In His Most Exalted Name
Rajab 5, 1385 AH
Eminent scholars and respected students of Rasht, may their graces last:
Please allow me to say that I have received and am grateful for the congratulatory message of the esteemed and respected gentlemen about my arrival at the holy cities and since I have been informed that my telegrams are not being delivered in the same manner that telegrams from Iran have not been delivered to me I am not responding via telegram.
I ask Almighty God for the continuous success of the respected gentlemen in gaining knowledge of religious sciences and spreading divine laws and I ask for your prayers. May God's peace, mercy and blessings be upon you.
It is important for me to emphasize that the gentlemen scholars and students that they should remain in that same holy seminary and to continue to engage in learning and propagation. My absence should not lead to the gentlemen's lethargy and/ or wavering. Whatever God wills is the most fitting. And God willing, as soon as the obstacles are removed, I will be again among the gentlemen students of Qum.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini