شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [The extent of the Shah's crimes and the different dimensions of his treachery]

Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
The extent of the Shah's crimes and the different dimensions of his treachery
A group of Iranian students and residents abroad
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۰۹ تا صفحه ۱۱۸

[In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful]

Significance of suffering for a divine goal

The loftier the aim, the more patiently man must endure the hardship involved in achieving it, however great that may be, until it becomes easier. If the aim of you gentlemen is material, your suffering will all be in vain, but if your aim is for God, if it is the deliverance of God's creatures, the deliverance of a weak, oppressed nation, then no matter how great the hardships you have to bear, they will not be borne in vain. Something which is done for God is not a futile action. Do not suppose that these energies which are expended and have been expended up till now for the sake of this oppressed nation; for the deliverance of God's creatures; for the elimination of oppression; for severing the hands of foreigners from Muslim land are and have been in vain. They are all taken into account.
You all, the nation of Iran and the nation of Islam are currently confronting a satanic power which for years has determined your destiny. Gradually, the Muslim lands have begun to think about freeing themselves from this power, and this includes Iran, which for some time now has been thinking about liberating itself from the hands of foreigners and from the grasp of this satanic power. Indeed, it has suffered much hardship in the course of pursuing this goal, for the aim is a very great one. The aim is the deliverance of a nation; it is to deliver these poor people, who have suffered pain and torment under the injustice and oppression of foreigners meted out to them through unjust governments and the despotic Pahlavi dynasty, and to free the country from the hands of unbelievers, from the hands of the foreigners. The aim is to create a country which is in your hands, a country whose resources are in your hands.

Reason behind budget deficit

When you hear them harping on about how low the budget is, how there is a deficit, «1» it doesn't mean that Iran's earnings are low. Iran's income is very high; however, hands are at work to make sure that its budget is not secure. There are many devourers! At present, the income from oil provides for a great chunk of the budget, and one of the crimes currently being perpetrated by the Shah against our nation is that he is intent on pouring all of this reserve, which should last for many years to come and be safeguarded for future generations to live on, down America's throat within the space of the next twenty or thirty years and in return get nothing which is in the interests of the nation.
One of the reasons why there is a budget deficit is that the money is being stolen. As you know, they have bought weapons with eighteen billion dollars of the oil money! They have bought eighteen billion dollars worth of weapons and still they buy more. If you give them half the chance they will buy even more in the future. And what kind of weapons have they bought? Do you think we need eighteen billion dollars worth of weapons to administer our affairs? No, this is not the heart of the matter. The arms are important because of the rivalry that exists between America and Russia. With the excuse of paying for the oil, they (the Americans) bring these weapons into Iran, weapons I might add that are of no use to Iran, and create bases for themselves. In other words, they take our oil and in return build bases for themselves! In the name of paying for the oil, they build bases for themselves. If they gave us hard currency for the oil, if they actually paid us money for it, it would be more than was needed for running the government and running the country. This money would be enough for our people; but so much of it is stolen. America takes some of the oil and gives us iron in return! But the iron is not for our use, rather their own. Of the money it does pay for the oil, most of this goes down the throats of Muhammad Rida Khan, his family- those who are related to him in some way- and those who want to serve him and who kill the people in order to preserve his rule. It is said that in all there are sixty thousand people who are related to the royal family! Related in the sense that they too should banquet at the Shah's table! They too should take the money and do nothing apart from satiate themselves and act wantonly. It is not that there is not enough income; rather there are too many takers.

