شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Interview [Objective, establishment of the Islamic Republic; United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union as number one enemies]

Neauphle-le-Chateau, Paris, France
Objective, establishment of the Islamic Republic; United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union as number one enemies
جلد ۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۳۴۶ تا صفحه ۳۴۷

Addressees: A reporter of the German Channel 1 Television
Question: [If a government, headed by Bakhtiyar is formed and the Shah agrees to leave Iran even temporarily, will you support such a government?]
Answer: I will not accept any government with the existence of the monarchical regime. Our objective is to form an Islamic Republic and given the present situation, it is clearer than the sun for me that we will attain it in the near future.
Q: [Foreign observers have witnessed some flexibility in your policy last week. Do you think that the economic problems will be enough to overthrow the Shah's regime? Or, do you think that other violent measures should be pursued?]
A: It seems that these struggles are enough to dethrone the Shah.
Q: [Some American experts in Iran feel that the reports given to the American officials about Iran had been wrong and these mistakes stem from the lack of contact with the opponents of the Shah. Does this issue stem from the US overemphasis on the strategic and political situation of Iran or from the deep cultural differences between the two countries?]
A: In any case, it surprises me that the US administration claims that a mistake has occurred or claims that it did not have any contact! A powerful government like the US Administration has probably had comprehensive contacts with the American figures in Iran and has watched all the aspects. Perhaps this mistake of Carter is like that of the Shah's claim of having committed a mistake.
Q: [The foreign newspapers have reported here that the Iranians hate the Americans and the British; is it right or wrong? What is the reason for this hatred?]
A: It is exactly correct! The American and British governments have so pressured our nation and acknowledged criminal figures that gradually this hatred has developed among our nation. Of course the Soviet Union is not less than them. I have frequently recommended them to give up their support for the government and the Shah and that they should not do something that causes the pessimism of the Iranian nation about the American and British nations who have kept silent against the policies of their governments. For the time being we consider the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union our number one enemy; of course, the United States is worse than others.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 16 دی 1357

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