شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [The parliament and its importance in the Islamic Republic order]

Husayniyyah Jamaran, Tehran
On the eve of the Day of God of Khordad 15 simultaneous with holding the "Parliament and People" Week
The parliament and its importance in the Islamic Republic order
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani (Speaker of the Islamic Consultative Assembly), families of the martyrs of Khordad 15 (June 4), members of parliament and their families, administrative staff of the parliament and the Guardian Council, head and officials of the Khordad 15 Foundation from all over the country
جلد ۱۷ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۳۳ تا صفحه ۴۴۲
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Importance of the parliament in reform and corruption of affairs

I must thank the sirs for taking the trouble to come here so that we can talk about the issues we are facing besides each other. The question of Khordad 15 is one of those issues that few know about its before and after happenings. These shall remain unknown until the end; and I know of many of the issues that cropped up before and some that occurred after Khordad 15 but I shall not mention them. However, with the efforts of the youth of the country and the martyrs in the path of Islam, fifteenth of Khordad became the origin for the subsequent upheavals. I beseech the Blessed and Almighty God to grant His abundant blessings to the martyrs of Khordad 15 to whom we are indebted. May God grant patience and rewards to the families of the martyrs that are still alive and shall also be present later.
The subject that I must speak about and perhaps I have spoken about repeatedly is the subject of the parliament and its importance. As I have repeatedly said, that if the university and the theological Faydiyyah School are reformed, the country shall be reformed; and all the things that were done during the deviant regime were done by the universities that were deviant.
Regarding the parliament, I must say that in a country like Iran which thank God, is now an Islamic Republic in all respects and is planning to Islamize all affairs, in the same way that we have primary industries, the parliament is also the same. If the parliament is an Islamic one and is elected by means of proper elections, and the individuals that are elected are truly representative of the nation, then all the tasks shall be reformed by means of the legislators. All the tasks that were performed after the constitutional crises and the deviations that gradually surfaced and that reached its peak during the reign of the Pahlavis, one of the big factors that I must say that was the mother of all factors was the parliament. They misled the constitutional movement; the made the parliament a parliament of bullies; they deprived the nation of voting. This issue was not restricted to the term previous to this one; rather the majority of the terms were definitely like this except that suddenly the appointment of legislators fell into the hands of the feudal and the influential persons of the country. In all regions the people had no say; and if at all they did have a say they were ignorant of affairs. They would gather the landless peasants and bring them to the ballot box to cast their votes in a manner that they had previously ordered them to do without them understanding what they were doing and knowing what voting is and what they were doing. Only the feudal landlord knew that they were voting for his benefit and for the benefit of their governments and there was no question of which way the country was heading involved; they had nothing to do with this. Later on during the reign of Rida Khan and after Rida Khan the majority of you know how it was, all of you know in the latter period of the catastrophes that befell the nation, and the parliament was the mother element. A group of them would prepare a list and as Muhammad-Rida confessed- except that he would say that it was during the reign of his father- the embassies would send them the lists of those that must be appointed. After his reign it was even worse and our legislators must be approved by America and before it Britain while the people and government of Iran and nobody else could give an opinion on this issue. The legislators were appointed on their orders with names and portfolios determined except of some in Tehran that were in a very small minority. Of course, it gradually became so until the reign of these when it reached its peak. All the miseries of the government were rooted in the parliament. They would do whatever they wanted to; they did whatever corruptions they wanted by dictating it to the parliament and they would create opponents and proponents as required and then cast their ballot as was dictated to them. The Blessed and Almighty God wanted that the situation of the feudal and the interference of the embassies in Iran be curtailed. Thank God, in the recent election the vast majority of the people were involved while the feudal property owners had no say and where they did have a say, the parliament promptly rejected them. «1» In the future, too, if the nation be present in the arena in similar
( 1 )

fashion and appoint the legislators that are devoted to all aspects of Islam and interests of the country, then it is hoped that in future, each year be better than the previous one. Thank God, in this term, also, there are many radiant faces in the parliament and there are intellectuals, jurists and their likes in the parliament and one more year remains for the end of the term. I am optimistic that in this year there is greater earnestness for attending to the affairs of the country and the deprived and oppressed of the country.

