شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Expressing regret for the dominance of Israel and its agents on all aspects of the country's affairs]

issuance of the decree of Mr. Taleqani and Mr. Bazargan's conviction in the military court of appeal
Expressing regret for the dominance of Israel and its agents on all aspects of the country's affairs
The Iranian nation
جلد ۱ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۶۳ تا صفحه ۲۶۴

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
" Those who do wrong will come to know by what a( great )reverse
they will be overturned!" «2»
I was afraid to write anything about the injustice done to Hujjat al-Islam Mr. Taleqani and Honorable Engineer Bazargan, lest it might bring them a severe treatment and they would receive sentences for 15 years instead of 10. Now that the unjust verdict of the court of appeal is issued, I have to express my regret about the conditions of Iran in general and the courts in particular. There is much injustice going on in the courts to everybody's surprise and regret: secret trials, imprisonments before the accusations are proved, ignoring the defense of the oppressed. The conscientious and religious people and I are very sorry about the injustice done to these two persons who have been sentenced to long-term imprisonment because of defending Islam and the Constitution, and should languish a long time in prison so that some other persons' desires are satisfied. Those who pronounced the judgment should await a severe fate.
A greater regret is the dominance of Israel and its agents over many crucial aspects of the country, taking possession of the economy with the aid of the government and its agents. While there is a state of war between Israel and the Muslim countries, the Iranian government treats them friendly, provides them with any means of propaganda, and imports their goods.
I have repeatedly warned you of the dangers: the danger to the holy religion, danger to the independence and economy of the country. I am sorry that the quotation," Atheism is one nation" «3» is repeated by some people after it was preached by some organizations. This statement is contrary to the text of the Holy Qur'an and is being utilized for supporting Israel and its agents. They are making preparations for formally recognizing Israel and supporting its agents and the deviant perverted sect. «4» It is to be regretted that misleading papers that are against the dictates of the Qur'an and the essential laws of the holy religion are published against the law in the Muslim country, and the governments support them. A book of criticism for refuting the Holy Qur'an and the draft of the Family Act are proposed and published against the essential laws of Islam and the text of the Holy Qur'an, but nobody impeaches the governments. I regret the way the organizations treat the preaching sessions and mourning sessions of Imam Husayn( peace and salutations be upon him ). Whosoever talked about the oppression and tyranny was imprisoned, or has languished a long time in prison. All religious sessions are under pressure and their organizers are secretly under pressure, too. They imprisoned, tortured and persecuted the religious individuals with the accusation of conducting mourning processions on the day of `Ashoura' and carrying anti-Israeli banners and flags, while they had been moving peacefully; and they are still in prison.
I announce to all the Muslim governments and the Muslims of the world that the noble Shi`ah nation hates Israel and its agents and detests the governments who make peace with Israel. It is not the nation of Iran who has made peace with Israel; the Iranian nation is free from this shameful act. The blame lies upon the governments which are not approved by the nation. I ask God Almighty for the grandeur of Islam and the protection of the laws of Islam.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini

«۱»-Tir ۱۳۴۳ AHS is the date indicated in the Errata of this anthology's second printing.«۲»- Sourah ash-Shu`ara' ۲۶: ۲۲۷.«۳»- It is a hadith attributed to the Prophet(s)that was used by the supporters of the regime as a slogan calling for the recognition of Israel( and Baha'ism) just as the Christian countries were. Imam Khomeini believed it to be contrary to the dictates of the Qur'an and Islam.«۴»- Baha'i sect.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 18 فروردین 1343

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