مطلب مرتبط

سخنرانی در جمع اعضای هیات دولت (اهمیت خدمتگزاری به مردم)we will answer one daywe will answer one day
شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [Importance and value of serving people]

Jamaran, Tehran
Importance and value of serving people
Sayyid `Ali Khamene'i (President), Mir Husayn Mousawi (Prime Minister), members of the Cabinet
Imam khomeini's Sahife, Volume 19 from page 330 to 333
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Success of people lies in serving the nation

I maintain that the people engaged in working with the Islamic Republic ranging from the President to the Executive Power and Judiciary and Majlis as well as others who served the revolution are successful taking everything into consideration. Claims are many. One may claim that if he was president, he would leave no stone unturned to achieve so and so or if he was Prime Minister, he would do so and so, or if he was speaker, he would do so and so, or if he was minister, he would do so and so or if he was parliamentarian, he would do so and so. Claims are always many, but when one enters the stage of action, a few of these claimants can work. The majority is claim. Either now this claim signifies that they are actually mistaken or are individuals who want thereby work sabotage." Many are those who wail but few are those who perform hajj rituals." «1» This proposition applies to these claimants. Those who go for hajj wail and weep profusely, but correct hajj is scanty. Therefore, I deem it necessary to appreciate these groups and societies. If I do not thank, I have done injustice. I appreciate them for serving truly and sincerely. Obviously, neither I know the entire individuals nor can I give my opinion on them. However, altogether, I know a number of them. I can say altogether that there were some groups, which were successful and rendered great services. I hope God Almighty give them reward and make them successful in serving the Islamic Republic.

Accepting responsibility to serve, not to gain power

Individuals should note, those whose heart really beats for Islam and their country should note that post is not the standard, position is not the standard, position of president is not the standard, post of prime minister or head of government or Majlis speaker are nothing. These posts will come to an end. What remains is service. Wherever committed individual works and finds that his service is useful there, he will be confident. One might, let us suppose, have been prime minister, but if this prime minister sees somewhere else he can render better services, since he is committed, he will go to serve there. One who might have a position in prosecutor general's office, when one sees another is more efficient than him, one should not act differently. His goal should be to serve. He should not seek to obtain a post. One can know oneself better. None can understand one better than oneself. Of course, one might often not be able to perceive oneself what one is doing and what is going on in one's heart. We do not know, but God knows. One can perceive that if one criticizes whether this criticism is constructive or aimed at revenge. One can understand this; that is, one can often comprehend this. One himself can understand as to whether one loves the post or service. One is disposed to serving or dedicated to post can be appreciated by man himself.
Right! One makes the claim. One engages in service. What counts is that man actually knows that one should answer. There is not the slightest doubt as to the fact that we will answer one day. Anyone of us doing anything will be called to task a day. If we criticize, this calls for answer; if we revenge, we will answer one day. If we mistreat, we will answer one day. We should actually heed this and we do. That is, everyone who is Muslim believes in the Resurrection Day when everything will be called to account. This is among Islamic tenets. Therefore, if, let us suppose, the president left and replaced by another, the former should move aside and not be disappointed. He should go to perform another job he can handle. One should like this job as a work one is doing, not as a post he holds. If one perceives within him to go and obtain the higher posts should know that this is the work of Satan. Such a man cannot do. If he seeks to do something for the Islamic Republic, this is divinely and can manage it. One can often understand oneself with this criterion. Of course, at times one might go wrong. That is to say, sometimes certain issues are concealed for man himself.

Religiosity and commitment, criteria for incumbency of responsibility

Therefore, if this government and these individuals came to power, they will carry out their work, if not and if somebody else and another group came to power, you should not be concerned over being dissociated. If another person came, you should see if you could work there or not. If those who come want to serve truly, to serve Islam, they will be rewarded by God. It will then become clear what they are. If they want to obtain a position, do an act due to the position they hold, they are clear before God and will then be called to task. Those who want to do something should think if they are competent for the job or not. Issues are important. The question of government, president, Majlis speaker, Judicial Power and ministry are all important. If one seeks the idea that now he is head of government, he should bring friends who comply with him and who are efficient or not and is not concerned with this, he should know that this procedure is that of Satan. If the president seeks to appoint and introduce ministers who obey him and not Islam, he should know that this is a satanic act. It is not the work of a committed man. It makes no difference if I am a minister or a parliamentarian or I can do something else, a different work, whatever it might be, I want to work for Islam. You know that we need, our government needs servant, needs thoughtful individuals, active individuals to serve in this country.
We are subject to attack of those places, all those who are ill-wishers of Islam. Therefore, we should think of recruiting individuals who serve Islam, not individuals who serve me. This is in the government, in the president and in the Judiciary and elsewhere. Those who want to select should always set this before their eyes; otherwise, will go wrong. If today it is not disclosed what has happened, it will be once in this world; if it is not revealed here in this world, it will be unquestionably in the other world. This is not something to be covered. It will not remain concealed. However, it will be disclosed a day when one is incapable of doing anything. If it is revealed in this world, well, his hand is open and can do something. He can compensate. If it was revealed and another curtained came in one's hands will be curtailed. One cannot do anything. No excuse will be useful there after death.
" What! Now! When hitherto thou hast rebelled and been of the wrong doers?" «2» This is addressed to Pharaoh. When he was about to drown and standing one step towards death, he admitted what they confessed. However, he was not sincere, as when he returned to normal, he was the same as before.

Value of serving the oppressed and the Muslim country

At any rate, criterion is to serve a country suffering in the course of history, particularly in the recent centuries. Lately, it was really oppressed, as it is today. Serving this country is today a value. Those serving this country are also valuable. You should think of finding people who are eager to serve this country and Islam, not serving you. You also admit this issue and is truly the case. However, sometimes one will neglect. One will be negligent of one's own disposition. If one is at times odd, one would purposefully say:" Let come what may. I am not concerned with such issues. Shall we leave today to see what will come about?"
I pray for you and hope that you will be successful everywhere you are. I wish you will be successful to serve God, Islam and progress of the goals of Islam and your country, with the latter being the aims sought by Islam. I hope you will be successful in this service. It is hoped that all of you will be healthy, sanctioned and successful, whether you are in the government or not. It makes no difference. What counts is service. I hope you are all healthy, servant and committed.
May God's peace and mercy be upon you!
«۱»- Bihar al-Anwar, vol.۲۷, p.۳۰, h.۲. «۲»- Sourah Younus, ۱۰:۹۱.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 12 شهریور 1364

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