شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Interview [Iran after the fall of the Shah; the necessities of the period of struggle]

Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Iran after the fall of the Shah; the necessities of the period of struggle
جلد ۴ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۴۱۲ تا صفحه ۴۱۳
Interviewer: An Amnesty International delegate
Question: [Your targets are overthrowing the monarchy, freeing the oppressed nation of Iran, and establishing an Islamic republic. a) Is the current movement of Iran based on an organization? b) What criteria would you set to rate the values and worth of an organization? What criteria would you set to measure the capability and competence of a group or groups, whom after the victory would lead the people?]
Answer: a) In this worst strangulatory condition ruling over Iran, the performance of the Iranian nation's movement indicates an organizational spirit that has been capable of bringing the movement to this point, and the structure of the organization would become more definite and manifest as the movement proceeds to the final stage of victory. b) Enjoying a one hundred percent reliable and honest leadership, as well as having slogans and ideals, indicating the true will of the general public, are among the basic and essential guidelines, and in this stage, those slogans are about bringing the Pahlavi monarchy, removing the monarchial system and establishing an Islamic regime. c) Having an clear record, true recognition of the identity of the Iranian society and its essential ideal materially and spiritually pretty and abstinence, honesty and trustworthiness, capability in leadership and managing affairs, and persistence in the struggle for beliefs, are the basic qualifications for guiding the people.
Q: [a) Would the Marxists have freedom of speech and thought under the Islamic republic? b) Would they have freedom of choosing a career?]
A: a) In the Islamic republic, everybody would be free to hold any kind of belief, but they won't be free to cause sabotage. b) In Islam, the right of anyone to choose a career is protected in accordance with the legal regulations.
Q: [From an Islamic point of view, to what extent would women be allowed to participate in the construction of an Islamic government?]
A: Women play a significant role in building an Islamic society; Islam promotes women to where they can realize their humanistic values in the society, and more beyond the boundaries of being simply an object, and along with such growth, they can assume responsibilities in constructing an Islamic government.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 19 آبان 1357

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