Outcome of Shah's land reforms

This oil revenue which should be spent on the country, on the poor people of the country, has not been used on tarmacking the roads or providing electricity even in Tehran. Even Tehran today does not enjoy some of the basic amenities such as electricity, tarmacked roads and piped water! Some areas of Tehran have none of these things; there is no piped water which means that people have to go to taps that have been erected in the streets for their water. In Tehran at present there are about twenty or thirty areas, the particulars of which have been sent to me but are not with me at the moment, where people live in hovels or tents. As I have been told in the letters I have received, it is quite surprising how some of these people live. These are the peasants whom the Shah claimed to have freed from the control of the landlords when he carried out his plans to transform the rural system and everyone was supposed to become simply villagers and whatever!
These peasants are now the slum dwellers who live on the outskirts of Tehran or in the city itself. The most fortunate of them has been able to build a mud hut for himself and the rest of his family which may range from anywhere between five to fifteen people! The others build homes out of pieces of wood, reeds and such like! Some people have written to me with details about these slum areas and they name twenty or thirty areas where people live in hovels, in tents or some other makeshift shelter. They wrote that their living conditions are such that some of them have made their homes out of holes in the ground. In order to get water they have to climb fifty or a hundred steps- I can't remember the exact number but it is a lot- in order to reach the street where a water tap has been installed. The poor women have to take their pitchers and climb up those steps to the water tap in the street then climb down them again so as to take a jug of water to their children. Imagine what that must be like in the middle of a biting winter, in the snow! Is this called living?
Don't think that the Iranians now have an easy life as they (the Shah and his regime) like to trumpet over their propaganda loudspeakers. Those who do enjoy a comfortable life are a privileged group of people who are either favored by him or related to him in some way; they are the ones having an easy life; the rest of the people aren't. Tehran itself has these twenty to thirty areas where people live in abject poverty. These people were once in the villages busy tilling their fields, but then, in the name of `land reforms', the whole system was turned upside down and because they saw they could no longer make a living in the village, these poor, unfortunate people migrated to the cities. Many of them went to Tehran and its surrounding areas hoping to eke out a living by working, selling things or carrying things around for people; anything just to keep their children alive. This was the result of the `land reforms' which he carried out.
This is what America wanted. This was a plan that America devised for the countries of this region, Iran being just one of them. It was a plan devised to create a market for America, because America had a surplus of wheat which at times it burned and at others it threw into the sea. A better alternative was to turn the life of the Iranians upside down, disrupt Iran's cultivation system and completely destroy farming in the country, so that a country whose needs were once met by the produce of just one of it provinces, the surplus being exported, now had to import goods from abroad. If farming were carried out in the province of Azerbaijan like it used to be, then its produce alone would be sufficient to meet the needs of the whole of Iran. «2» Indeed there would be a surplus which would have to be exported abroad. But now as you see, Iran has to import all of its needs!
Animal husbandry has been destroyed, farming has been destroyed; everything has been destroyed. Our pasturelands, our lush, verdurous pasturelands- which some experts from abroad have described as the best in the world for raising cattle- have been given to one group of people which includes the Queen of England, as I have been told in the letters I have received, and to some other people who are spongers just like the Shah and his regime. They have" rented" the land as they put it! So our animal husbandry has been destroyed and now the nation of Iran has to make do with frozen meat brought in for it from other countries and which is unclean according to religious law. The people have to eat frozen carcasses, meat which is bad and rotten and which they are forbidden by their religion to eat, whereas when animal husbandry thrived in Iran, the produce of just one province was sufficient to meet the needs of the whole country, the surplus being exported. «3»

Shah's treason of having relationship with Israel

Now, however, he (the Shah) imports everything from abroad. And whatever is brought into the country comes either from Israel Israel the enemy of Islam! God only knows what treason this man has committed against Islam. Israel is the enemy of Islam; it is currently at war with the Muslims. From the very beginning this regime gave it official recognition. Twenty-five or thirty years ago when it was actually at war with the Muslims, «4» these people officially recognized Israel! «5» Then however, they did not make this known to the public. And today, as the end draws nigh, you can all see how one of Muhammad Rida Khan's strongest advocates, one of the keenest proponents for the continuation of his rule, is Israel. For the Israelis argue that if he goes they will lose their supply of oil, because this regime is supplying Israel with its oil. «6» In other words, they give the oil of a Muslim land to the enemy of Muslims to help it wage war against the Muslims! This is the kind of traitor this wretch is! He sends our oil to them in his tankers, he gets it to them by his own means, to the Israelis who with this oil wage war against the Muslims and who have usurped the Muslims' land destroying everything they have. Look what they have done to Palestine, look how they have usurped Jerusalem. This is just one of the treacherous acts this man has committed against Islam and the Muslims. Within Iran itself he has betrayed the Muslims for the sake of the Israelis. As I have been told, the best land of Iran has been given to the Israelis. «7» The best land of Iran has been handed over to these Israeli Jews for them to work on and reap the benefit of.

