[In His Most Exalted Name
Your Highness Ayatullah al-`Uzma Imam Khomeini, May his presence last long,
After greetings, Your Eminence is requested to give your opinion on the attached viewpoints of the religious judge and prosecutor based in Mustad`afan Foundation in a bid to remove any ambiguity and violation of the rule of wali-e amr and the leader.
Yousuf Sani`i
Prosecutor General
25/12/1362 AHS]
In His Most Exalted Name
Mr. Prime Minister,
Managing director of Mustazafan Foundation is obliged to appoint a well-informed reliable delegation to investigate the request of the head of Islamic Revolution Public Prosecutor's Office based in Mustazafan Foundation to discern the said subjects.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
16/1/1363 AHS