شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Decision about the American spies, Return of the Shah]

Heart Hospital, Tehran
Decision about the American spies, Return of the Shah
The Nation, the government and the President of Iran
جلد ۱۲ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۴۰ تا صفحه ۱۴۱
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
The crimes of the deposed Shah are not a thing that could be forgotten by the nation. All are aware that Muhammad-Rida Pahlavi made us dependent
on America in all respects- not only economically and politically but also culturally and militarily, even morally and in the dimension of human habits and usages.
Had he stayed a little longer, he would have struck an irreparable and irretrievable blow to Islam. All know that their hands- father's and son's- are soiled with the blood of the people- the old and the young- of this land.
Collective murders, imprisonments, torture, expulsions were usual and ordinary day-to-day occurrences of the regime established by this wicked man. Shah committed these wild crimes on the hope of having America's support. He destroyed the integrity of our nation.
The nation of Iran shall not stop its campaign against this filthy family and America and its elements.
The government of Iran and the president should exert their efforts in bringing back the Shah and the wealth he took. The nation shall not give in nor does it give up its rightful demands.
One of the signs and symptoms of this demand is the occupation of the Den of Espionage. This had met the approval of the nation. This is the reaction to the crimes of America. It cannot be something other than this. Now an investigation commission is appointed by the president and the Revolutionary Council to look into the crimes of America and its intervention into the internal affairs of the country through the tyrant regime of Shah. It is likely that all the facts surrounding this matter to come to the light.
On that day our dear disabled ones, the heroes of revolution should be present in the court to read out the record of the crimes of Shah, and America, in the trial.
As I have told several times, we demand the return of the Shah and the property and wealth of the nation from him. The Muslim students, the campaigners, who have occupied the Den of Espionage, have brought down fatal blows on the skeleton of America the world hungry. They have uplifted the honor of the nation. Very soon the parliament will resume its first session. The case of the students rests upon the representatives of the people who will go to meet soon. They will have to settle this case concerning their freedom and advantage that could be drawn from. So now it rests upon their decision and determination.
People should have the right to have roles in the affairs of their country. In the meantime till the session of the parliament, the Revolutionary Council and the president are responsible to try and endeavor to bring back Shah and the nation's wealth along with him by preparing the necessary political ground in this respect.
I pray for the victory of Islam and the defeat of its enemies.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 04 اسفند 1358

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