Frustration in villages and plundering by Shah's family

Our villagers are forced into Tehran to live the life we have been told about. Until one goes there and sees for oneself, one cannot perceive the reality of their life, one cannot fully understand just what this regime has done to these people. God only knows what state the provincial towns and villages are in when this is the state of Tehran, the capital! There is no water, there are no clinics. In their own newspapers they speak of areas where groups of twenty villages are without clinics, doctors and water. «8» A few years ago, in the Ittila`at or Kayhan newspaper, they wrote that in one part of the country there is such a shortage of water that when the people wake up in the morning, the mothers have to wash the trachoma-infected eyes of their children with urine so they can open their eyes! They have to rub urine onto their eyes so they can open them! This is the life our nation has to lead because of this man, while he, his family and his friends take the money and build villas for themselves abroad. «9»
I have spoken about this matter before on many occasions, but I wish to mention it again. I either read somewhere in a magazine or in a letter sent to me or it was read out to me from somewhere- I can't remember which- that a villa was purchased for one of the Shah's sisters at heaven knows what price. I can't remember how much it said it cost, but I do recall it being stated that six million dollars, that is thirty-five million tumans, was spent on the gardens alone! «10» Who is paying for all of this? I was around when Rida Khan came to power and he was a man with nothing, he was a simple army colonel.
One of the gentlemen sent me a cassette tape which I listened to. A contract for tarmacking roads was discussed and it was stated that every meter of tarmac cost a few hundred dollars! But the money was stolen and the work never completed.

Correct way of administering the country

Even if the Shah leaves now it will take us many years of effort before we can repair the damage he has done. If indeed we are able to do so at all. Such talk we hear:" If he goes the whole world will fall apart! If he goes the stability of the region will be lost!" What stability is there to be lost? To be sure if he leaves there will no longer be a policeman for the Persian Gulf! With the nation's money he sends troops to this place and that in the Persian Gulf to protect American interests there. If he leaves, our country will be put right, it will be administered properly. Whoever comes to power after him will administer it better that he did.
Some say if he goes a vacuum will come into being! What vacuum? When a thief leaves and a more reliable person takes his place does that mean a vacuum is formed?! And a more reliable person will take his place. Do they think we don't have reliable people? Doesn't Iran have anyone who can take the place of Mr. Muhammad Rida Khan?! What does he do that others don't? Well for one thing, he steals, others don't! What is this talk of a vacuum? What vacuum? This is just propaganda that they put about. They spread propaganda in whatever language they can in an attempt to keep him in power, because a group within the country wants to derive profit from him and another group, which comprises mainly foreigners, wants to plunder our country's resources through him. There is nobody better than him to plunder us, for he is the best servant of them all. If they could find a servant better than him they would get rid of him immediately, but there is no one better than him. He has served them for some time, he is an old hand at it now.
Of course it is a great task, a difficult task, but its importance is also great, for a nation seeks to confront some powers and this is no small undertaking, it is a difficult task but it is being done because that nation is a prisoner of others and it wants to break the shackles of imprisonment. It is an important task and when it is important even though it may take time, even though it may be difficult, it must be done. You may get caught in a shower, but no matter, something has to be done. You must demonstrate, you must attempt to explain matters, may God grant you success. You may get wet in the process of doing this, but no matter, for this is something you are doing for God, it is something you are doing to deliver the Iranian nation.

