شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [Plot to create discord among Sunnis and Shiites]

Jamaran, Tehran
Plot to create discord among Sunnis and Shiites
Friday prayers leaders of Boushehr Province «1»
جلد ۱۶ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۶۴ تا صفحه ۳۶۵
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Discord among Sunnis and Shi`ites, conspiracy of aliens

I thank you the gentlemen who have come here from faraway places. As I have said time and again, the opportunity to meet the `ulama' from different cities and discuss the problems is one of the blessings of this republic and I hope this procedure will continue. The subjects you highlighted have been our main concern throughout the course of history. Separation of politics from religion is not a new subject. This question was raised in time of the Umayyads and gained momentum in time of the Abbassides. In recent years too, when the foreign powers found their way into our country they also aggravated the situation. Unfortunately, some of the religious people and committed clerics have come to believe that if a mulla (clergyman) gets involved in political issues, he will suffer a blow. This mentality is one of the big plots of the colonialists and some `ulama' have come to believe it.
I hope that the Friday prayer leaders everywhere, whether in regions dominated by Sunni or Shi`ah people heed the point that today there are individuals who plan to cause turmoil and work to create division between the two sects. This is a disaster for Muslims and is sometimes murmured. Thank God, this attitude is losing ground and the saboteurs have failed in their plots.
Some days ago I received a letter reading that in some regions such as Sistan and Bakhtaran certain individuals have raised divisive issues in their sermons during a religious ceremony. Some of the Sunni brothers themselves have protested the remarks and said it was not the time to raise such issues.
You know that the Sunni gentlemen and Shia `ulama' have been attempting for quite some time to brush aside discord and be congenial with whom they share belief in a single Prophet and religion. However, there are individuals attempting to create division. You well know who benefits from discord.
Remind these people of the fact that such moves are not in favor of Muslims and that by raising such issue they do not wish well for us. Such divisive remarks serve imperialism and the enemy. You gentlemen should pay more attention to Friday prayers. It is another blessing of the Islamic Republic that caused this religious-political tradition to spread to the extent that all foreigners have sensed it. I hope it will continue.
You touched on the deprivation in that region. I am also aware of the situation. The former regime planned to keep people in deprivation. I hope this war will end and the government that is prepared to render service will attend to your problems. You know it is a colossal task, yet with the support of people things will be made easy. People have always been pioneer; they are solving the problems and ravages of war, which the government could not handle by itself.
Today we all should support each other. If a group oppose the other, this opposition will gradually grow and bring about defeat. I hope that we all can thwart the propaganda efforts in progress against us and that unity of expression is realized among all, with Sunni and Shiite brothers acting congenially and continuing with this attitude so that we can serve all. May God grant success to all!
May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you!
«۱»- Messer: Sayyid Muhammad Madani (Boushehr), `Abbas Rahimi Najaf Abadi (Borazjan), Mustafa Salihi (Khark), Husayn Muntaziri (Bandar Dayyer), `Abd al-Latif Shukri (Sunni Friday prayers leader of Khark Island), `Abdullah Mahmoudi Isfahani (Gonaveh Port), `Ali Sidaqat (Boushehr), Muhammad-`Ali Talib (Minab).

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 25 مرداد 1361

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