شناسه مطلب صحیفه
نمایش نسخه چاپی

Message [Martyrdom of ten `ulama' and clerics of the house of Mr. Hakim and martyrdom of innocent ones in blasts in Lebanon]

Jamaran, Tehran
Martyrdom of ten `ulama' and clerics of the house of Mr. Hakim and martyrdom of innocent ones in blasts in Lebanon
Iraqi people, members of the house of Mr. Hakim and Lebanese people
جلد ۱۹ صحیفه امام خمینی (ره)، از صفحه ۱۶۰ تا صفحه ۱۶۱
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
We are from God and to Him shall we return
The big disaster of the martyrdom of 10 `ulama' and respected sadat (descendents of the Prophet) of the house of the late Ayatullah (Sayyid Muhsin) Hakim (May God be pleased with him) by the criminal `Aflaqi regime of Iraq «1» caused great regret and sorrow, adding a page to the crimes committed by the wicked Saddam who is not committed to any human principle. We do not expect this criminal who has dwarfed Mongols with this type of crimes. A blood-thirsty man whose hand is stained in the blood of innocent people of Iraq and Iran is not expected to do other than this. It is not amazing to see this uncultured clique destroying the cities of Iran every day on the innocent `Arab and Persian residents be they women, men, children, young and old. It is not surprising to find that they torture the innocent prisoners be they Iraqi and Iranian in their torture chambers in contravention of international rules. Such acts are the disposition of Satan and the devious bEasts of prey. One is amazed at those who falsely claim to be upholders of human rights encouraging these criminals for such acts across the world and providing them with help in armaments and propaganda. Our amazement is with the vast and elaborate international organizations that support them occasionally with their words or silence. Oppressed nations should not pin their hope on them and know that they are at the service of bullies and powerful people, while superpowers seek nothing but their own interests. It is these oppressed people who should rise up against oppressors and criminals. They should not fear any power by trusting God, for curtailing the hands of tyrants. The noble people of Iraq should join the people of Iran, Lebanon and Palestine, depriving the `Aflaqites and the Zionists and their sympathizers of comfortable sleep and straiten the world for them. The powerful armed forces of Iran have slapped Saddam on his black face so that he is flouncing and committing any crime, setting fire to generation and tillage. God willing, in opportune time he will receive the final slap and the dear (nation of) Iraq and Iran will be rescued from his evil presence.
I condole the Iraqi people and the honourable family of the late Ayatullah Hakim (may God's peace be upon him) and his brave son, Hujjat al-Islam Sayyid Muhammad Baqir Hakim, on this tragic event and other calamities that have befallen the noble people of Iraq. I also extend my condolence to the Lebanese people, particularly the prominent `ulama' on the disasters of the recent blasts resulting in martyrdom and injury of a large number of our dear brothers and sisters, seeking mercy for all martyrs in the cause of God, particularly the recent martyrs of Iraq and Lebanon.
Finally, it should be noted that these blind-hearted people who are negligent of all except for material and sensual desires, have not understood our noble nation and imagine that with martyrdom of our dear children they can dissuade or discourage them from the path they have selected; that is, the dear Islam.
The great people of Iran in the past few years have been suffering from the crimes committed by the East and the West and are losing their dear ones but they will continue with their path in any cruel blast and savage attack in the most courageous manner. These enemies have not seen that the brave mothers and fathers of Iran pull out their children and apples of their eyes from under the debris and cry out" war, war until victory". They demand retaliation from the officials and from the combatants at this warfronts to continue the war. God's greeting is upon the brave and believing people who die but never compromises or yield.
I beseech God Almighty to grant mercy to the Iranian martyrs who were killed by the Iraqi Ba`thist criminals in the past few days, I also pray for cure and health of the wounded ones, resistance, patience and reward for their families, and victory and steadfastness for the combatants of Islam.
May God's peace and mercy be upon all the prophets, especially the master and the seal of them, an upon all awsiya'- May God's peace be upon him- and the seal of awsiya', and peace be upon the righteous servants of God.
Rouhullah al-Mousawi al-Khomeini
Isfand 18,1363 AHS/Jamadi ath-Thani 16,1405 AH
«۱»- On Isfand ۱۸,۱۳۶۳ AHS the shocking news report of the massacre of tens of distinguished `ulama' of Najaf Theological Seminary most of whom were of the honorable household of Grand Ayautullah Sayyid Muhsin Hakim (the late prominent Shi`ah marja`) was released.

امام خمینی (ره)؛ 18 اسفند 1363

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