شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Recognizing socio-political and ideological aspects of Hajj- duties of Muslims]

Upcoming of Hajj Time
Recognizing socio-political and ideological aspects of Hajj- duties of Muslims
Muslims of Iran and the world
جلد ۱۰ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۱۲ تا صفحه ۱۱۳
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
"Cling to God's rope and not get dispersed" «1»
Greeting to all Muslims around the world from the east to the west. Salutation to the pilgrims of Ka`bah! There is no need to mention that Islam is a monotheistic religion, which fights against blasphemy, worshiping idols and selfishness.
Islam conforms to human nature; the faith frees human beings from the shackles of nature and temptations of demons both outward and inward. It is the religion of the politics of cities and leads people to the straight path independent from the east and the west. It is a religion whose politics is mixed with its worship and its policy is to worship God. Now that Muslims from around the world are heading toward Ka`bah and Hajj and this great precept is going to be fulfilled in a holy place and time, Muslims should make use of its political content besides its ritual and social message. Everybody knows that holding such a massive congress is impossible by any official or government. It is God's order to hold such a great gathering, which is unfortunately not used to the benefit of Muslims. Such gatherings in general and Hajj in particular have political dimensions of which one could be discussing the Muslims' basic and political problems through sessions whose participants are clerics, intellectuals and those who are committed to Islam and resolving those problems on their way back to their countries. One of the responsibilities in this gathering is to call Muslims and Islamic nation to unity and to bridge their differences. This duty lies mostly with orators, speakers and writers. They must try to create a front so that Muslims might get free from demonic colonial powers through unison and the slogan of" there is no God but God" and conquer their problems through Islamic brotherhood.
Dear sisters and brothers! Defend your Islamic and national prestige in any country; resist your enemies i.e. US, international Zionism and the superpowers and defend Islamic nations and countries fearlessly; reveal the oppressions of the enemies of Islam.
My dear brothers and sisters! You all know that the eastern and western superpowers are taking our material and spiritual property away and keep us in poverty and dependent in terms of politics, economics, culture and military. Come to your sense and find your Islamic character. Do not succumb to oppression. Intelligently disclose the sinister plots of the world imperialists with the US on top.
Today, Muslims' first Kiblah «2» has fallen into the hands of Israel, the malignant Middle East cancerous tumor, killing our Palestinian and Lebanese brothers with full force. Israel makes use of all demonic means to cause disunion. Every Muslim must get equipped against Israel. Today, African Muslim countries are under the yoke of America and its agents and other strangers. Today, Africa should raise its innocent voice. They are now crying out submissively. Hajj should today respond to this innocent outcry. Moving around Ka`bah signifies that you should not rely on anything other than God. Throwing stone at `Aqabah «3» implies repelling human and genie Satan. Through stoning, you promise God to ward satanic superpowers off the Islamic countries. The Islamic world has been captured by America. I want you to take the divine message urging Muslims around the world not to serve anybody other than God.
O, World Muslims and followers of the monotheistic ideology! Difference and disharmony is the cause of all problems with which Islamic countries wrestle. The secret of victory lies in unity of expression and harmony. God the Exalted says," Cling to God's rope and not get dispersed." "Cling to God's rope" is a call for harmony among all Muslims. Every Muslim should avoid dispersion and grouping for the sake of Islam. Dispersion is the root of all misery and backwardness. I implore God to grant dignity to Islam and Muslims and unity of expression to Muslims of the world.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
«۱»- Sourah Al-e `Imran ۳:۱۰۳. «۲»-Al-Aqsa Mosque. «۳»- Stoning.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 07 مهر 1358

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