شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Decree [Amnesty and extenuation of punishment of prisoners]

Jamaran, Tehran
On the eve of birth anniversary of the Prophet of Islam (s)
Amnesty and extenuation of punishment of prisoners
Sayyid `Abdul-Karim Mousawi Ardebili (Chief Justice)
جلد ۱۹ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۱۰۰
In His Most Exalted Name
[His Holiness Hadrat Ayatullah al-`Uzma Imam Khomeini, Great Leader of the Revolution and Founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran:
Respectfully, enclosed please find a list of 154 convicts of Islamic Revolution Courts in seven cities in implementation of the provisions of circular no. 1362/3/29- 1/15595 by Supreme Judicial Council deserving amnesty or extenuation of punishment.
`Abdul-Karim Mousawi Ardebili
Chief Justice
In His Most Exalted Name
It is agreed. «1»
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
18/9/1363 AHS
«۱»- Reference to the Leader's duties and authorities provided in article ۱۱۰ of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 18 آذر 1363

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