شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Speech [Describing rightfulness and its outcomes - keeping track of Gospel truth]

Describing rightfulness and its outcomes - keeping track of Gospel truth
Members of the Islamic Society of Tehran's wireless telecom staff
جلد ۱۰ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۴۳ تا صفحه ۱۴۵
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

Gospel Truth is the victor

You said gospel truth is the victor. And we are victors as long as we are in line with the gospel truth and the creedal error is defeated. And one will be defeated as long as he is in line with the creedal error. Confrontation of gospel truth and creedal error in our time put a stamp of proof on this view, the nation was right and those who were against the nation were wrong. Although the creedal error seekers were armed to the teeth, the gospel truth people who were not equipped with arms but with faith and truth won in the end, then the gospel truth, the fact that we witnessed. You were right because you wanted Islam and despised blasphemy, plundering and oppression. Those who confronted you by supporting the regime were wrong. You conquered great local and foreign powers and their dependents from among writers and speakers, and military men with the power of 'God is the Greatest'. And the gospel truth always wins. However, we must be careful to move in the right direction.
Our nation launched a revolution whose members were all strata of people from men and women, and children and adults who took to the streets and won over the creedal error through the voice of right and firm will for seeking the gospel truth. If you keep on the right track, you will be the winner. And if, God forbid, you deviate from the right direction, the gospel truth is still the winner, but you are no longer right. The principle of" right is winner" is always right.
Moses (s) conquered Pharaoh with a stick. The holy Prophet Muhammad (s) was empty-handed, with few supporters with no accoutrements. They did not even have dwelling place. There was a group called "Suffah companions" who had no dwelling, nothing, and stayed in mosque as their domicile. Every several of them had a sword and that what a sword, which they hung with date fiber round their waist. Every several of them had one horse or camel. Nevertheless, they were right and right is triumphant. This few people overpowered the empires of Rome and Persia that had all habitable lands under their sway. Small in number, but right and treasuring faith, they proceeded with faith.

Rightfulness of being Islamic in all aspects

We are the winner as long as we are right. Being right requires being Islamic: Having Islamic beliefs and adapting one's behavior to Islam and strengthening one's faith. If we did so, we would be right; and the gospel truth is the victor. We are the winner whether we win or lose in the battlefield because our school is right and victorious. Try to follow the right direction.

Day of withdrawal from the Truth, day of defeat

The day when you saw us, God forbid, facing defeat, be it known that we are drifting away from the Truth. This revolution advanced; all are united; no one minds what one has, what one earns, what kind of office one has and how one's business is. At the time when they were taking to the streets in face of the tanks and cannons, they never thought of returning home or being concerned about one's bed and supper. Many were not also taking supper. You were only thinking of making the Truth victorious over falsehood. It was the Truth that you made victorious. Now that, thank God, you have acquired a relative victory and you have acquired power in your hand, you should be thinking of implementing the Truth. If the powerful at this time wants to take a step with its power and not consider the Truth, this will become falsehood, and falsehood is bound to perish in face of the Truth.

Inclination to Truth and spiritual transformation of the youth

Think of the fact that this revolution, to the extent that it has advanced, came to existence through the expression of Truth, through the inclination to Truth, and through the transformation in our youth, both men and women, who used to wish for martyrdom. And now they also do the same and some women come and say," Pray that we may be martyred" and some of the brothers say," pray that we will become martyrs." This spiritual and mental transformation that took place in our nation- all its classes- and that everybody were pursuing a single issue and that was the Islamic Republic- that brought victory, for it was the Truth and the Truth is triumphant. You should preserve this. I thank you, for when I was in Paris, the telecommunications employees helped us a lot. They were relaying and transmitting my statements everywhere in spite of the fact at that time everything was under their influence and control. I am so much thankful of them, and they have a great share in our victory and their victory, but this issue should be preserved- wherever you are, wherever we are. The work that we are doing, that work should be a work for Truth. Let us look for the Truth; let us not look for a job whose benefit is plenty do a work whose fame is many. All of these benefits and these fames will perish. That which will remain is the Truth. Exert effort to preserve this Truth; and advance this revolution with the group and the Truth. I hope that this Truth will be preserved and that all of you will be successful and triumphant. I wish you will advance this revolution and bring it to victory, God willing. May God keep all of you healthy and protect you and guide you and us to the path of Truth. May peace be upon you all, God willing!
«۱»- In Sahifeh-ye Nour, the date is mentioned as ۱۱/۷/۱۳۵۸ AHS.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 10 مهر 1358

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