dated ۲۴/۷/۱۳۶۰ AHS in Sahifeh-ye Nour. «۲»- Shaykh ar-Ra'is Avicenna (۳۷۰-۴۲۸ AH) was a prominent Iranian scientist. His important books include Qanon( on medicine ), Shafa, al-Mabda' and al-Mi`ad, Daneshnameh `Ala'i, Isharat and Tanbihat.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 23 مهر 1360

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