Dissemination a common duty

All of you are duty bound to counter this propaganda which has been and continues to be put about abroad, and to enlighten the people to the facts. Some of these foreign newspapers get their daily bread from these people and write against the Iranian nation and in favor of Muhammad Rida Khan. Enlighten the people. Tell those you meet the facts about the situation in Iran. The Iranians have not raised their voices because they have been given too much freedom! Rather they are calling for freedom because they do not have it. Who enjoys freedom in Iran? Our newspapers are now shut down and have been for a while. Why have they done this? It's because they are still subject to censorship, they have shut down in protest at the censorship.
Nowadays, every place you go to in Iran is shut down. Every place you go is on strike because the people realize that this regime is destroying the country. The various governmental departments have always known what was going on, but they could never say anything. Now, however, they go on strike. Wherever you go there are strikes. The hospitals are on strike; the doctors are on strike; in the Ministry of Justice the lawyers and judges are on strike. Everywhere is on strike, the electricity company, everything. Why? Do they strike because they are so content, because they are happy in their jobs and they are so free? Have they been given too much freedom, as Carter says, and that's why they are all on strike and are going to such great pains?! Or no, is it because they realize it is better to strike for a short while and paralyze this system, even if only temporarily, than it is not to strike at all and always be beset by these problems? They realize they have to strike so that these difficulties will be removed.
We here are duty bound like anyone else. We should follow up these strikes by giving interviews to newspaper reporters, if we can, and by speaking about the problems which afflict Iran. If we are not able to give interviews then we must acquaint the friends we have here, in America, in Britain, wherever we may be, with the facts about Iran. When you see a group of people speaking together at your schools, join them and tell them what the problems facing Iran are, tell them what it is that ails the Iranians who have risen up. Tell them about the treason that this wretch has committed against the people. These newspapers and magazines that are sometimes printed abroad and speak against the Iranian people are not presenting the facts which are that this man has hitherto done nothing but squander Iran's self-respect and its resources and continue to do so.
All the people (in Iran) are shouting:" We want freedom; we want independence; we want a just government, an Islamic government." An Islamic government is a just government; this stealing will not take place in an Islamic government. If a correct, just government is brought into being, everything will be put right.
May God grant you His favor. May you be successful. May you be healthy and safe. Once again I ask your forgiveness for we do not have the room to offer you gentlemen, who have traveled here from a distance, proper hospitality. May God protect you all. God willing, you will be successful.
«۱»- Hard currency earnings from the export of oil and gas during a ten-year period, until the end of ۱۳۵۷ AHS [March ۱۹۷۸-March ۱۹۷۹] were constantly on the rise such that the ۱.۳ billion earned in ۱۳۴۹ AHS [۱۹۷۰-۷۱] rose to ۱۸.۱ billion in ۱۳۵۷ AHS [۱۹۷۸-۷۹]. However, misappropriation of these funds by the royal family and their uncontrolled squandering did not leave much money left for the government. For this reason, the government constantly complained of a budget deficit. «۲»- Lady Mary Leonora Sheil, in her book Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia describing her visit to the province of Azerbaijan, comments on the variation of grain cultivated in the villages and the abundance of wheat and barley fields. She describes Azerbaijan as an important province which in many aspects, among them the fertility of the region's soil, is better than the other provinces of Iran. She notes that although the region's agricultural products are the result of dry farming methods, the grain harvest is so profuse that every year a portion of it is exported to Georgia. Be that as it may, by ۱۹۶۹ [۱۳۴۷ AHS], the export of wheat from Iran had dropped to ۲۵۴ thousand tons, and in ۱۹۷۱ [۱۳۴۹ AHS] not only did Iran no longer export wheat, but it had to import supplies into the country. By ۱۹۷۸ [۱۳۵۶ AHS], the amount of imported wheat had reached ۱,۴۰۰,۰۰۰ tons! «۳»- In the past, one of Iran's main exports was live sheep. Jean Baptiste Tavernier, the French traveler and Orientalist who visited Iran in the ۱۷ th century, writes in his book:" Tabriz and Hamedan were once regions from which large flocks of sheep were sent to the bazaars of Istanbul and Adhanah. The supply of meat for Rumania and Anatolia usually came from Iran and in the months April-July, the roads were full of flocks of thousands of sheep. In addition to sheep, other animals were sold, among them camels which were sold to Anatolia and Armenia." With the Shah's `White Revolution' and `land reforms' however, Iran's farming and animal husbandry completely lost luster until the time came when the country's supply of meat was provided by Turkey, Adhanah and Bulgaria. «۴»- Four wars were fought between the Arabs and the Israelis, in ۱۹۴۸ [۱۳۲۷ AHS], ۱۹۵۶ [۱۳۳۵ AHS], ۱۹۶۷ [۱۳۴۶ AHS] and ۱۹۷۳ [۱۳۵۲ AHS]. Imam is referring to the ۱۹۴۸ war in which armed Zionists attacked the Palestinians, who had been disarmed by the