مطلب مرتبط

پیام به ملت ایران به مناسبت چهارمین سالگرد پیروزی انقلاب (ارزیابی انقلاب)Iran is no longer a place for pillagingIran is no longer a place for pillaging
شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Evaluation of the issues of revolution in the fourth anniversary of the victory of the revolution; complimenting the people's role]

Jamaran, Tehran
Victory anniversary of the Islamic Revolution (22 Bahman)
Evaluation of the issues of revolution in the fourth anniversary of the victory of the revolution; complimenting the people's role
The Iranian nation «1»
Imam khomeini's Sahife, Volume 16 from page 22 to 24
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
On the eve of the 4 th anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, if we cast a look at the early years of the revolution up to the victory and early days of the victory up to the present day and carefully observe the ups and downs and developments in the past few years, particularly the years of the victory and evaluate the thoughts of different classes of people and groups, we will arrive at a valuable understanding and see very useful results that are constructive lessons for the present and future generations. Perhaps historians, sociologists and intellectual and committed biographers will rise to relate profoundly this useful task for the future generations.
If we look at the behavior of different classes and groups with a superficial look from the early days of the revolution up to the victory and from the victory to the present time, and evaluate it, we can differentiate between the expectant claimants and the self-sacrificing people who have no expectation. The strata of people who led the revolution to victory with unsparing sacrifice, generous selflessness and without any expectation, have not been indifferent to defending the revolution and removing the problems from its victory up to the present day and have no expectation of name or fame despite the fact that they shouldered the heavy burdens of the revolution. They are the million-strong masses of deprived people of the society whom God may grant success and happiness. In contrast, there are strata of people and groups who either have had no involvement in the revolution and its victory or worked sabotage to preserve the previous regime, restore it or bring an non-Islamic regime to power, hatched plots (against the revolution) and actively were and are involved in acts of sabotage. There are groups who took, and are taking, advantage of the popular revolution and the blood of our valuable youths to reach their satanic aims, utilizing the name of Islam for their sinister purposes. There are also other layers which are either affiliated with devious schools or ideas outside or inside the country and are engaged in cunning or childish activities. They are not acquainted with Islam and its spiritual power or are only superficially aware of it, nor are they familiar with the Iranian society and the power of their faith.
Today, we are proud of the enormous masses of people committed to dear Islam and the brave youths and combatants who rose up courageously as of the outset of the revolution and responded to the call of truth. Many of these people achieved their sublime goal, which is to meet God. There is another dear group who lost their health or their valuable limbs in the cause of Islam and the goal. Still, one observes them with cheerful and bright faces. We also honor the brave mothers who have lost their dear ones and dear fathers whose young children have been martyred. They behave before us in a way that they seem to be celebrating the wedding of their dear ones and young sons. Whenever I come across these dear great youth or read the constructive last will of a martyr, I feel humble and poor. They have the document of their faith and commitment to Islam in their hands and the tombs of martyrs and bodies of the disabled ones are talking evidence that bear witness to the grandeur of their eternal spirit. If they have any complaint, it is because they have not reached the station of martyrdom or while they have obtained the reward of martyrdom, they complain of not being able to return to the warfronts to defend the country and cry out" war, war until victory".
The US and its lackeys should come to their senses and stop plotting any further. Iran is no longer a place for pillaging. It is hoped that the governments that follow the US and offer the precious treasures and capitals of their nations to the US and rise up to engage in military and propaganda war against Islam and the Islamic Republic in order to get closer to that plunderer wake up from their deep slumber, join their nations and rid themselves the disgrace of dependence on foreign powers. Have these dependent governments not notified that the White House announced with utmost disregard that it would not endanger Israel interests for these governments and their oil. Did they not realize that exercising the veto power and threatening organizations, the US demonstrated their disregard for them?
Now that our country is celebrating the Ten-Day Dawn ceremonies marking the anniversary of its independence and freedom from the clutches of super criminals, it is hoped that we will soon celebrate the downfall of the Ba`athist government of Iraq. On the anniversary of the victory of Islam and the country and the Ten-Day Dawn celebrations I congratulate the honored people of Iran, particularly martyrs, the wounded and the disabled and their families and relations. The victories, pride and honor of the nation are indebted to the sacrifices of these dear ones and their co-combatants. These sacrifices are the marks of honor on the arm of the nation and on their forehead. History will record their struggles and the angels of God will register it in celestial books. May God the Most Blessed and Exalted grant overwhelming mercy to the martyrs and bestow health and eternal happiness to the injured and these beloved ones.
Greetings to the combatant people and salutation to martyrs and injured combatants! May God grant honor, happiness and victory to the combatants of Islam in the fronts of defense of right against wrong!
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
«۱»- Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini read out the text of Imam Khomeini's message on the ۲۱ st Bahman at a ceremony held in commemoration of the martyrs and the disabled of the Islamic Revolution at Wahdat Hall, Tehran.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 21 بهمن 1360

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