شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Interview [Release of political prisoners]

Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Release of political prisoners
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۲۰۱ تا صفحه ۲۰۲
Interviewer: An American reporter of the UP
Question: [What do you think has happened in Iran today, particularly after the peaceful demonstrations «1» and the release of the political prisoners?]
Answer: The Iranian nation in their widespread demonstrations announced that they do not want the Shah. They announced officially and also issued resolutions and in these resolutions emphasized that they do not want the monarchical regime. Therefore, the Shah has not any legal status.
Q: [You have always said that the Shah must resign and you will continue your struggle until his resignation. What will you do after his resignation?]
A: Resignation does not make sense. He must abdicate, for he has not come to power on the basis of the people's vote to resign. He must abdicate. After his abdication, we will establish an Islamic Republic based on the people's vote and the Islamic law.
Q: [What will be the orientation of the government you intend to set up? Will complete return to Shi`i Islamic traditions be compatible with our century; for instance, with international relations and trade?]
A: I do not know what impact the propaganda of the foreign agents and those of the Shah have left on you that you call Islam, in its today'' prevailing sense, traditional. Islam has the most advanced of governments and the Islamic government has no opposition to civilization at all. Islam has been among the founders of great civilizations of the world. Any country implementing Islamic laws will be undoubtedly among the most progressive countries of the world. I hope that we will be able to prove this issue to the world by our victory. We will have friendly relations with all the countries while we preserve our independence.
Q: [Thousands of people demonstrated in the streets of Tehran, carrying your photos and raising slogans against the reign of the Shah. Have these demonstrations been successful, in your opinion?]
A: They have been very successful. Because through these demonstrations, they proved to the world, particularly to the United States, that the Shah's regime is illegal and he cannot be acknowledged at all. The Shah must go and has no other option.
Q: [There was no violence or rebellion in yesterday's demonstrations. Some people argue that the Shah has thus escaped from a storm. Do you agree with this idea?]
A: The greatest storm was yesterday's peaceful demonstration, for the Iranian people proved through these calculated demonstrations that they can control everything and at the same they do not want the Shah and demand his abdication. All should know that the Shah has no option, but to leave.
Q: [What kind of government will be established after the Shah has resigned? A great number of the American people think that the next government will be anti-American.]
A: The government will be an Islamic republic and it will not be against any government or country. If the United States treats this government in a humane manner and respects it, this government too will maintain mutual respect with it, like with other governments.
Q: [What guarantee can you give that Iran will sell oil to the United States after the Shah has gone?]
A: We won't give any guarantee, but the decision is ours and we want to sell our oil. If the US is a customer, we will sell our oil to it.
«۱»- People's demonstrations during the Tasou`a and `Ashoura.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 20 آذر 1357

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