شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Need to mobilize the world Muslims to promote Islam]

Jamaran, Tehran
Auspicious feast of Qurban (sacrifice)
Need to mobilize the world Muslims to promote Islam
جلد ۱۵ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، صفحه ۲۳۹
Addressees: Iranian nation, Muslims of the world
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
I extend my congratulation to the Iranian nation and the Muslims of the world on the feast of Qurban which is one of the biggest feasts in Islam and- the tryst of the great prophets from Ibraham to Muhammad (s) - the founders of monotheism and justice and the leaders of the right path of servitude to God. I implore the Exalted God to wake up the Muslims of the world in order to set up the tradition of the great prophets; mobilize them to attain the goal of the prophets, who sacrificed their sons and beloved ones for it so as to hoist the banner of monotheism all over the world and to severe the hands of the superpowers from the Islamic and oppressed countries. In this year, this feast is more blessed for all Muslims because on its threshold the pharaoh of Egypt «1» departed in the direction of the pharaohs. It is more blessed for Iranians because the evil forces of Saddam and the devils associated with America are on the verge of disintegration and decadence.
I congratulate all Muslims and the dear Iranian nation on their successive victories and wish you all health and happiness. I hope that with the appointment of the president of the republic «2» and effort of all organizations the problems of Iran will be resolved.
May God's peace be upon His righteous servants.
«۱»- It refers to assassination of Anwar Sadat (President of Egypt) by Khalid Islambuli and and his fellow Egyptian Muslim fighters. «۲»- On the day when the above message was issued ۱۷/۷/۱۳۶۰ AHS there was a ceremony in the presence of Imam Khomeini to confirm the presidency of Mr. Sayyad `Ali Khamene'i, who had been by the Iranian people in the election held on Mehr ۱۰,۱۳۶۰, following the martyrdom of Mr. Raja'i.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 17 مهر 1360

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