Meticulousness and necessary analysis of the parliament in ratifying bills and plans

In this new year also, the parliament should spend its time in Islamizing difficult issues, with the same meticulousness and attention to detail that the men of science have in scientific matters. In the same way that scientific issues require a lot of invaluable attention to detail, political issues require no lesser than that. This is because regarding political issues, the destinies of the country is in the hands of those that want to reflect on these issues. The sirs should not think of proposing many plans and passing many bills in parliament; they should think of presenting good proposals and passing them well in parliament. In the same way that the men of science are meticulous in every task and investigate and debate and discuss issues; these matters also must be in such a way that the pros and cons of the issue is sufficiently studied and analyzed meticulously. With meticulousness and motivation, many motions should be forwarded so that when it comes to the parliament it is a developed issue from all aspects and paves the way for the solution of the problems of this country. I thank the sirs for their valuable troubles in the years that have passed and have resolved many problems that existed inside the parliament and outside it and are now doing their job with sufficient strength. The parliament of this year differs from the parliament of previous years; this year the parliament has more power meaning that those that were causing disruptions for the parliament and for all government bodies and basically intended to cause disruption for Islam have either gone or fled or have been isolated. Thank God, today the parliament is able to resolve the problems that have occurred and will occur in this year which is the last year with a heart that is relaxed and a straightforward and merited manner so that this parliament becomes a role model for other parliaments. If in the following year, for example, another group takes over from the sirs, they

would know what they must do and what you have done and they must know how to follow-up.

Comparison of the Islamic Legislative Assembly with the parliament of the Pahlavi regime

Finally, the parliament reforms the basis of a country or corrupts the basis of a parliament. It was the parliament that created so much corruption and so much treachery during the Pahlavi regime while it is the same parliament has done so much service and is keen on serving. I do not want to say that the tasks have been implemented and all of them are finished one-hundred percent; but when we compare the individuals that are in this parliament with those during the reign of Rida Khan- except for rare instances- and the time of Muhammad-Rida without exception and see the record of those individuals and how they lived and who they were, it would be sufficient to make us feel grateful for this parliament. In the present parliament, there is none of the types of former times. If suppose there is an individual that is opposed with your position, this difference is of taste and not of any real deviation as was present in individuals of former times. Previously there was deviation meaning that they would appoint deviant individuals for the job. It was an order and they could not oppose him; and if at all, one or two persons would oppose, they were in a minority and their protests would get nowhere. Today, it is quite the opposite; thank God, the sirs that are in parliament are neither dependent on the East nor the West and want to serve even if they have differences of style.

Necessity of agreement of legislations of parliament with the commandments of Islam

To debate is one of the most critical aspects of the parliament; there must be debate. Every issue must be meticulously investigated and initially be studied in the commissions and secondly in the parliament and finally in the Guardian Council so that when a legislation comes out of parliament, it is one-hundred percent legitimate that is in agreement with the primary commandments belonging to Islam. Alternatively, they should be in agreement with the secondary commandments that are also belonging to Islam. This method is a method which, God willing, if it perpetuates then rest assured that the parliament will perpetuate and the government shall also be reformed and the rest of the powers that are in Iran shall also be reformed meaning that deviation shall no longer be possible. Deviation would start from the parliament and not that it is ordered from outside; outside would

issue the order and they would get going. If the parliament is upright and does its job in a manner that is in the interests of the country; in the manner that is demanded by the commandments of Islam and is investigated in a meticulous manner and be researched thoroughly and with patience so that whatever the issue, the important aspects of the issue must be debated earnestly. The sirs that are habituated with theological school debating and are educated in theological schools are familiar with problems, rejection, elimination and all these matters, must also act in this manner. This is because this is equally important; that too involved Islam, this too is also Islam. Therefore, in this year that is in progress, God willing, it is hoped that it passes well and the sirs serve these poor and the historically deprived with a relaxed mind. I am optimistic that God willing, this year shall pass auspiciously and in the coming year the parliament will be as it is now and with the same type of individuals so that God willing, the problems are resolved. It is hoped that the next parliament no longer has to face those problems.

Opposition of the powerful with progress of Islam

Well, the question of the opposition of all the powerful of the world with Iran is not an issue that is hidden; they themselves confess to it and say that Iran must not be defeated. The yardstick is not Iraq; it is not Saddam. The yardstick is the progress of Islam. It is not that they have sympathy for Saddam; Saddam is a man- if at all he could be called a man- who shall be destroyed later. However, that which they fear is Iran meaning that they would like to see Iran be defeated. Although the American president claimed neutrality- just recently he said they maintained neutrality- but it is a matter that everybody knows and it is not necessary for us to bring clear proofs for him. We all know to what extent he is neutral in this matter; it is the same with others; the same with the Soviet Union; the same with France and the same with the others. The question is not of neutrality; the question is the backing of every regime that is anti-Islam and pulverizing Islam in any way that they can.

