شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Decree [Appointment of representative in the Revolutionary Guards Corps of the Islamic Revolution and emphasizing the observance of laws and the chain of command in the Guards Corps]

Jamaran, Tehran
Appointment of representative in the Revolutionary Guards Corps of the Islamic Revolution and emphasizing the observance of laws and the chain of command in the Guards Corps
Sayyid Hasan Tahiri Khorramabadi
جلد ۱۷ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۷۱ تا صفحه ۴۷۲
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
al-Islam Haj Sayyid Hasan Tahiri Khorramabadi- may His graces last,
In pursuance of the visit that Your Eminence has undertaken, His Eminence Hujjat al-Islam Fakir «1» - may Almighty God assist him- has been appointed to look into the condition of the Guards Corps. While thanking Mr. Fakir for bearing the hardships in your absence, I appoint your holiness to your former position. Please take action with care and detail with regard to the duties of my representative stated in the memorandum of association of the Revolutionary Guards Corps of the Islamic Republic. «2» I am optimistic that with the help and sincerity of Hujjat al-Islam Fakir and Hujjat al-Islam Mahallati «3» and His Excellency the Minister of the Guards Corps and Mr. Muhsin Rida'i, for whom I respect and whom I approve, you shall attend to the condition of the Guards Corps in a better way.
It is necessary that the Minister of Guards Corps, the commander of the Guards Corps, other commanders and those that occupy senior positions in the Guards Corps, endorse my representative Mr. Tahiri. In matters related to him, they should follow his advice so that the Almighty God willing, the affairs of the Guards Corps, which is the potent arm of the Islamic Republic, is managed in accordance with the religious and legal regulations and in keeping with the lofty interests of the country and the Islamic Republic. It is necessary to remind that obeying Mr. Muhsin Rida'i, the commander-in-chief of the Guards Corps and other commanders based on the chain of command and regulations of the Guards Corps is a divine religious duty in the Islamic Republic of Iran and that to infringe them has religious responsibility in addition to legal prosecution.
I pray to the Almighty God for the success of all in serving Islam and the Islamic country.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Tir 8,1362 AHS/ Ramadan al-Mubarak 17,1403 AH
«۱»- Mr. Muhammad Rida Fakir is one of the members of the Association of Teachers of the Qum Theological School. «۲»- According to article ۱۱۰ of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the leader of the Islamic Republic holds the rank of commander-in-chief of the armed forces. «۳»- Mr. Fadlullah Mahallati, representative of Imam Khomeini in the Revolutionary Guards Corps.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 08 تیر 1362

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