British, forcing hundreds of thousands of them out of their homeland. Following this aggression, the ۲۱,۵۰۰- strong army of five Arab countries entered Palestine, but this small army was unable to do anything against the Zionists' ۶۵,۰۰۰- strong army. «۵»- In ۱۹۶۰ [۱۳۳۹ AHS], the Shah officially recognized the usurper Israeli government after having extended de facto recognition to the state since ۱۹۵۰. Following this, economic and military relations were set up between the two governments, although cooperation between Israel's MOSSAD and SAVAK began in the ۱۹۵۰ s. After a while, Israel's power and influence in Iran were such that it was able to install its friends in the country, among them members of the misguided Baha'i sect, in high positions in the governing body. In his speech of October ۲۴,۱۹۶۴ [Aban ۴,۱۳۴۳ AHS], Imam divulged these facts and disgraced the Iranian governing body to such an extent that the Shah, out of fear, issued the command for Imam's exile. «۶»- The oil wells of Iran were the most important source of Israeli oil and in return Iran was one of the markets for Israeli goods! Common ground existed between the two governments because of their run-ins with the Arabs and their antagonism toward Islam. Consequently, Israel was greatly alarmed at the prospect of a change in the regime in Iran and the coming to power of an Islamic government, more so because it predicted that if this happened the new regime in Iran would cut the flow of oil to Israel and would support the Palestinian struggle. The Israeli government had very close relations with the Shah and always took his side. On the secret relations which existed between Iran and Israel a Western writer states:" It is generally not known that every Israeli prime minister from David Ben Gurion to Menachem Begin went to Tehran during this period, as did many other leading Israeli figures such as Moshe Dayan and Yitzhak Rabin who traveled to Tehran in complete secrecy to discuss their common interests with their Iranian counterparts. A very close co-operation existed between the two countries. Iran was for Israel the most reliable supplier of its oil, and for its part Israel responded by helping Tehran in the fields of military training and by sharing to some extent intelligence gathered by its intelligence services and even by providing technical assistance." «۷»- The fertile, water-abundant lands of Qazvin were in the hands of the Israelis for creating modern farming corporations. All of the fertile lands of Khorasan province around the Bujnourd road to Mashhad were owned by Houjabre Yazdani who exploited those lands through his `Houjabre Yazdani Farming and Industry Company'. «۸»- In the ۶/۹/۷۸ [۱۵/۶/۵۷ AHS] issue of Kayhan it was written:" Why has Sardaroud province and its capital Damaq, which is also the most highly populated village of this region, remained in a situation reminiscent of fifty years ago. The population of Damaq twenty years ago reached seven thousand, now it has dropped to half that figure or even lower. In ۱۹۵۸ [۱۳۳۶ AHS], that is twenty years ago, this village had a high school, but no longer. Its hospital, which was operational until ۱۹۵۲[ ۱۳۳۰ AHS ], has been changed into a small clinic which has neither regular, round-the-clock doctors nor personnel who can truly answer the needs of the patients who come there from the surrounding villages. Throughout the whole of Sardaroud, with its fifty-six villages, the clinic in Damaq is the only one which is functioning. People from more than fifteen neighboring villages visit this clinic and most of them return empty-handed and without having benefited from their visit because of the great number of sick people and others who attend the clinic and the inability of the staff. In a province of this size, there is not one registered midwife. We are always witnessing unpleasant and distressing accidents." In the Ittila`at newspaper issued on ۶/۱۰/۷۸ [۱۵/۷/۵۷ AHS], we read:" The Shah's minister of health recognizes that the villagers lack any kind of health services and said... from the Aras River to the banks of the Persian Gulf, from the borders in the east to those in the west, twenty million villagers lack the most basic health care." «۹»- Authors have said that to determine precise statistics with regard to the land and property owned abroad by the Shah and his close relatives is by no means an easy task; and that moreover, a complete list of such possessions is not in fact available. A few examples of such possessions which were owned by the Shah are as follows: several hectares of land in Australia; several large islands in Italy owned by Farah (the Shah's wife); vast areas of the banks of Geneva Lake; four glorious places in the highly sought-after areas of Paris and Switzerland; the village of Saint Moritz; an entire ski slope and a winter palace in Switzerland; several large palaces in California, Texas and Florida. Refer to Mas`oud Ansari, Man va Khandan-e Pahlavi; Pas az Suqout; Husayn Fardoust, The Rise and Fall of the Pahlavi Dynasty; Kayhan newspaper, February ۲۵,۱۹۷۹; and William Shawcross, The Shah's Last Ride, the Fate of an Ally, to name but a few. «۱۰»- The Shah's elder sister Shams had a fabulous palace named `Pearl' constructed on the moorland of south Karaj. This palace was built with the help of the most esteemed of British architects and the land on which it stood was bedecked with a multitude of beautiful plants and trees. To the west of this palace SAVAK built `Qezel Hesar', one of the most modern prisons in the country.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 04 آذر 1357

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