Resistance in the face of difficulties arising from the imposed war

Thank God, this parliament, this nation, this army, this Revolutionary Guards and this the rest of the bodies that are in this country are resisting in the face of all affairs and are resolute. If God willing this was imposed on us, is finished and the government patiently attends to the condition of the poor, all the issues shall be resolved by the government and the parliament

including the issue of inflation. We all know that the inflation today is very high and a group is suffering because of it. However, compared to the sufferings that the Prophet himself and his honorable and beloved wife Her Holiness Khadijah went through «1» whereby they would as is quoted, place the goatskin water container in the water in order that they could for example, get some of the fat from the goatskin container. When they acted in this manner for the sake of Islam, and resisted in this manner in the face of the enemies of Islam, you too are the nation and ummah of that same honorable Prophet and must not complain about such and such thing being in short supply. It is not that the provisions are in short supply; what is lacking is the decorative line-up that they wanted; they wanted a group to be present and they are God willing not present anymore and must also be destroyed. There is inflation and high prices but is there a place where there is no inflation. It is not that inflation is exclusive to our nation; inflation is everywhere. If the government becomes strong enough meaning, the war ends and we return to normal life, by the blessing of Islam and the presence of the nation of Iran in the arena, these issues shall be resolved in a short period.

Two-sided approach of the affiliated media in the crushing of the Kurds

Of the important issues that are present, I would like to speak on one aspect of them and not talk about the other aspects for the time being and I want to talk only about a single aspect of it, which is the subject of the incursion of the Turkey into the territory of Iraq for crushing the Kurds. What I would like to speak about is that the Kurd of Iran, the Kurd of Iraq, and the Kurd of Turkey are all Kurds. The difference is that the majority of the Kurds of Iran are in favor of the Islamic Republic while a few corrupt groups among them are opposed to it. Right now throughout Kurdestan, their Friday Prayer leaders, the theologians of that land and their people are in favor of the Islamic Republic. Those that sow discord consist of one or two groups some of which are Communists and some are worse than communists are. What has happened that all the mass media in the world have become so sensitive about the Kurds of Iran and perhaps more sensitive than the Kurds themselves? The Kurds themselves say that they want these corrupt elements to be destroyed; but the mass media always condemn Iran. Their tone in relation to the incursion of Turkey into Iraq for crushing the Kurds or the agreement of Iraq with them if true is no more a problem. Well they have come and do not want their country to be divided; what is indeed the question is that why talk about the Kurds of Iran? If the issue as they say is
( 1 )Reference is to three years of siege of the Prophet and his companions in the Shi`b Abitalib.

separatism, well, our corrupt Kurds are more; what has happened that the whole world are putting all their weight on Iran and saying that it is Iran that is doing such and such to the Kurds. How is it that they do not speak as much about the Kurds of Iraq and the Kurds of Turkey or if at all, they say a word and make only passing references to them. The problems that humankind is facing are of these types; it is these sorts of injustices that have enveloped the entire world. If in case a savior of humankind is not found- I hope that God willing, he will appear soon and God sends the great savior of humankind- if it is delayed then basically, killing would become something commonplace among all of them. A group of helpless and innocent people is being crushed all over the world and there is no talk about them anywhere. In America, so many innocent people are being trampled upon while basically, there is no word about America that why they are doing this. In the Soviet Union too, so many innocent people are being trampled upon, but there is no word about them too. The same in the region; they are trampling upon their own people and nation so much and yet there is not a word about them. It is only here in Iran that its government is creating repression and its entire people are opposed to the government; and it is the bayonet that forces them to pour onto the streets; and to be present in the arena. What must we call this in the world? What must we call the one that holds the pen in his hands and writes these things? What must we call the one that gives instructions to the media and coordinates all of them so that suddenly you notice that the same voice arises from everywhere; what are they saying? What kind of a congregation are they? What sort of brain structure do they have? These are the problems that our republic that has been established in these few years, is facing, that our parliament also faces, that our government faces and that others are facing. When these problems are resolved and the world comes to its senses, speaks the truth, and propagates what is indeed the truth, our job will then become easy.

Dependence of the international organizations on the superpowers

Now, I do not know what the sirs that have come to investigate the destructions in Iran and also visited Iraq and brought back only a handful of injured and showed what had happened to them have to say later. However, there was no destruction to show and perhaps they had destroyed a couple of walls just to show there was destruction. They shall say that both Iran and Iraq had violated; is there nothing else to say? Alternatively, do they really want to investigate and understand what was the scale and what Iran had done and what they had done? At the same time that they were busy

investigating, they were shelling Iran. Does this reveal that those that have come are with us? You should not have asked them to come. Now we are waiting to see what they are going to do, what they shall do, and what they have to say. I hope they act based on human conscience and report what is there. After giving their reports, those that receive the reports have nothing to do with what is the opinion of America on the issue and what the opinion of the Soviet Union is and what is the opinion of France- they should have nothing to do with these and give a true ruling based on facts. We have no expectations from them except that they speak the truth.

Necessity to defend opposite the aggressors of Islam and Muslims

I hope that people of ours that are in the arena show more presence in the arena; they should not get tired of war. War has been an issue in Islam from the time that Islam began to rule and before it, also they were busy making plans. As soon as the Prophet of God came to Medina and established a government, war was either imposed or he was engaged in warfare until the end of his life. The day on which he wanted to return to God, on that day also the soldiers of his commander, Usamah «1» was waiting outside the city to fight a battle. War is something that is essential for justice. If people are just, then there is no need for war. If people are humanitarian, there is no need for war. However, when a group are trampling upon the rights of a majority that are oppressed; when the honor of Islam and Muslims is at stake; when the honor of this entire nation of ours is at stake then one must fight. After all, we did not start the war; even now, we are defending. One must say that almost daily without exception, Abadan is bombarded in addition to other places that you all know. We want to cut off their hands so that they do not violate our nation and us. We are defending and right from the beginning we wanted that there be no war and there be peace everywhere. Do you accept that we negotiate with Saddam who is an enemy of Islam; from the beginning, they were enemies of Islam and when I was in Najaf, I knew that they were enemies of Islam; the late Ayatullah Hakim excommunicated these same «2». They are pagans; they are apostates. Do you accept that we sit at the same table with them and negotiate for peace? Should we negotiate and say that well, now you have done the things you must ask for forgiveness and we say that we have done these things? Will any human conscience accept to do
( 1 )Usamah Bin Zayd was one of the youthful companions of the Prophet whom His Holiness appointed commander of a division for battling the faithless.
( 2 )Mr. Sayyid Muhsin Hakim was one of the great Sources of Emulation of Iraq who died in Najaf in the lunar year 1389 AH.

this? Alternatively, no, what we have to say is the truth and the entire world if they are fair will accept and would accept what we want; we do not want anything more than our due and that is what we want. From the start of the war, we said that we were not warmongers; we are defending. To defend is an obvious right that is recognized by Islam and other than Islam. We are defending. Our youth have given so many martyrs and have given so much of their blood in order to lessen the mischief of the superpowers in Iran. Now that, thank God, we have reached the stage where the hands have been cut off should we compromise so that their hands extend again. I say to you that if we take a step backward, they will take a hundred steps forward. We must stand firmly opposite them so that the person who created this corruption in the region is crushed and those that urged this man, this devil to behave in this manner with people are disgraced in the world. It is they that claim to be supporters of for example, such and such organization, want to establish peace, and are supposedly using all their strength to establish peace.

Domination of the superpowers and being trampling upon of the oppressed of the world

We know both America and the Soviet Union; none of them wants peace. Both of them are warmongers and want to destroy others with their armaments. However, both of them are in confrontation with one another and" God keeps the oppressors preoccupied with the oppressors." Neither that one has the guts to do something nor this one has the courage. However, as a result, all the oppressed of the world are feeling their blows; they are being trampled upon. We do not want that God forbid, Iran becomes like that again and these serpents rush in from all around and plunder whatever you have and engage in whatever corruption they want and compel your youth to immoralities that they wanted to attract them to during the reigns of Rida Shah and Muhammad-Rida Shah. When we are right and want to establish the truth in this land and in other lands, what do we care if for example, fruits are expensive! If fruits are expensive, it is expensive for both you and us; or for example, there is a shortage of so and so item; well these if a person recalls, in these previous wars, food shortages were wreaking havoc on the people; not inflation but food shortages! Thank God, now there are no food shortages and in this respect, people do not have to worry that goods are not available. From the aspect of inflation, we also are concerned about it; all are concerned but what is the solution? What can we do? Of course, they are thinking and God willing. I hope they succeed to solve this problem. I hope both the parliament and the government consult with each other and find a

way out so that God willing, this problem is also resolved. I pray to the Blessed and Almighty God for the health, success, honor and glory of all of you. I pray that the martyrs of Khordad 15 and those martyred from Khordad 15 up to now who sacrificed their lives for the cause of Islam, be granted the most exalted status and God willing, patience and reward for their families. I want that all the sirs in their meetings, pray for this nation and not be negligent of reciting the supplications that have been attributed to the Immaculate Imams. The blessed month of Ramadan lies ahead, in the blessed month of Sha`ban in which we are now, recite the supplications of the Immaculate Imams, and pray for the good and health of this nation and for the defeat and disgrace of the enemies of Islam.
May God's peace and mercy be upon you.

«۱»-  «۲»-  «۳»-  «۴»- 

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 14 خرداد 1362

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